Media Server :: Latency Is Coming In Fms4 Peer To Peer Communication

Nov 17, 2010

I am developing peer to peer video conference application with FMS4 but there is some latency problem.

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Dec 22, 2010

We developed one video chat application in which one user can chat communicate with anohter user. Latency is coming on one side in peer to peer connection.

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Media Server :: What Determines When Peer Might Switch To Another Peer

Jan 30, 2012

When running a peer-assisted multicast video event, what determines when a peer might switch to another peer?What I'm asking is that a peer joins the group, is handed a few peers that may be decent cadidates to pull the video stream from.They start pulling that stream from peer1 and if they can't connect (or I assume if the connection is terrible) they will try the next peer.What if I want the peer to give up (and try another peer) if the quality of the stream coming from a peer is not terrible but is not great either.Is that configurable?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Peer To Peer In Flash, Is Java The Answer

Aug 31, 2011

One workaround for this seems to be very briefly using a server to authenticate and setup a peer to peer connection, such as Adobe Cirrus. Another workaround is simply not using peer-to-peer, and instead setting up a dedicated server using Java or PHP to communicate between users.

It seems to me, that if you can use Java on a server to communicate between two users, shouldn't you be able to use Java in your program to directly handle peer-to-peer communications, no server needed?

And, if it's at least theoretically possible, would someone mind pointing me to a good tutorial on integrating Flash and Java, and using Java to do peer-to-peer? The tutorials and examples I've managed to find so far on both subjects haven't been very illuminating.

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P2p - Using Flash Peer To Peer To Share Files?

Apr 21, 2011

I am trying to implement the actionscript program described at this address. It lets two flash client connect to the cirrus service and share a file using the flash peer to peer facilities.

The problem is that I would like to display a progress bar to the downloading client for long files. There does not seem to be any progress-type event been triggered by data sent by NetStream.Send. This particular function appears to have been created by adobe to send tiny update and meta-data code.

Is there a way to display a progress bar of downloaded data when using a netstream object?

The alternative would be to break the data into small packets and send them individually; then increment the progress bar as they are received by the client. Unfortunately this creates a lot of overhead for the simple problem of displaying a progress bar.

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May 6, 2011

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Media Server :: Disable RTMFP Peer Introduction Services On FMDS4?

Oct 23, 2010

I've installed FLASH MEDIA DEVELOPMENT SERVER 4 for testing. I wonder if there is a way to disable Stratus/Cirrus peer introduction services included in this version of FMS, because I need to simulate Flash Media Interactive Server 4 (not the Enterprise version) to adjust my application properly for cheaper solution.I am using NetStream.DIRECT_CONNECTIONS and I want to test, what are the differences of usage and how to do it right, even implement a fallback, when no peer introduction services are working on the server.

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I am developing a video system using the peer-assisted networking of FMS. but when I have published video successed, I can't receive the video at some endpoint.


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Flex :: RTMFP Direct Peer-to-peer Connection Working On Windows XP / But Not On Windows 7

Mar 1, 2012

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These applications can connect and send message to each other without a problem on Windows XP. On Windows 7 however, they cannot.Does anyone know why this wouldn't work on Windows 7 and what steps can be taken to make it work? It's critical to our project that this works.In some cases, the applications take quite a long time to detect each other as neighbors (up to 15 seconds in some cases), in other cases they detect each other immediately. Does anyone know what could cause this delay?

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Media Server :: Errors When Attempting To Use BitmapData.draw() On A Peer-enabled Stream?

Sep 17, 2010

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SecurityError: Error #2123: Security sandbox violation: BitmapData.draw: 5.swf cannot access


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Flash - Adobe Cirrus: Deliver A Chunk Of Data To A Single Peer With Known Id?

Jun 17, 2011

Adobe Cirrus offers a number of options for transferring data from peer to peer: Directed Routing, Object Replication and Multicasting to name a few.I just want to send the data to one specific peer, its fine for other peers to 'see' it in transit.

