Professional :: CS5 Aplha Fade Out Not Working

Jun 10, 2010

Has anyone encountered the alpha fade in CS5 not working when fading a graphic out? Example, I want to fade out a graphic symbol from 100% to 0%. When I try to make my fade to 0%, the alpha slider snaps to 100%.

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Fade In / Fade Out Alpha Tweens Not Working?

Jul 10, 2009

I've got a function 'onIntroFinished' which starts two tweens (musicPlayerIntro and fullResetBtnIntro). After each tween, an eventlistener is added to that particular tween to see when it's ended, so it can call on another function to start a new tween. The first tweens complete within the 'onIntroFinished' function....however, they don't go on to start the second tween in the 'musicPlayerIntro2' and 'fullResetBtnIntro2' functions? The trace statements are getting called for the second tween functions, so they're getting through to that point, but why aren't the tweens starting?  Ocassionally when I test it, the second tweens half work, fading out to 50% alpha, but then stop and stay visible, rather than fully fading out. Is this necessarilly the best way to do a fade In/fade out alpha tween?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Is A Loader That Fades In An Image Using The Aplha Channel?

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all i want to create is a loader that fades in an image using the aplha channel. my movie clip instance is called mc_01. whenever I simulate a download it shows nothing. anyone know what im doing wrong? Coded on Action layer frame 1 of scene named "preloader"

mc_01._alpha = 1;
this.onEnterFrame = function():Void {
var loadedData:Number = this.getBytesLoaded();
var allData:Number = this.getBytesTotal();


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Professional :: Fade-in Fade-out Flash Navigation Bar For Website?

May 15, 2011

So my flash skills are pretty rusty. The project I'm currently working on is updating my portfolio site and I have a navigation bar that I want to fade in, click on a link, fade out, then go to the specified link. I've got the animation working the way I like, however I cant get the links to work correctly. I've used the standard getURL commands, but then every button goes to the same link, not different ones.
What Action Script 3.0 coding do I need to make the animation play the way I've described and have each button go to it's own link?

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Professional :: How To Repeat Fade In Fade Out Images

Feb 17, 2011

I have 2 images that need to fade in and fade out so after 5 seconds image1 slowly begins to fade out while image2 slowly begins to fade in. My first image does not fade in because on the start of the flash movie I want to directly see the first image. But when image2 is done (so the whole movie is almost done) and it's start fading out.... I get to see the background (just a black empty background) while I actually want to begin fading in image1 (so looping the 2 image constantly).
So how can I immediately see an image on the start of the movie and still getting a fading in effect of the first image when the movie is almost on its end (so during the fading out of the last image)?

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Professional :: Fade In Fade Out Code?

Jan 9, 2011

I made an earlier post which has been answered and everything works perfectly, but now i need a hand getting my images to fade in and fade out via code. I have 12 different images on 1 layer (bad thing i know but i dont know how to fix this).
My images pop up when they go over the respective button.How can i get the image to fade from 0 opacity to 100 in about 1.5 - 2 seconds? and then fade out again upon moving the mouse off of the button?
I have had a look at alot of different tutorials but none have helped me with the code, they have all been with keyframes. i cant use keyframes due to everything being on the one layer. also i think the code will be a bit easier for me to understand.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: 2 Different Ways To Fade In A MC With AS (1 Of Them Is Not Working)?

Jun 8, 2005

This should be very simple: I want to fade-in a Movieclip (called MC1) using Actionscript.I normally use this (and it works just fine):

this.MC1._alpha = 0;
this.MC1.onEnterFrame = function()


Well, even though I can see the alpha values decreasing step by step (throughout the "trace" instruction), the fact is that the MC does not fade-in at all, it's just starts at a 100% alpha value.How comes this illogical behaviour? The instruction "trace" shows what it should do, but Flash does not fade it in.

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Jun 2, 2009

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import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Bitmap;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fade Movie Clip - Mask Isn't Working

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Alpha Fade Slideshow Only Working On First Page Load?

