Trying to develop a Monopoly in Flash/as3, I'm now displaying the properties of each player. When a user clicks on the userpanel, a "popup" appears, in wich all cards are displayed with an alpha = 0. My idea is to set the alpha at 1 for all the properties owned by the targeted user.
So, I have a panel called "panelCards", containing movieclips called "property1", "property2", "property3", ... In my code, an object Player has an array "pProperty", wich contains strings referring to every properties owned. I try to access the moviclips using these strings :
Obviously, it doesn't work. Is there a function wich allows me accessing those movieclips with the string reference?
How can i access an object (movieclip) at a specific frame which is located inside another movieclip. It's something like this : first movieclip - and inside it, on frame 10 i have the second movieclip. I want to access that second movieclip ont that 10th frame.
Working on an RPG type flash, and I have to be able to control a text-box from quite a few locations. The one that is causing me trouble is the inventory. I need to be able to access the textbox with an instance of "statusWindow" from within the inventory clip (instance name "inventory"), so when I mouse over an item within the movieclip it will change the status window on the stage.In this instance I want to mouse over inventory.invHealth from the main timeline to get the display.itemName and itemProps are strings containing information about the item.I tried the following but it gave me a "possibly undefined" error.
invHealth.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, itemStats); function itemStats(e:Event):void { root.statusWindow.text = itemName+" "+itemProps; }
I'm making a fighting game and so far all the controls are good, characters can walk, run attack etc. My problem: The character is a MovieClip, Guy, and is exported to a class Guy. In I have a boolean "hitting" which is set to default "false". If the Guy object hitTests an enemy while "hitting" is true, the enemy will take tamage.
In the Guy MovieClip there are about 7 frames, each with its own animation. 3 of those frames are attacking animations in form of MovieClips, i.e, if we click them we get another set of frames. Say one of the attack MovieClips has 10 frames in it, frame 7 of 10 is where the punch actually lands, this is when I want the enemy to take damage, not before (while the character is still moving his hand forward). Seeing as this frame is inside a MovieClip which is inside another MovieClip(Guy), is there a way to access the property "hitting" with this inner frame?
I want to access the properties of movieclips inside a movieclip.
Below is a code of how the Parent mc is created. It's looped because it's gets it data from XML. So there is not one parent movieclip but a number of parent movieclips depending on how many items the XML contains:
function doComplete(e:Event):void { //create a new variable to store an instance of the XML class. We pass through the data from the XML file. var xml:XML = new XML(;
I have a button inside a MovieClip (instance name: bt_fechar) and I want to refer to it from the main timeline (that's where I want to keep most of the code). It returns the following output error message: "Error #1065: Variable bt_fechar is not defined"
Heres the code: function retirarCiclo(event:MouseEvent):void {
I want to access a MovieClip in another scene than I'm currently in.
More specific I want to set a TextField to a certain value from a "preloader"-scene. This is for handling totally dynamic language phrases. Maybe this is the wrong way.
I'm loading a XML with language phrases that I want to replace the textfields with.
We could do this by altering all MovieClips, but I think this could be a smart solution, if it's possible! :)
Can't access in other movieclips for example I have my sections "home", "about", "contact" and the labels in the sections When I go inside about and call the contact section to set the text for example _parent.instancename(contact).title.text = "TEST"; this I call inside the about section but doesn't work!
Currently I found this code and adapted it to my document
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader(); var myUrlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("web11.swf"); myLoader.load(myUrlReq); myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
This works if I wanted to load the class "Buttongroup" but I want to load the movieClip 'clipHolder' which is a new instance of buttonclass (with functions applied to it)
I am trying to add a child in a movie clip and perform basic operations on the child but I cannot get access to the child.
It loads the child to the movieclip "FLine1MC" but it says FLine1MC.ClipArt1 does not exist when I try to change the x location.
function AddArt1(evt:MouseEvent): void { var ClipArt1Request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images/mypic.gif"); var ClipArt1:Loader = new Loader(); ClipArt1.load(ClipArt1Request); FLine1MC.addChild(ClipArt1); FLine1MC.ClipArt1.x = 550; } Anybody know what's my error?