My experiments with Directed Routing (the obvious answer) have not gone well. all the sendto... methods fail, while works fine on the same netgroup. I am concerned about using direct connections because of reliability.

Has anyone successfully implemented a one to one messaging strategy (not one to many), which can still message between non-connected peers - (Directed Routing) or solved this problem successfully?

I am considering various workarounds, but I am quite perplexed that these NetGroup methods: sendToNearest, sendToNeighbour & sendToAllNeighbours just seem to fail, for no apparent reason.

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Mar 30, 2012

'URL missing from Media tag' on FMS4.5 HTTP Live Stream playback.I have spent a whole day trying in vain to publish f4m live http streams from FMLE using FMS 4.5, and almost everything I try results in the error .The F4M document contains errors URL missing from Media both Flash Media Playback and the fms videoPlayer app.Other people seem to have seen this and solved it, but I've found nothing that helps. I have tried to publish a single stream, and with multiple bitrates. For the latter, I followed the Adobe video tutorial as follows:

Multiple bitrate live
I'm publishing 3 streams from FMLE, using
FMS URL: rtmp://[serveraddress]/livepkgr[code]..........

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Nov 9, 2010

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var flashvars = {};            <!-- Add manifest file location e.g. flashvars.manifest = "manifest.f4m"; -->            flashvars.manifest = "manifest.f4m";            <!-- Enable debugging -->            <!-- flashvars.debug = "true"; -->            <!-- Adjust buffer time&#160; - default is 4 seconds -->            <!-- flashvars.bufferTime = "10.0";  

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Media Server :: Lower Latency Via The Client?

Sep 29, 2009

Is a latency of 94 - 109 high or low....if its high how do I lower it via the client I don't have control over the server at this point in time.

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Media Server :: Settings For Audio Latency

Oct 21, 2010

I can't find the setttings for have a least latency as possible, either the video quality is bad or the latency is up than 5 secondes...What should i do?


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Media Server :: Make Recording Into The Flash And Fms4?

Oct 11, 2010

I have developed an application with fms3.5.3 and there is some latency problem so my client is looking peer to peer communication "FMS4" with video recording, how is it possible

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Media Server :: Send Webcamera Stream To FMS4 By UDP?

Nov 7, 2010

How can i send webcamera stream to FMS4 by UDP. i need the UDP speed and the server ability to save the audio/video confirence

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Media Server :: Multicastplayer.html That Ships With FMS4?

Dec 16, 2010

The player that ships with FMS4 seems to be the only player that works for IP Multicast in FMS4. Does anyone know where it's source code lives? I've tried RealEyes and StrobeMedia sample players but those are not working on a Mac


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Media Server :: FMS4 On Win2008r2 Can't Record Audio?

Jan 31, 2011

I have problems recording audio using FMS4 on Windows 2008 R2.I have an old server, it's a Windows XP with FMS 3.0.2 that is working perfectly but now we're upgrading the server to Windows 2008 R2 with FMS4.I'm trying on my developpen enviroment with FMS4 Developper Version (Trial).Using the same program (AS3) to record audio that works on my old server.

I got this traces on Flash: NetStream.Record.NoAccessNetStream.Buffer.EmptyNetStream.Buffer.EmptyNetStream.Buffer.Empty

This are my settings after intalling.Port 1935 (didn't add port 80 because it's being use by IIS).Set "LIVE_DIR = C:Program FilesAdobeFlash Media Server 4webrootlive_recorded" on "C:Program FilesAdobeFlash Media Server 4conffms.ini

Set the "applications" folder's permission to "Everyone" to "Full control"Diabled Firewall

Even tried setting the "Flash Media Server 4" folder's permission to "Everyone" to "Full control".

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Media Server :: FMS4 And HTML5 Failback / Where Should Files Go?