Apr 30, 2007

I have designed a "Before-and-After" slideshow using Alpha tweens to slowly fade one image into another. The effect works great, however, it seems that the effect only works on the first time the user enters that page. If the user clicks the "play again" button, I reload the .swf and want the effect the play again, but it just moves from the first to second image, without the alpha effect transition.Is there some way to "reset" the .swf to replay the alpha tween effect? why it would have this behavior? The site and effect are purely actionscript, so I cannot do something like "goToAndPlay(1)" in the last frame, the entire site is only in the first frame.

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Apr 18, 2011

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The hyperlink works in Firefox, but not in Safari. Maybe it is just my computer.

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Professional :: Fade-in From Left To Right?

Jul 30, 2010

I am trying to fade in a symbol (movie clip or graphic) from left to right  (have the actual image start fading in from one edge to another - not the actual image moving).  This symbol was originally a drawing object which was imported and then converted to a symbol.  I tried by settng a frame with alpha set at 0 and 30 frames later setting alpha at 100, and then in between these frames creating a linear gradient.  However, the graphic is actually 5 pictures put together - Imagine " M E T R O " as pictures put together.  But when I do the linear gradient it will it on the " M " and then also a separate linear gradient on the " E " and so will not do 1 linear gradient so as to start out dark on " M " and end up white on "O", it will do do a linear gradient for EACH letter.  I tried grouping, ungrouping, setting layers, highlighting different parts, etc.  but to no avail.

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Professional :: Image Fade In On Button Roll Over And Fade Out On Button Roll Off?

Mar 10, 2010

I have 3 buttons going around in a circle, in the middle of this circle I want a specific image to fade in for each button when you roll across it then fade out when you move off the button. I also want the button itself to change colour slightly when you roll across it. I've not had much look so far without the use of actionscript, but even with using it I'm not getting very far, I also seem to have a problem where once I have an image appear on the rollover of abutton that the image becomes part of the button, ie instead of the image just appearin when you roll over the button it appears when you roll over where the image should be appearing.

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Professional :: .setVolume - Fade In And Out The Volume?

Jun 21, 2010

i am sperimenting with new types of sound implementing in my site (normally i used to import the sound in the flash library and use id from there)
i no longer use the sound in the movie itself but i load an external .mp3 file ..
i wanted to make 2 buttons that put the volume of the sound o 0 and 100 and it works for me but i wondered if i can make the same thing but with a fading effect ..
i want the button to bring the volume of the external file to 0 but not istantly .. it should fade out slovly ..
same thing when you put the volume back to 100

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Professional :: Possibility To Fade In Or Out A Text Or JPG

Jan 6, 2011

in cs3 I had the possibility to fade in our out a text or JPG.but in cs5 I can't find it.

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Professional :: Rolling Images After Fade Out?

Feb 9, 2011

i need to do another one, exactly the same, but it will have a rolling picture (4) when 1 button is rolled over.
I can set it up to fade in when the mouse rolls over, but i am just wandering how to set it that i can make 4 images fade in after eachother after a space of about 3 seconds. If you need code i am more then happy to give what i have at the moment. i am assuming i will need a timer in there but i am not very good at AS3.0 so i do not know how to write it

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Professional :: Fade Won't Work In Movie

Feb 18, 2011

I can't get a simple fade to work, despite research and trial & error.My procedure (FYI):

- I create a layer just for this fade object.
- I drag a .gif image from the Library to the stage in this layer.
- I convert it to a symbol (tried Button & Movie symbols.Graphic symbol not an option because I need to reposition the object programatically).
- I select the first frame in this layer, select the symbol, and set its Alpha to 0%.
- I select another frame in this layer and Insert Keyframe.
- I select the symbol again and set its Alpha to 100%.
- I select the range of frames from start to end keyframe, I right-click this range, and I insert a Classic Tween (I've tried Motion Tween as well).
Bottom Line:

-When I try Control --> Play, the fade works perfectly.
-When I try Control --> Test Movie, the fade never happens and the symbol remains invisible.
Why would the fade work in Play but not in Test Movie?What step is missing/wrong in getting this fade to work?

