Professional :: Brush Tool With Edit Multiple Frames
Feb 15, 2011
I'm doing some masking with the brush tool. Each keyframe I'm drawing a bit more of the mask. My problem is if I go back to the first keyframe and paint something it doesn't appear on the other keyframes.I thought I found the solution with Edit Multiple Frames, but it doesn't seem to work with the brush tool.
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Dec 7, 2011
How could I assign a keyboard shortcut to the "edit multiple frames" button, and setting onion skin options?I don't see these options anywhere in Flash's standard top menus.These are the buttons I'm talking about:Also, how about a keyboard shortcut for setting brush sizes?The only way I can figure out how to set this is from the tools panel dropdown.
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Mar 10, 2011
When creating an animation with a classic tween sometimes I'd have to adjust all frames based on changing stage size and what have you. I'd usually park animations in mc's but even then I'd have to on occasion move the whole animation as whole, using the Edit Multiple Frames button on the Timeline. This is also needed when repurposing Flash ads for different sizes. Sometimes I have to adjust a few layers and leave some layers alone, again for Flash ads and alike.
When using a Motion or 3D tween I wanted to know if this was possible, not because I have a particular scenario but I wanted to see if I could do this in the event of needing to do so one day. I tried this feature and I was unable to move the whole animation as I would with a Classic Tween. The only thing I could do to achieve this was to park the Motion/3D tween into it's own mc and then drop that mc on the stage and move the mc as a whole. Is there any way to select all frames of the Motion Tween and move it as a whole without resorting to putting it in a mc (even though I get that it should always exist in a mc)?
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Jan 24, 2011
I have an issue with my Cintiq not drawing smoothly in Flash. I need to sketch incredibly fast and loose. Flash used to work just fine but now it suddenly began drawing really crummy. I posted some examples of flash as well as Photoshop, Sketchbook Pro, and ToonBoom Animate Pro which is another vector graphics tool. I thought the vector graphics may be the issue but that app seems to handle the drawing excellently (now if only it did the other things Flash can do). Here's some examples of how they're looking. It may be hard to tell in these already loose sketches but the performance drop is really a big difference in responsiveness between Flash vs the other apps here:[code]Does anyone know why my cintiq is causing flash to draw so poorly? Occasionally photoshop will also do the same 'crumbly edges' thing?
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Feb 22, 2011
Is it possible to change the size of the brush tool with Flash CS5?
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Jul 9, 2011
for one reason or another, my brush tool only allows me to select color and smoothing. Stroke, style, scale, and everything else is grayed out and will not let me change it.
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Feb 22, 2010
bit of a noob at flash, so I've been having a bit of a difficulty in using the pencil/brush tool in drawing an animation. I set a keyframe, and paint a yellow stroke. Then i continue onto the next key. I then go back to the first keyframe, and want to paint a black stroke over part of the yellow stroke i made earlier.
after selecting this first frame (making the layer active), I go to change the stroke color of the brush to black but find that it now changes my yellow stroke (which I want to keep yellow) to black. I see that in selecting the frame, by default whatever strokes were made on this frame are also selected (which I don't want). So I'd like to know how do I avoid altering my previous stroke and still put a different colored stroke overlapping it on the same frame?
also is it possible to append a brush/pencil stroke to an old brush/pencil stroke?
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May 6, 2009
I found that .fla files do not save in Flash CS4 when the Deco tool or Spray Brush tool is selected. Is this a bug? Or is there a workaround to this issue.
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Dec 3, 2010
I have a 15 frame composition, a new image on every frame. Each image is the same H x W size as the stage. I can click "Edit multiple frames", and I get the selector/slider thing above my timeline which sets which frames are to be included in the editing operation. I widen it to encompass all frames and then select all frames. But, when I attempt to center up all frames on my stage (Modify-->Align to stage) or set the x y to "0", "0", only one frame cooperates- the one on which the timeline marker is on. The other ones don't comply, even though they are all selected.
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Oct 6, 2011
I'm having a problem with "Edit multiple frames", it happened when I mark the layers and click "Edit multiple frames" then (CS5) freeze!! I've tried it on both of my computers( XP and 7) same results!
