Professional :: CS5 - Adjust IPhone Volume?

Feb 12, 2011

Is it possible to get and adjust the iPhones volume from Flash?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Script To Adjust The Volume?

May 31, 2004

whats the action script to adjust the volumne? cause right now i have

on (release) {_root.currentVolume = _root.currentVolume + 10;}

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SetVolume() WTF - Adjust The First Volume To 50

Oct 11, 2007

heeeelo people ! Big Big Problem ! straight to the point i have created new sounds :


And WTF ?! all 3 sound's volume are now 50 !?! it's very so many important to me !

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adjust The Volume Of Two Sounds Independently

Mar 12, 2007

I'm working on a project in which sound plays an important part. I want to be able to adjust the volume of two sounds independently, �nd have access to the position in the soundfile. The code below plays 2 soundfiles ("L36 Bass.wav" & "L36 Perc.wav"). The sounds are declared as 'new Sound' with qualifiers("L36Bass" and "L36Perc" recpectively) in line 03 & 04 within empty movieclips, to allow individual volume-adjustments. The volume-mix between the 2 is then governed by the x-mouse position (line 10 - 16):


This works just fine (as long as the WAV-files are in the library and the option 'Export for Actionscript' is selected). However, when I try to access the position within a soundfile with the statement SndBass.position; this results in an 'undefined-error'. When I remove the qualifier in line 03, and go for 'SndBass = new Sound()' in stead of 'SndBass = new Sound("L36Bass")', the property SndBass.position is available, but, as expected, the individual volume-control is lost.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adjust Volume In NetStream Video?

Jun 13, 2007

I would like to ask, how can I adjust the volume for the video playback ? here is the code

var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);


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Iphone :: Is Application Developed By Adobe Flash Professional CS5 (not CS5.5) Visible In App Store On IPhone 4

Jul 4, 2011

I just finished with developing my application by Adobe Flash Professional CS5 and I wonder if this will be visible to iPhones 4 because support for Retina displays was added since CS5.5.

There is section in my info.plist:


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Mar 7, 2011

I tried the line spacing button, but even setting it at 0 does not get the leading small enough.

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How does one adjust the seek behaviour of an FLV in playback? youtube videos work the way I expect them to: As you click and drag the seek bar it shows you the current frame. Any of the players I have experimented with don't do this. What they do is show you a still frame and update the video window only after you release the seek bar.

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Professional :: Possible To Adjust Length Of Multiple Timelines At Once?

Sep 1, 2010

I am using Flash CS4. Is there any way to adjust the length of multiple timelines at once? I am doing an animation of leaves falling from a tree. The leaves alone have 17 separate timelines on separate layers plus each has it's own guide layer.If I had the ability to to select all of the timelines together and adjust all of their respective start and end times at the same same time, relative to each other as well as separately, life would be so much easier!Of course I can do it timeline by timeline, no problem, but I can't seem to adjust the length of more than one timeline at a time. (no pun intended)Even when I select more than one timeline, the double arrow only adjusts the length of one timeline. Even each guide layer's length has to be adjusted separately. I understand the benefit of this, but, testing timing and making adjustments would be so much simpler and go so much faster if I could select and drag multiple timeline lengths at the same time.

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I assume this is a certain line of ActionScript, but like I said

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Professional :: IPA File On IPhone

Apr 26, 2011

I have been struggling with this all day and am hitting my head against a brick wall. I am a registered iPhone developer. My software is on Windows and my app development stuff is on my Mac. I created an iPhone project in Flash Pro CS5 (Windows machine running XP), used the Keychain utility to create a p12 from my developer cert on my Mac along with a provisioning file.

I click Publish, this creates the Flash IPA file.Now what can I do with this? I copy it to my Mac, can see it in iTunes. When I try to copy it to my  iPod I get "The app was not installed on the iPhone <name> because  the signer was not valid" I cannot seem to do anything with the file in Xcode, perhaps this is not possible? I have been following instructions here:[URL] Open the Keychain Access application (in the Applications/Utilities folder).


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Professional :: Unable To Add App To IPhone?