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Professional :: Fade Out Visible Image Only

Mar 9, 2011

I just need to work on a roll out effect, I have it so if the mouse rolls of the button before the second image is up, it fades out. That is good. But when the second image IS up, the mouse rolls off the button and then the 2nd image fades out, but the 1st images shows up and also fades out. How can I prevent this from happening so it is always only the visible image that will fade out.

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Professional :: Cross Fade Between Two Frames?

Jul 21, 2011

I'm trying to cross fade between two frames using action script. I can fade a frame out with the following script but I can't figure out the cross fade part.
/* Fade Out Movie Clip

Fades out the symbol instance by decreasing its alpha property within an ENTER_FRAME event until it is invisible.

1. To change the speed at which the symbol instance fades out, change the 0.01 value below (valid values are in the range 0.0 - 1.0). Higher values cause faster fade out.

2. The '-=' operator is a shortcut to typing 'Spread1.alpha = Spread1.alpha - 0.1'.

3. Because the animation uses an ENTER_FRAME event, it progresses only when the playhead moves to a new frame, and the speed of the animation is also affected by the frame rate of the FLA file.
Spread1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fl_FadeSymbolOut);
Spread1.alpha = 1;
function fl_FadeSymbolOut(event:Event)


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Professional :: Swf Not Working In IE 8 / But Working In Firefox / Chrome

Jul 26, 2010

I have just made a website (URL...), and I have two swf. One sound swf and one video swf but none are loading in IE? Anyone know what wrong?

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Professional :: Make Pictures Fade-in To Each Other Using UIloader?

Jan 21, 2010

I have a problem making pictures fade into each other.
I have a gallery using UIloader. the problem is that when I press the next_btn the prev pic dissapears during the upcoming loads. this is my code:


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Professional :: Fade Movieclip On Rollout Of Button?

Aug 29, 2010

I have movieclip controlled by a button. by rollover on the button  the movieclip transition starts working and I want that on rollout the movieclip will disappear in smooth fade. (the movieclip and the button have an instance name).

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Professional :: Using Flash To Fade In And Out Images On Hompage?

Dec 6, 2010

I thought it was a pretty easy/standard feature to use Flash for fading a serious of images in and out on a homepage.  Apparently, it's not that easy.  I've tried using javascript code and other code that I have come across on user sites, but they haven't worked.  I think I'm not skilled enough to use them properly.

I'm trying to do something like this in fading images from one to the next:


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Professional :: Creating A Fade Up Effect From Bottom To Top?

Mar 27, 2011

I'm struggling to create an effect that I thought wouldn't be to complex to complete, however several hours latter...still can not make it work.
Using Motion tween Im attempting to make an image fade up! Meaning the image slowly fades up from the bottom of the image until the whole image can be seen.
I've tried using the fade effect and adding a masked layer that's tweened, however it fades in very harshly indeed, with the line of the mask very obvious.
Is there any way that I can do this so that it looks smoother and the line is less distinctive.

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Professional :: Image Fade Flicker On Mouse Over?

Apr 22, 2011

just been trying to fade one image into another on mouse over. found a template which does it for me and have applied my images to it. works how i want it to - image 1 fades into image 2 on mouse over, then goes back to image 1 when mouse moves off
BUT the problem is that when the mouse is the image and it fades into image 2 it begins to flicker - see for yourself in the .fla file here [URL]..

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Professional :: How To Make Image Fade In OnLoad Using AS2

May 4, 2011

I do not know the code to make an image fade in onLoad. I have one image in a movie clip named mc_FoBimg with an instance name of mc_FoBimg.

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Professional :: Slideshow Flash - Fade Transition?

Aug 20, 2011

I've managed to make a simple slideshow in Flash, however the images just flick sharply to the next. Could you tell me how to do a fade transition?

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