I have a Flash project created in an earlier version that I'm opening in CS3. I'm trying to change one link, but it appears to be buried in code and I can't locate it and I need to change the link to an outside page.
What i want to do is make the flash template bi-language.the Index file is linked to Main_F7.swf and to tfile_main.xml so i figured the easiest option for me (just a started with flash) is to make a second copy of Main_F7 (Main_F72) and link this one to tfile_main2 (second language).
index --> main_F7 --> tfile_main (first language) with a button to the index2 file index2 --> main_F72 --> tfile_main2 (for the second language) with a button to the index file
The site will open in english and whenever the button flag is clicked the second language will open.
I installed a flash template. It has navigation buttons with a nice roll-over effect. The buttons are all located within a symbol called "menu" (it is a Movie Clip type symbol, not a Button type). Each individual button in the menu appear to be in its own separate layer, so the first button is in a layer called "item1, second button in "item2", and so on. I want to edit the link for the fourth button so it goes to another website but I can't seem to find the code to edit the link. I managed to find
and this does work - upon pressing the button it goes to the website link. However, there is no more roll-over effect for this button. So there has to be an alternative or better way to editing the link for this button (without removing the roll-over effect).
I have created a small application which takes it's information from an xml file and displayes it in a news ticker which is a flash Flash AS2 application. tell me the correct way to format the link tag in the xml if there is a standard when wanting to state a target for the link? The xml file currently looks like:
So what I want to do is to be able to open the link in a taget=_blank window however adding that to the end of the url does not currently work.I have added a comma and also tried using a space, space and encompassing in quotes but none are working.
I was given the following recommendation for my website:
Your flash menu links to home.html.However,since home.html is the default document, you're encouraging people to link to http:[url]... or bookmark it.If you ever change the name of the default document(home page),those links will break.I would change the link to be <a href="/">home</a> so it loads whatever default page you are currently using.I looked at my code and it says this:
onClipEvent (load) { num = 1; this.hitArea = this.area; link = "home.html";}on (rollOver) { if (_root.link<>num) { _root.icon1.gotoAndPlay("s1"); _root.item1.gotoAndPlay("s1"); }}on (releaseOutside, rollOut) { if (_root.link<>num) { _root.icon1.gotoAndPlay("s2"); _root.item1.gotoAndPlay("s2"); }}on (release) { if (_root.link<>num) { _parent["item"+_root.link].gotoAndPlay("s2"); _root.link = num; getURL(link); }}
When I changed the first section to this, I got an error and the home button kept rotating.
onClipEvent (load) { num = 1; this.hitArea = this.area; link = <a href="/">home</a>;
I bought a flash template last week and have more or less being able to modify it to the way I wanted, its 95% done & I've had to make a couple sacrifices due to my lack of flash knowledge.
The blog on the website is now on a subdomain (I'm using wordpress for the blog), I also had a registration email form on my current site which is now gonna be on a seperate html subdomain too.
My problem is that I have one page on the flash template that I wanted to use for the blog but as that's not easily done. Instead of using the button to open an empty page, is there anyway I can redirect it to the Blog on the subdomain & open it in a blank window/tab?
I have a flash file and I want to be able to hover over it and see the cursor change and when I click I want to be sent to a page I specify on a website.
I've tried "on(release) etc" in ActionScript (although I know nothing!) and it says I need to use NavigateToURL so I tried searching on the Internet and couldn't find anything?
I recently started to use flex and I'm having trouble with the debugger. Every time I try to run it in flash player, it says it can't locate my debugger. But I downloaded the flash player debugger from the Adobe website and put it in the library > internet plugins folder. I'm using flash player 9 on flex 3.
On my website I go to "movie explorer" and go through all the ActionScript and on the bar tab it does open upa moving vertical options (it shows up when I have it in swf or preview it) but while I am in Flash CS4 I can't find it....there are extra componentsin separate files inside the folders (mx) and (tm). It is not live on my site yet but what I am trying to do is have certain tabs go directly to a different webpage (not all of them to the flash tabs as specified) as you will see by visiting my site: [URL]
I have loaded an external .swf file on to the stage with multiple movieClips in it. From the main timline of which I load this external .swf file, I am moving the movieclip(s) around the stage (with the commands of the arrow key). On the main timeline I have this:
function this_function() { trace(mc_holder.village._x); }[code]....
