ActionScript 2.0 :: Use "user Defined Templates" In Flash And Load Data From Xml In It Accordingly
Sep 25, 2009
Here is the basic structure of my xml code:
Now what i want to do is,
1. create some templates in Flash CS3 <!--i want to learn -->
2. use actionscript 2.0 for coding
3. read nodes from xml <!-- i know how to do this -->
a. read the template type of the screen <!-- i know how to do this -->
b. for a particular screen on flash, load the template (made in 1) onto stage <!--i want to learn -->
c. read data from xml file <!-- i know how to do this -->
d. load the data onto template in flash. <!--i want to learn -->
I want to do this because i think re-using will make my application size smaller.
Can I do this?
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