Sep 4, 2011

I've gone through the whole rigamarole of creating a provisioning profile and P12 developer key, I've exported the app as an .ipa file, and I've added the .ipa file to my iTunes Library. It shows up there under "Apps."However, the app does not appear on the iPhone: not even if I Sync the thing through iTunes. Double-clicking the app in iTunes does nothing. Right-clicking yields only the options "Get Info," "Show in Windows Explorer" and "Delete." If I attempt to drag it onto the iPhone, the mouse cursor changes to a cancel symbol.I am using the latest version of iTunes, and my iPhone is running the latest version of iOS (4.2.1). I don't know what's going on, but it's driving me nuts.

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Nov 8, 2011

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Iphone :: Promising Is Flex/Flash As A Development Path For The IPhone/iPad?

Mar 6, 2010

I'm interested in developing for the iPad and iPhone, but I'd prefer not to learn Apple's whole development stack (and good golly, I sure don't want to go back to manual memory management). Oh, sure, I could learn it, but I don't have that level of commitment to the environment at this point. I've got professional experience with Flex already, so I'm intrigued by Adobe's move to make Flash/Flex compile to the iPhone and iPad. My question is: how promising of a development path will Adobe's Slider be? Are we likely to see Slider publicly available in a reasonable timeframe (Adobe: "An early mobile branch of the Flex framework is expected to be available in 2010")? Are we likely to see reasonable performance? Are there development hurdles that haven't become clear yet? Heck, is it all just vaporware? There's pretty limited information available so far, as far as I've seen, but I'm interested in people's predictions, even if they're speculative.

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Iphone :: One Frontend For IPhone/iPad, Android And Multi-Touch Displays?

Sep 6, 2010

I have built a multi-touch application which is based on a Java EE backend and combined with BlazeDS to a Adobe Flex frontend. The application runs on a DIY-Multi-Touch which I built. Now I want to use another solution. The Adobe Flex frontend (with a multitouch library) and the BlazeDS adapter should be replaced by a solution which covers iPhone/iPad, Android and commercial Multi-Touch displays.

The problem is the iPad/iPhone, there is no Flash Player runtime (not the jail-breaked ones), but the application should be runnable also on those devices. So Adobe Flex and a Java frontend (no JVM on the iPhone/iPad) is not possible anymore. At first, starting the developing of the application it was not neccessary, to run it on Apples mobile devices, but this changed So, what can I do, using HTML5? So I can use it for Android and iPhone/iPad. But I also want to make it possible to use it on a commercial multi-touch-display and normal display with a mouse (I only have gestures for one finger, the 2-finger gestures are not neccessary). Are there any frameworks that allow this? Because I do not want to create several frontends (App for iPhone/iPad on Objective-C and a Adobe Flex for all other devices), it would be great if I can build a frontend for all devices.

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Iphone :: Flash CS5 On IPhone - Developing Client/server Data Apps?

Oct 13, 2010

I am looking to develop basic client server data application to add value to a website.

The website is .net based and opening an api such as asmx web service, json or xml would be simple.

Can anyone tell me what are the limitations - technically, what is possible with flash and also what Apple consider to be good practice.

Does anyone have any Actionscript code examples?

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Actionscript 3 :: Iphone - Adobe AIR For IPhone App - Audio Streaming Play In Background?

Jul 14, 2011

Can an iphone app developed with Adobe AIR (version 2.6/2.7) play a streaming sound when it is in background? Only native application can play in background? I have not found a clearly response to this question on documentation. PS: i'm using the Adobe AS3 class Sound to play a shoutcast streaming.

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Iphone :: Flex - RIA Flash Apps On The IPhone Store Persist Data Until An Internet Connection Is Available?

Oct 8, 2009

I'm interested in building a thick client application for my existing web services that will run on the IPhone. Flash finally seems to be an option, so I thought about using Flex for client side development.

However, since flash apps are not natively supported by the IPhone, but only through a wrapper, I was wondering if these apps can persist any data. Data entered by the user should eventually be transmitted to the web service, but until then I want it to persist even if the Iphone should run out of power.

Is this possible? Or does the Iphone flash wrapper make it impossible to access the hard disk?

