Performance :: Internet Speed Test App From AS3
Feb 13, 2012
I need to create a internet speed test application in Actionscript 3.0, like Speed Test. I need to calculate:
1. Download speed
2. Upload speed
3. Latency (Round Trip Time)
4. Jitter
5. Packet loss
6. Network availability
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Sep 12, 2011
this is what i'm trying to accomplish; With a click on a movieclip (cannon_mc)a shot is being fired (ball_mc)
The longer mouse is down, the speed of wich the ball is fired with should increase.My question to you is;
What is the most efficient way to accomplish this? With a timer or something like this;
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Nov 11, 2009
Steps to reproduce my problem:Create simple dot DisplayObject in flash color); 0, 0, 2 );;
Draw dot to bitmap many times a frame
bitmapData.draw( dot, null, null, "normal", null, _smoothing );
Test FrameRate in combination of browsers,flash plugin versions on Win32
Framerate to be close in most cases
I am seeing a 25% decrease in framerate under IE7 using Flash10b.ocx(10.0.22) and 50% decrease in framerate using Flash10c.ocx(10.0.32). PLugins under FireFox, Safari and in Mac OSX don't exhibit the same slowdown.
I would like to get help/confirmation on a performance problem that I see in Internet Explorer. The Adobe and Flash community is great on the Internet but I have been surprised to see no information on this, just a few reports about movie playback on 10.0.32 vs. 10.0.22.
My guess is that in IE flash plugin is passing draw calls to Win32 and that this is slow.
Instead of drawing each time on the bitmap using draw, cache the draw calls to a bitmap and use CopyPixels. When I do this the performance is the same across browsers, within 10%.
bitmapData.copyPixels(dot.bitmapData, tmapData.rect,new Point(dot.x,dot.y),null,null,true);
Loop I am using:
function enterFrame(e:Event) {
for (var i:int=0;i<particles.length;i++) {
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Aug 15, 2010
Specifically, I want to test exactly how many connections my installed version of FMS can accept.
Is there such a tool for benchmarking with FMS?
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Nov 9, 2010
I need a meter that shows the current bandwidth rate as a percentage. For example: The maximum bandwidth rate is 4mbps, the current bandwidth is 3mbps, so the bar would be 75% full. This bar would change dynamically as the bandwidth rate changes.
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Apr 8, 2010
I'm a developer on nice space MMO using Flash. On new PCs performance is quite good, but some features shouldn't be enabled on older PCs because the framerate drops to shit if we do. Flash wasn't made for this, but hey, pushing boundaries is fun.
An example is fullscreen mode. Of course every user can manually enable it, but "advertising" it to a user with and oldie PC would be a bad idea - but for the Alienware crowd it would be dumb not to.
So I want to find out how "capable" a user's PC is to decide if I should enable or disable some features for him.
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Aug 1, 2010
I have 4 animations and based on the speed of the internet i want it to change between each depending on the speed.
0 - 10kb/ps - 1st MC
11 - 30kb/ps - 2nd MC
31 - 50kb/ps - 3rd MC
50+ - 4th MC
My idea is to have like a glass of water... and for the 1st MC the water filling it up is only a drip... and then 2nd MC is a slow stream of water etc etc and then final MC is water gushing in filling the cup up faster until it's full...
I think this might be a bit hard for me... as i can't even make a preloader... everytime i try the SWF file just stays blank until it's fully loaded... haha... but i'll read tutorials and stuff... i'm rather basic with Flash and just learn what i need to learn as i get to it... I also need the transition between each change (say from 1-10kbps - 51+) to be smooth rather than just having it going from a drip to gushing water... but i think i'll just have to make animations for each and then IF statements to deal with that issue..
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Dec 23, 2009
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import flash.utils.getTimer;
var time:Number;
var myarray:Array = new Array();
[Code] .....
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Aug 28, 2011
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I assume the application needs to download a file, based on the data loaded in that specific time we calculate the download speed. i am not sure about the upload and the ping.
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Feb 26, 2012
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Mar 3, 2011
I get a working application in Flash made that lets the user click to create blocks which subsequently gravitate towards the mouse. I made the exact same thing in Processing too, just to compare speeds.However, when I run the Flash version and add around 15-20 blocks, the framerate drops to 5-10 FPS.In the Processing version I can add ~60 with no noticeable slowdown. What's the deal, Flash?
Links to each version's source:
Flash version
Processing version
Here is the source for each in case you are a wizard and can help just by glowering at the code sternly and telling it to behave:
Flash version:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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Mar 1, 2010
Actionscript:"http://" + _root.tdomain + "/");
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Jan 11, 2011
I'm devloping some library classes for flocking/steering behaviours on large numbers of objects (2000+). I'm finding that at < 500 instances, performance is reasonable. As the numbers increase, framerate bogs down.
I've seen remarkable performance with libraries such as Flint or Box2D with ridiculous #'s of particles / objects, so it should be possible to optimize / refactor my code to be a bit better.
I'm aware of the basic optimizations, such as bitwise operations and optimized for loops. Are there any more fundamental approaches I should be considering? For example, currently each instance is a vector-based MovieClip. Would working with BitmapData be more efficient?
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Nov 4, 2011
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<tabnavigator />
<tabnavigator />
<tabnavigator />
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Mar 19, 2012
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Aug 7, 2010
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Dec 13, 2009
I'm tweening a movieclip from startX to finishX. The value of startX varies but finishX is a constant. But as the startX increases in value the animation appears to be quicker. How do I adjust the speed of the tween to ensure a consistant speed regardless of the value of startX?
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Jul 24, 2009
is there anyway to change a songs playback speed depending on a speed variable. heres the kicker tho im limited to using only as2.
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Mar 23, 2010
I have a movie clip on my scene which has a speed applied to it making it move across the screen. This is duplicated when it reaches the other end of the screen.On my scene I have some action script which is acting as a timer. After a set time I want it to increase the speed of the movie clips, making the game become "harder". I seem to be able to manipulate the alpha of my movie clips but can't seem to trigger the speed increase.If i use a setInterval it seems to trigger the speed increase but it does it each time the movie clip is duplicated (so the delay resets, it does not change once and apply throughout)However, where I am changing the alpha I cannot seem to change the speed.
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Sep 20, 2009
How can i detect mouse speed with AS 3.0, and then put speed limit? Also can i use speed var for anything else? *sorry for my bad English, i live in non-english-speaking country*
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Sep 17, 2011
I'm trying to test a custom Flex 4 skinnable component, using the FlexUnit UIImpersonator class. If I run my tests from a FlashBuilder Spark only project everything works fine. If I try to test from a project with the mx component set on the classpath I get a "getElementIndex not available in non Flex 4 projects" error.Can I unit test spark components in FlexUnits visual test environment while still having the mx component set on the classpath?
UIImpersonator delegates it's method calls to a "testEnvironment".The implementation used for this "testEnvironment" is decided by the VisualTest EnvironmentBuilder class and the FlexEnvironmentBuilder class. If the FlexEnvironmentBuilder class can find the "mx.core.Container" on the classpath it returns a MX environment, else a Spark environment. Only the spark environment has valid implementations for Flex 4 relevant method calls on the UIImpersonator - like the addElement method.
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Aug 4, 2011
My buttons only work when I click on them on the stage while having the "enable simple buttons" option on. They do not work if I try to "test movie," "test scene" and publish it to a SWF. Nothing responds whenever I am in these modes. I am using Adobe Flash Professional CS5 Actionscript 2.0.
This is the code that I put in for the buttons:
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