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Aug 24, 2009
I'm using CS4, and I'm attempting to align animations in flash. To make it easy, lets say I have two animations which start in a standing position, facing east. One of these animations (in a movie clip) is on fame 2 and the other is frame 11. The only way I can find to do it - without flicking between frame 2 and 11 constantly - is onion skin. The problem is that when i turn it on, it shows every frame - I can change the start to frame two, but the end will not go back past whichever frame I have selected - 11 in this case, and so it it too messy by far to see what I'm doing. Is there a way to allow me to see only frame 2 in that ghost style, while I edit frame 11? Even if its not onion skin, it doesn't matter.
Second to this - I cannot seem to work out how to edit multiple frames. By that, I mean that frame 11 through to 19 need to be aligned by the same amount, and yet even when I select all those frames, only one is affected.
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Nov 17, 2010
When I use the Flash CS4 brush tool in "Paint Inside" mode it erases part of the strokes around shapes. For rectangles it erases the stroke on the top and left hand side where the brush head crosses it, though it never seems to affect the other sides. The effect is less consistant with ovals, but it breaks the strokes at some points. I am using Flash CS4 version 10.0.2 on Windows XP, and I have checked for program updates through the Help menu. Here are two examples:
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Nov 9, 2009
I've created a movie, and have decided that I want to change the timing of one element in the middle of it. I have searched and searched but can't find any way to change not only the length of time this element stays on screen, but also all subsequent action, all of which is on different layers.
Surely I don't have to manually move each element on each layer individually? I've been trying to select multiple layers and move the frame I want, hoping that the frames on other layers would also move by the same amount - but no luck.
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May 6, 2009
I have a Tablet PC laptop. In Flash the pressure and tilt icons do not come up when I use the brush tool.
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Aug 19, 2009
I need to make a circle with a brush tool so that it looks like a child draws it. If I make a dot with the brush tool on the first frame and a circle on the 15th frame and then create shape tween between those frames it looks stupid, like the circle grows itself. Is there any possibility of making such a thing except for drawing it per frame?
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Aug 27, 2009
1. How can I change the size of the brush tool? It's all greyed out on every project I start, stuck at the very smallest size (0.10). I'm trying to trace over a photo at the moment, and it's taking FOREVER with the tiny little brush. It only un-greys itself after I draw a line, but I can only change the size of the line I've just drawn. As soon as I go to draw a new line, it goes straight back to size 0.10.I'd use the pencil tool, because I can change that, but...
2. How do you make the eyedropper tool put your chosen colour into the pencil colour box as opposed to the brush box? Every time I use it, it forces me to use the brush. Which, because of the above problem, is ridiculously inconvenient to draw with in just about every situation.
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May 29, 2010
I created a short animation for the first time yesterday, and I ended up drawing a few frames ouside the parameters of the stage. Now I want to adjust the position of the whole composition so that it all fits on the stage. Is there a way, like in photoshop with seperate layers, to select every frame and move them all simultaneously?
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Feb 23, 2010
I am expirimenting with Flash Web Sites, and I would like suggestions as to a starting point for my project, and I am assuming a Flash website is where I would start.Basically, If I were to open up a web page, I would like to see multiple animated objects. For example, if I were to simulate an Emergency Room, I would have an EKG displaying a heart rate, then perhaps see a breathing maching apparatus moving up and down, a Drip bag (sorry, don't know the real term), dripping into a patient's tube. And of course, if I were to roll over an object it would animate, and if clicked on more animation or on to another page.
I tried creating the animated objects in Fireworks, and I thought I could combine various Firworks files into one, but it didn't work (too many frames), either becasue I lack the knowlege of how to do this or simply it cannot be done that way in Fireworks. I had a background with one animated flashing object (that was easy), but combining multiple independent objects, I could not figure it out.
Someone suggested that I would have to use Action Scripts, which made me realize, I don't know the best way to accomplish my example above, and although I know I may be over my head, I would just like to get direction as to where I should begin.
