The slideshow template that comes with Flash 8 is okay but I would like some more. I have google on the internet but it is all spam sites and people wanting to sell me programs to make slideshows.
I just got Flash CS4.i think it is supposed to have several categories of templates.I only have the advertising category. How can I get the standard Adobe CS4 sample templates, like the photo slideshow? I cannot find anyplace on the [url]... site for template downloads.
Just trying to get into Flash and although i can now make simple flash viedo's with changing pictures etc. I have just bought a new website template. But what i am after for the header is a flash video where there are tabs which when you scroll over them the tab enlarges. Hard to explain but please have a look at the websites below and you will see what i mean. where i can purchase a template to do this. [URL]
My sample templates are missing, all that shows now are Cateregory: Advertising and different size banners. I searched my harddrive and found the rood folder where they are stored but only the folder for Advertising exist. I haven't deleted anything, so could it have been a glitch at installation, I had startup problems with Flash constantly crashing at the splash screen and finally had to uninstall and reinstall. Running WinXP SP3.
I was asked to do a work plan for a simple flash based game, problem is I've never done anything like this, I googled and read about it but I just wanted to ask in the forums first to be %100 sure before I start writing. Besides the project's schedule, what does the work plan also include, bear in mind that this is for a simple flash game project?
I am having trouble creating editable Video player Templates in Flash Pro. cs5 and Flash Catalyst.By editable I mean, other users can edit the video templates and upload and play their videos with it.
This seems like it should be MUCH simpler than it is turning out to be: I have made a custom template in Flash CS4. I want to share it with a colleague. The obvious solution, I would think, would be to COPY the template file from my hard drive, and provide it to my colleague.
However, I have looked high and low, and CANNOT FIND WHERE USER TEMPLATES ARE STORED on my hard drive. I have found the Adobe-provided templates that are included with the product (the "Advertising" templates) at Program Files>Adobe>Adobe Flash CS4>en>Configuration>Templates>Advertising; but MY CUSTOM TEMPLATES are not in the Templates directory.
I have also looked in My Documents, and run several searches on my hard drive, but still cannot find the location of my custom templates. Surely they are SOMEPLACE on my hard drive, as they are available from the Splash page every time I boot up Flash CS4.
I tried to create some, such as "Drag and Drop" or "True and False." However, the instructions weren't adequate. I couldn't figure out what Adobe was telling me to do. I went online to Adobe, and tried to find tutorials.It seems, to me, that there Quiz Learning Interactions are included only in the version of Flash CS5 that comes with the e-Learning suite.
I'm at the verge of starting a (for me) very complicated project and I am confused about in what way I should setup my code.EXPERIENCE:- I've been programming AS2 for almost 7 years now- Finally switched to AS3 a year ago- Have beworking with the PureMVC framework in my last couple projects nowPROJECT DESCRIPTION:I have to make several templates for a dynamic quiz game.+ Information about the quizzes comes from a database+ quizzes can have different kind of question and there are also other types of screens (information, video, etc)+ All quizzes are dynamic and therefor different+ there have to be several different templates (design, animations and dimensions)MY PROBLEM:I don't really know how to tackle the different templates in the right way.I want all the templates to make use of the same basic code, but only look different (design, transitions and dimensions) terefor I think I should use a MVC pattern.But how do I implement it in such a way that I:- can have 3 different templates- add extra features to the source code without needing to update all the templates- easily add other templates when neededI'm a bit stuck in the MVC way if thinking (which is quite complex for me).
- Do I need to create different sf's = SWFs for every template (and thus the need to update them all for every new feature we implement)- Or should I use a core template, on which I can expand a new "skin" by dynamically loading a theme-swf?
So I just built a site using Flash 5 when I try to publish my site it tells me that there are "No Valid HTML Templates Available to Complete This Action." HOW TO SOLVE IT?
I'm currently learning flash (slowly), where everything is taking me a quite while to do! But I'm learning it for my job where eventually I will have to update some templates, and was hoping someone could advise how long this would take an experienced flash person to complete;The animation features a car flying in from left hand side, then three lines of text dropping down on the right hand side, one after another.How long would it take to amend this basic template - animation remains the same but car image is different and text is different.
when I go to publish my file or even try to click on publish settings ...I get an error stating 'No valid HTML Templates are available to complete this operation'e figure out where I need to place some files to fix this? I might have deleted some important files in the system.
Has anyone here used VAST on their custom players? I'm trying to find a discussion on it but I'm not able to find anything.I did read some info on the http:[url]... website but they don't explain much about integrating with custom players.
im developing a flash presentation using a default flash mx pro template,,, i need to add a menu but i can't change between slides.. im using a button with the next script:[code]
I have created a pie preloader( which is working fine. Same preloader I am trying to incorporate in a xml based slideshow( to show image loading process but some how I got stuck. I am new to flash. Suggestions are welcome.
1. How to solve the problem of preloader2. Is it possible to integrate everything in a movie clip (including AS). I mean no AS on main time line but inside the movie clip. It would be much easier then to to create multiple slideshows by duplicating mc and changing the xml file.
i have a question about text in a slideshow. i know how to make a basic photo slideshow with external images. but now what i want to do is add 4-5 paragraphs of text next to each photo (with possible scrolling). the text will be different on each photo.
Why does test movie open a new window in the IDE instead of compiling? And when I try Publish Settings I get 'No Valid HTML Templates are available to complete this operation'.
I've been using flash8 on my computer without any problems since I've purchased it, until now. Suddenly I'm getting this error message when trying to publish. (it won't let me get to the publish settings)"No Valid HTML Templates are available to complete this operation".I've already reinstalled without any success, and have scoured the internet for a solution. It seems others have had this problem in the past but no one has a logic answer on how to fix this. So I come to you, I know my version is dated and not an actual Adobe product, but it was working fine.
im developing a flash presentation using a default flash mx pro template,,, i need to add a menu but i can't change between slides.. im using a button with the next script:
How to change the default templates in Flex? Maybe even add your own? It's just so tedious to have to rearrange, replace and copy/paste everything for each new project, if you want to use swfobject for instance, or if you just prefer a different folder structure.