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Flash :: Volume Slider - Volume Doesn't Change Until Mouse Over?

Nov 21, 2009

I've created a small music player with a sliding volume control. I'm having trouble with the volume. Though it does control volume properly, if I set the initial volume to less than 100%, the volume always starts at 100% until I move my mouse over the player. At that point, the volume changes to whatever the initial volume is set to.Is this a flash bug, or am I missing something? Here is the affected code (code for other buttons/functions omitted for brevity):

var song_initvolume:Number = 100;
slider_1._x = groove_1._x + song_initvolume;

I'd like to be able to set the volume at say 50%, but the above mentioned behavior happens each time.

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Flash :: Reverse Sound Volume Math For Volume Slider?

Feb 1, 2010

I'm building a video player and am kinda stuck at the volume slider part. It's a YouTube style vertical slider, meaning if the slider is in the top position volume should be 100% and if the slider is dragged to the bottom position sound should be 0. Currently it's doing the opposite of what I want :(

Dragging the slider down will make the sound louder, while dragging up lowers it.

Here is my code below dealing with the volume slider.


The (-4) is an offset value so when you drag it all the way to turn it off, it's 0 and not 4. I need to reverse this somehow, so the traces above will swap... going down will make userVolume = 4 and going up will make it 30.

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Iphone :: Compile Flex Application For Iphone Using Adobe Flash CS5?

May 1, 2010

How to compile your flex (Flash Builder) application for Iph*ne Using Adobe Flash CS5? A User can Install an app having it as compiled binary?

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Iphone - Flex - Create Ipa For Testing On Device Using IPhone Packager?

Sep 11, 2010

i'm following Christian Cantrell guide for packaging AS3 application for iPhone, but i can't find a way to use the packager for creating an app for testing on device. I've tried with -target ipa-test and -target ipa-app-store but when i try to upload my app on the iPad, iTunes throws an error sayng that i'm not allowed.I've done a simple test using the Packager bundled width CS5 (with the same certificates) and everything gone right.

Is is possible to use CS5 Packager for Flex project ? (i know that flex isn't optimized for mobile)

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Iphone :: Flash Packager For IPhone : Use Core-Data Or Other Database?

Dec 19, 2010

I'm wondering if the flash packager for iPhone allows you to somehow save data in some kind of database maybe using Core Data or any other form? If it just allows you to export some kind of actionscript based game but doesn't allow for saving data that'd be kinda weak I'd assume so they must have a way (?).

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Iphone :: Screen Lock & Sound Stop IPhone Dev (FLASH CS5.5)

Jun 29, 2011

I'm trying to create iphone apps using Flash CS5.5 and I have a doubt... I just created a simple app which plays a long sound (more than 5 min).

When the phone auto-locks, my sounds stop. If I unlock the phone, my audio resumes...

How could I do to avoid the lock, or dont interrupt the sound when the device auto-lock?

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Iphone :: Ios - Possible To Pause Flash App On Iphone By Pressing Home Button?

Mar 3, 2012

I've created my app and it works great. But when I press home button on my iphone, my app minimizes and when I open it from multitasking apps, it simply restarts. Is it possible to freeze or pause the game instead of stop?

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Professional :: Packager For IPhone Feature?

Feb 21, 2010

I am very interested in any information about the new  Packager for iPhone feature for cs4 flash professional.

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Professional :: Iphone Packager In Flash Cs5!?

May 10, 2010

Does it legally to use the iphone packager in cs5 to make games for iphone?As I read many articles on the internet wich are talking about that apple categorize the conversion from flash to iphone as illeagel method to deviler phone applications.

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Professional :: .setVolume - Fade In And Out The Volume?

Jun 21, 2010

i am sperimenting with new types of sound implementing in my site (normally i used to import the sound in the flash library and use id from there)
i no longer use the sound in the movie itself but i load an external .mp3 file ..
i wanted to make 2 buttons that put the volume of the sound o 0 and 100 and it works for me but i wondered if i can make the same thing but with a fading effect ..
i want the button to bring the volume of the external file to 0 but not istantly .. it should fade out slovly ..
same thing when you put the volume back to 100

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