Jun 15, 2011

I have recently purchase and insalled FMS4.I have created several .FLV video files and (.MP4 h264 files for failback for those who would like to view the videos from iOS devices).I have the .FLV files working great on the streaming player (Longtail) using RTMP.My player allows for a failback to .MP4 version of the video for 'Progressive Download' and 'Download'.I understand that HTML5 will not work with RTMP.Is there a way to house these .MP4 files on the FMS and serve them using HTTP from the FMS?Is there an area within FMS that allows HTTP serving?I read something awhile back about setting up Apache Server HTTP to serve the videos.Is this feasble or I'm I better off just putting the files on my web server and linking to them there?Can someone give me some advice on best practices when using failback for HTML5 videos in cases where flash in not available?

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Media Server :: FMS4 Record Stream App Generate 1kb Flv

Jun 20, 2011

i've done an as3 application that record a video stream (webcam) with fms4. The problem is that the files generated have a weight of only 1kb.[code]

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Media Server :: Change The Default Port 80 For Fms4.5 Hls?

Dec 16, 2011

i have a iis need 80 port so how to change default port 80 in fms4.5

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Media Server :: Installed FMS4 In A Different Port Number, But Its Not Working?

Oct 29, 2010

Parden me if this question was asked earlier. While installing FMS i have entered the port numbers 1935,100  instead of normal 1935,80 as i already have wamp in my default port 80, but when i try to call the localhost url, both the port [URL]..

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Media Server :: Activate FMS4 AMI ( Amazon Machine Image )?

Dec 15, 2010

I just set up a new copy of the official Adobe Amazon Machine Image for FMS4.One show stopper: it seems to require a license key in fms.ini, just like any other FMS4 install.The master log file has "invalid license key" in it. We tried giving it the "Activation key" no dice.There's a license directory in /opt/adobe/fms with 3 .bin files.We tried entering the path to that directory for the license no dice.The docs don't say anything about it.I've spent over 3 hours being transferred around Adobe and listening to elevator music(code).........

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Media Server :: Error - Logging Into Admin Console - FMS4

Jan 20, 2011

We can't login to the Admin Console. After we enter credentials and click login. Error message comes up. "A script in this movie is causing Adobe Flash Player 10 to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive. Do you want to abort the script? "if we say no, it comes back. If we say yes it aborts script but we never login to admin console.

FMS is running fine, it just seems to be the flash movie that can't open. We have set it up to allow each website we are running to have its own application. since we have 1500+ applications running, we think this might be the issue. Can someone let us know if there is a application limit per server running FMS and/or should we take the 1500 websites and have them all share the same application?

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Media Server :: Video Delay Continuously Increasing Latency?

Jun 3, 2010

I'v made an application with all the default codec and settings provided by adobe to publish live video using FMS. I've made two swfs one is for publishing live video and the other is for viewing the published stream (telecast). When I'm publishing the live video on My laptop using the default web Cam and mic attached to the Dell laptop then after 2- 3 minutes delay on the telecast side start increasing and it keep on increasing continuously .At the same time when I use my desktop PC by attaching external Web Cam and mic to publish, delay on my Telecast side is consistent ,it never increase. I found the problem is with the Laptop's mic. Can anybody please suggest me why it is happening, and is there any solution to it.

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Media Server :: Reduce Audio And Video Latency In Flash?

Sep 22, 2010

We have one functionality in which one user can communicate with the other user at the same time through flash media server3.5. In this fucnitonality we are catching stream from both end through camera and pass it to flash media server. On FMS side this streams gets stored also we are displaying those recorded flv files side by side to the corresponding user so that they can communicate with each other. In this situation we are facing a video and audio latency upto 1.5 to 2 sec.

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Media Server :: Possible To Use Video Phone (Cirrus Sample Application) With FMS4?

Jun 24, 2011

is it possible to use Video Phone (Cirrus Sample Application) with FMS4?It seems to be possible because in Video Phone source can be found these text: rtmfp server address (Adobe Cirrus or FMS)[Bindable] private var connectUrl:String [code]

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