Professional :: Flash CS5: When "Edit Multiple Frames" Won't Work?

Dec 3, 2010

I have a 15 frame composition, a new image on every frame. Each image is the same H x W size as the stage. I can click "Edit multiple frames", and I get the selector/slider thing above my timeline which sets which frames are to be included in the editing operation. I widen it to encompass all frames and then select all frames. But, when I attempt to center up all frames on my stage (Modify-->Align to stage) or set the x y to "0", "0", only one frame cooperates- the one on which the timeline marker is on. The other ones don't comply, even though they are all selected.

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Feb 15, 2011

I'm doing some masking with the brush tool. Each keyframe I'm drawing a bit more of the mask. My problem is if I go back to the first keyframe and paint something it doesn't appear on the other keyframes.I thought I found the solution with Edit Multiple Frames, but it doesn't seem to work with the brush tool.

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Professional :: Motion / 3D Tween - Edit Multiple Frames

Mar 10, 2011

When creating an animation with a classic tween sometimes I'd have to adjust all frames based on changing stage size and what have you. I'd usually park animations in mc's but even then I'd have to on occasion move the whole animation as whole, using the Edit Multiple Frames button on the Timeline. This is also needed when repurposing Flash ads for different sizes. Sometimes I have to adjust a few layers and leave some layers alone, again for Flash ads and alike.

When using a Motion or 3D tween I wanted to know if this was possible, not because I have a particular scenario but I wanted to see if I could do this in the event of needing to do so one day. I tried this feature and I was unable to move the whole animation as I would with a Classic Tween. The only thing I could do to achieve this was to park the Motion/3D tween into it's own mc and then drop that mc on the stage and move the mc as a whole. Is there any way to select all frames of the Motion Tween and move it as a whole without resorting to putting it in a mc (even though I get that it should always exist in a mc)?

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Professional :: "Edit Multiple Frames" On CS5?

Oct 6, 2011

I'm having a problem with "Edit multiple frames", it happened when I mark the layers and click "Edit multiple frames" then (CS5) freeze!! I've tried it on both of my computers( XP and 7) same results!

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Edit Multiple Frames?

Aug 24, 2009

I'm using CS4, and I'm attempting to align animations in flash. To make it easy, lets say I have two animations which start in a standing position, facing east. One of these animations (in a movie clip) is on fame 2 and the other is frame 11. The only way I can find to do it - without flicking between frame 2 and 11 constantly - is onion skin. The problem is that when i turn it on, it shows every frame - I can change the start to frame two, but the end will not go back past whichever frame I have selected - 11 in this case, and so it it too messy by far to see what I'm doing. Is there a way to allow me to see only frame 2 in that ghost style, while I edit frame 11? Even if its not onion skin, it doesn't matter.

Second to this - I cannot seem to work out how to edit multiple frames. By that, I mean that frame 11 through to 19 need to be aligned by the same amount, and yet even when I select all those frames, only one is affected.

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Edit Frames In Multiple Layers Simultaneously?

Nov 9, 2009

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Surely I don't have to manually move each element on each layer individually? I've been trying to select multiple layers and move the frame I want, hoping that the frames on other layers would also move by the same amount - but no luck.

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Professional :: Select And Edit All Frames In An Animation?

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I created a short animation for the first time yesterday, and I ended up drawing a few frames ouside the parameters of the stage. Now I want to adjust the position of the whole composition so that it all fits on the stage. Is there a way, like in photoshop with seperate layers, to select every frame and move them all simultaneously?

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Dec 8, 2010

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I know I can import an flv into the flash timeline but am not sure how to kill the sound for a given portion of frames,

Was considering redoing the flv as two separate flv's, one with video and one with audio and then putting them into the timeline and cutting the audio up, but I would love a cleaner way, preferably with ActionScript

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Symbols Edit Item In All Frames Of A Timeline Layer In Flash CS5

Sep 27, 2010

I'm confused as to how Flash CS5 treats symbol instances across different frames in a given layer; If I add an object to a layer, and then add a keyframe to the existing frame set, are there now two instances of the object, one for each frame? When I change the color of the instance in the first key frame, the second keyframes instance stays the same. Is there anyway to edit across all frames? Paste across all frames?

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Professional :: Can't Get Any Button To Work On Some Frames?

May 6, 2010

I have a movie that I have been working on.There is a simple animation/intro and then a main frame with several buttons set up to jump ahead to other frames.There are 4 buttons and they all work just fine and go to the respective frame with no problems.
My problem is in trying to add a button to one of those frames.  I can't get any button to work on any of those frames at all.  I tried to add a "home" button that jumps back to the main frame, but that wouldn't work.  So, I tried to copy the main frame and move it ahead on the time line but that didn't work either.  I tried to add buttons for the other frames as well and no button would work (regardless of where it was referenced) on those other frames.Here is the error message I keep getting:
Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

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Mar 16, 2010

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Nov 23, 2010

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1. Is the best way to do this to just add the buttons to frame 1 and add a keyframe to the last frame in the timeline, frame 15, so they are copied to all the frames in between?

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Dec 8, 2011

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Apr 22, 2010

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Flash :: Using An External Class With Multiple Frames On The Timeline And Multiple Stage Placed Buttons

Sep 21, 2010

I have a problem when making flash applications with more than one frame that has symbols placed on it in that I can't declare all of the event listeners for the objects at the same time and I have found that even if I put them all on the first frame, add the event listeners, then click through to the next frame then the buttons won't work on that frame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Edit Text In Multiple Boxes

Oct 6, 2010

Im working on a project which includes a text editor in Flash which works perfectly but im trying to alter the code so the editor works over several input boxes rather than just one. Using Flash CS4 btw. Here is the actionscript im working with. If someone could give me some pointers as to how to allow the code to edit text in multiple boxes i would be eternally grateful.