By that token, is there a way we can check the exact path of an object?
suppose I drop and image : image.png onto the stage. I then convert it to an mc with the instance name image_mc.How do I find out the file name "image.png" from the movieclip using actionscript?[code]How would I then access the name "image.png" with actionscript if differerent from the method above?
On the first frame I have a string variable called "nextSection". When the user clicks on a menu item on the site then "nextSection" is populated with the name of that section. Later on in the fla I have a movieclip containing various sections for the site. The swf compiles without any problems.
I'm now attempting to make the file smaller and easier to update. Rather than have 8 different movieclips that load images, I thought I would just have the one. I changed the following lines in my fla PHP Code:
// nested within 2 movie clips (sections.aboutUs)loadImage("aboutUs/mainImage.jpg");//nested within 2 movie clips (sections.outdoorAdvertising)loadImage("outdoorAdvertising/mainImage.jpg");// there are 8 of these in total.
I'm now getting the error "1120: access of undefined property nextSection". The variable does not contain anything when the file compiles. Only when the user clicks on a menu item does the variable get filled (ie: if user clicks on the OutDoor Advertising button, the variable contains the string "outdoorAdvertising" which is also a folder in the site directory). I tried to populate it with the name of one of the sections on the first frame ( ie: nextSection:String="aboutUs"; ) just to see if it worked but still got the error.
I have a stageand there is a movieClip instance called "obiekt" in it. Inside "obiekt" movieClip there are two other clips. One instance is called "z1" and another one is called "z2". Presume I have a event listener in "z2" what in case of mouse rollover calls a function what is supposed to set "z1" movieClip 'visible' property to true.
Code: root.obiekt.z1.visible = true; I get this error: 1119: Access of possibly undefined property obiekt through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObject.
I have movieclip its instance name is mc, located in the 9th frame on the main timeline.It has more than one key frame. Inside this movieclip there is a FLVPlayback its instance name is vid which is located in the 9th frame on the timeline of the movieclip. I want to access the FLVPlayback using AS2 and AS3. Here is my code, which is not working:
1. I created empty symble with instance name "picture" and placed it on stage at a wanted position.
2. if the image is aviliable I load the movie picture.loadMovie(image[p]); to show the image
3. if image isnt avliable I want to attach a movieClip that has dynamicText so I can change the text.
this doesnt work - the movieclip is not shown and picture._alpha has no effect. so I tried to load a swf file of this movieclip (this isnt the right way)
picture.loadMovie("mcDef.swf"); it works and picture._alpha has effect list veriables shows:[code].......
but I cannot access the text.I preffer to use attachMovie and change its text.mcDef.swf is made of rectanglar shape, on top of it dynamicText with instance name m_text. this was converted to a symble with linkage name mcDef .
I've been trying to learn Action Script 3 the past few weeks, making tiny interactive games to learn the basics. I stumble upon a problem every now and then but most of the times google helps me out.The main stage contains two objects(movieclips), the player and a wall.The player has got his own code so when I drag in the player object I don't have to write any code into the main stage to be able to move the player.This all worked pretty well and I now wanted to add the wall so the player actually has something to bounce into.Now here is the problem, I want to check if the player touches the wall, I've done this before but that was when I used the main stage as my coding playground instead of putting the code in movieclips. How can I check if the player hits the wall within the movement code of the player object?
This may be a stupid questions but I can't find it.I'd like to refer to movieClip onStage by looping though it for example, I have 10 movieclips name slot1 - slot12 then in my code
var hole:MovieClip; function checkHit():void { hole = pirate.slot3; // My problem is here how do i change this slot3 to slot 4,5,6 ...
//Here we add the new textfield instance to the stage with addchild() _canvas.addChild(PlayerScore); var myFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); myFormat.size = 30;
I have a movie clip on the stage with 2 layers, a button on layer one and a semi-transparent blue square on layer 2. Now what I need to do of course is access the button on layer one that is under layer 2. Is this possible, I guess it has something to do with children or something.
How can i access the parent movieclip,namely "blocker_mc" here, in the codes as follows:
ActionScript Code: keyListener.onKeyDown = function() { trace(this._parent) // output: undefined } I have a solution that i dont think so good.Solution:create a variable, also a new property, to store the "address" of the parent movieclip like