Should it all be in Flash in the first place? To continue on with the example above, after a user clicks on the rollover image, a girney comes rolling in and we are giving choices on a monitor with what our next actions should be, which would take us into another page. (this is just to give you perpective of what I am trying to accomplish).
Should I create independent animated objects (files) in Fireworks, then somehow import them into their specified location in Flash.
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Dec 29, 2010
i inherited a slideshow type of movie at work and there is one part of the movie that takes up 37 slides (all duplicates). i need to edit the text on them all. can i do this easily or do i have to go through and change them all manually?
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Aug 22, 2011
I have 260 images that I need to place on different frame. Instead of dragging them one by one the image on the stage, is there a way to drop all of them in one shot but each images is on a different frame?
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Mar 16, 2010
I'm creating an interactive flash application that uses hundreds of individual renders from a 3d modelling app. The image file size is 800 x 600. Each sequence that i import to the stage is around 120 images and each gets put into a separate key frame. The problem is, often when I import batches of files into flash the program crashes and stops responding.The problem gets worse after each succesful import ie. after importing the first lot of files, its unlikely that the second lot of files will importInterestingly, I dont have this problem on my pc.
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Nov 23, 2010
In CS5, I want to create a series of buttons that when clicked will linked to other frames in the same timeline. So one button will link to frame 5, one will link to frame 10, one will link to 15, etc. All the buttons will appear across the top of the stage on a layer, and I want them to appear on all of the frames so the user can click back-and-forth to the different frames/screens.
1. Is the best way to do this to just add the buttons to frame 1 and add a keyframe to the last frame in the timeline, frame 15, so they are copied to all the frames in between?
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Dec 8, 2011
I created an animation in Flash that is 14 frames, I need it to be 1 frame long, but still have to have the animation. Is there any way to make it 1 frame and keep the animation?
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Apr 22, 2010
Is there a way to move multiple frames in the motion editor (CS4)? Like now I have to move them one by one and it's hard to make them keep their values coz the shift+move doesn't seem to work.
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Mar 25, 2010
How can I copy multiple frames from one file to another and paste in place? For some reason when I do this flash pastes them to the left of where they need to be even though the stages are the same size.
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May 8, 2010
When I try to use the deco brush in CS5 some of the properties are not there to tweak. For instance when I try to flower brush it creates flowers but the advanced options are not changable. The categories such as Flower color, Flower size, Leaf color Leaf size and Fruit color are there but there are no options to change any of these. The same issue happens with the lightning brush, the Tree brush, the smoke brush, the decorated brush, the fire brush and just about any brush except for the grid brush which has options to use a symbol. Is there something I am doing wrong? Is there a way to get the settings to be invoked? Is it just broken?
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Mar 16, 2011
I was doing a project for class and all of a sudden i cannot change anything in my brush properties except color. the stroke, style, scale, cap, join is all locked. i was using it fine earlier and it works for all the other tools but only the brush isnt working.
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Sep 1, 2011
So I was making one of my first flash animations in Flash Pro CS5.5 and... when I select the brush tool the "Stroke" is greyed out, it's there, but I can't move it. The strange thing is I can change the fill colour and change the stroke size on the pencil, but why can't I change the stroke on the brush?
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Dec 8, 2010
I've been given a avi file that I've turned into an flv and now need to create two versions of that flv, one with all the audio and one with a small section of the audio removed (its narrated and we need to remove the mentioning of a specific item).
I know I can import an flv into the flash timeline but am not sure how to kill the sound for a given portion of frames,
Was considering redoing the flv as two separate flv's, one with video and one with audio and then putting them into the timeline and cutting the audio up, but I would love a cleaner way, preferably with ActionScript
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May 2, 2011
there seems to be no accepted method of playing multiple flv using buttons. My latest attempt has me putting multiple instances of the flvPlayback component in different frames and using buttons to navigate to those frames. It works but nothing anyone has posted anywhere will result in removing the flv when you go to a different frame and instance. This was simple in AS2. Load movie to a traget and each time you load a new movie the other one goes away. REALLY goes away.
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