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Flex :: Edit Multiple States At Once In Flash Builder 4?

Oct 12, 2009

While in Design mode in Flash Builder 4 (gumbo, beta 2), is it possible to edit multiple states at once? In the "states" window, it would seem like I should be able to shift-select multiple states so changes made will affect all the selected states, and if all are selected it will not add the state selector to the property in the mxml tag. No?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Putting Multiple Instances Of The FlvPlayback Component In Different Frames And Using Buttons To Navigate To Frames

May 2, 2011

there seems to be no accepted method of playing multiple flv using buttons. My latest attempt has me putting multiple instances of the flvPlayback component in different frames and using buttons to navigate to those frames. It works but nothing anyone has posted anywhere will result in removing the flv when you go to a different frame and instance. This was simple in AS2. Load movie to a traget and each time you load a new movie the other one goes away. REALLY goes away.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How Frames Work In Flash

Dec 14, 2009

how frames work in Flash.  I'm new to ActionScript, so I don't know the inner workings of the language.  I tried checking the API but no Frame class is listed.  The closest thing was FrameLabel and that wasn't helpful.  I need to know a few things:

1) How can I tell what frame I am in?  If there is a class method for this, what is the exact name?
2) How does a frame advance?  I have some code with no timer, only event listeners/handlers, and I've got a hacked animation working without playing clips on the time line.  The displayed pictures change whenever I press a directional button to move the character.  This is not really what I want to do however, because I'm switching the visibility of many different symbols and updating their position according to the original player symbol.  Very inefficient.  And does that mean that the frame only advances when a button is pressed? Am I even advancing the frame at all?  I don't know any frame advance method.
3) How do frames work on the time line?  I have all of my symbols on a single frame.  I made their visibility false in my constructor because I don't want some things to show when I first load up the .swf file.  When I created a second frame, everything went crazy and things began to show up.  This suggests that the visibility = false was only done in the first frame?  What caused the frame to change?  I don't really get it.
Ideally I want to achieve a dynamically modifiable animation because the game actions are not going to be linear.  The player character will be responding to controls (which will change the animation) and the AI will be responding to the player (which will also change the animation).  I don't think I can do this without understanding frames, so please help me.  I'm very confused!  Even pointing me in the right direction as to where I can read about frame details would be cool.  I've tried Adobe tutorials, support, and documentation but it was not sufficient. 

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Work A Flash File That Has Over 16,000 Frames?

Feb 25, 2010

im planning to create a movie file that might have over 16,000 frames?i know this sounds silly but,i have already created 14 scenes which is just over 15,500.i have created the 15th scene but it stopped playing because i know maximum number of frame we can have is 16,000. is there any way around this problem? its a huge presentation im doin and there is loads of stuff going in it.

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Flash :: Professional - Edit The Whole Xml Template In CS5?

Jul 11, 2010

i am new to Flash and am currently working with an XML based flash template. When i open the .fla file, none of the text or images show up. I understand this is b/c i have to edit the xml file in dreamweaver. However that is a very complicated way of doing it b/c then i have to keep going back and forth between several programs and saving, and updating, and never getting of "live view" of the chages i am making. My question is: Is there really no way for me to edit the whole xml flash template in Flash CS5? Meaning is there some sort of way to import or manipulate the files so that i can edit the text and images directly in flash pro cs5 and not having to keep going into dreamweaver?

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Professional :: How To Edit Image On Flash Application

Feb 10, 2011

I'm doing an app for the next st valentin's day and I'm using the Facebook API. The idea is that the user will be able to take a picture with it's own webcam and then edit that photo for to send it to a friend from facebook. But I can't find a tutorial about to edit an image (a bitmap) in the application. Can you tell me how can I do it? I want to edit the bitmap on the same app, like add a frame around the picture and maybe add a message too.

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Flash :: Professional - Create Or Edit - Preloader In Cs4

Apr 5, 2011

I need to create or edit which ever is easier the preloader for a flash banner which someone else created. I have searched for days (well hours) for an answer to my requirement on line and have gotten exactly nowhere. I mean if I just wanted a black box with a 100% loading rectangle I'd be sorted by now but that's NOT what I need so I'm pining my hopes on the expertise within this forum.

What I need is a preloader with a single static graphic and 100% counter which stops running and displays a black rectangle before the main fla file kicks in. I have tried every which way to achieve this and the closest I got was a single static graphic with a static loading sign which was viewable at every transition in my main fla file as the graphics were changing?

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Professional :: Edit Website Flash Templat?

Jun 13, 2011

I am about to buy a website flash template. Before I buy the template I want to make sure, that I am good enough to edit to my needs. I downloaded a free flash template and I tried to edit it in my Flash CS5.I have had a lot of trouble editing it and I can't even figure out how I change the pictures or the text. [URL]..

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Professional :: How To Edit Flash Symbol In Photoshop

Sep 23, 2011

In Flash CS4, I have a graphic of a long filmstrip with 24 pix in it. I need to edit the symbol in photoshop (to put all new pix in), and then replace the current filmstrip with the new filmstrip. How? This is CS4, not CS5.

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