When I trace the village on the onEnterFrame function, I am successful in viewing the value/position of the village in the in the external .swf file. However, if 'this_occurs' and I tell it to use the function 'this_function', where I tell it to trace the village again, it doesn't recongize the movieClip, or village. Instead of giving me a value, it just gives me 'undefined'. So why is it that the 'this_function' can't locate the external .swf file village?
I've a assets swc file that contains several TLFTextField objects, each one with it's style (font, color, size).
I use the following code to set a link:
var text_tf : TLFTextField; var url : String = "www.stackoverflow.com"; text_tf.htmlText = "<a href='http://" + url + "' target='_blank'>"+url+"</a>";
This works as expected, but it changes the color of the text to blue;
What's the easiest way to configure the color of the text, without having to recreate all the TLF mechanism (ContainerController, Configuration, TextLayoutFormat, TextFlow, ParagraphElement, LinkElement, SpanElement, ...);
is there a way, if i have a clear button in my movie with a load url actionscipt in it. is there a way to change the link of that url dynamicly. i know that sounds sort of crazy and ghetto, but is it possible?
I have a menu screen that for various reasons consists of a number of buttons as separate flash movies. When a button inside these movies is clicked, it is supposed to call a javascript function to move to the appropriate page. It works fine in firefox, but is currently failing in IE7. I don't have an IE6 handy to test on.This is the error I get in IE:[code]I can't locate what char 25 of line 1 might actually mean. I only get the error when I click on the button, and after installing Visual Web Developer to try and get some actual debugging, it doesn't seem to be actually firing the function that is called, so it seems like the error is happening in whatever mechanism actually makes ExternalInterface.call work?[code]
But as i said it doesn't even show up if I put a breakpoint here and debug it. If I put a javascript:gohere('id') link in the html screen and click that it works fine.I have ExternalInterface.call working in other parts of the same project, and can't for the life of me see any differences in the way it has been implemented.
I'm trying to load an as3 swf in another as3 swf,but it says it can't find a class that's being used in the swf that I'm trying to load.I want to know if I can specify the path of the class that's being used so that the swf can locate it when loaded to the main swf.Here's the error I get:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at ro.fwd.template::Main()
I tried scpecifying the path in the publish settings, but had no luck.
On my website I go to "movie explorer" and go through all the ActionScript and on the bar tab it does open upa moving vertical options (it shows up when I have it in swf or preview it) but while I am in Flash CS4 I can't find it....there are extra componentsin separate files inside the folders (mx) and (tm) . I am trying to do is have certain tabs go directly to a different webpage (not all of them to the flash tabs as specified) as you will see by visiting my site: http:[url]....
I'm in the process of migrating my 1st flash game from my PC to a web site. I have a preloader that will load a couple of .swf files to start but it stops when requesting the 1st URL.
Here is my code:
var l1:Loader = new Loader(); var l2:Loader = new Loader(); var completeTimer:Timer;
This is not the entire preloader file, just the part until it halts.
Is it possible that I need to publish with specific settings? After all, everything was working fine until it was copied on the server.
In a drop down menu I have the links as texts in an array. right now it works like this..
Whant is to change the link to open a .swf file in tha same flashmovie. I normally use this script when I use buttons. Is ther any way I can connect this script to the link..
when i open up one of the links, if i dont close it, but go to open up a different link. the already open window pops back up. i need this window to change due to the new link pressed. the site is [link removed by claudio] click on the prodoct locator to see an example. here is the script for the root->
I am creating a framed website in Dreamweaver, but I made my navigation menu in Flash w/ AS 3. The frameset has two frames, one is called header and the other is called content.I want the flash menu to stay in the header frame (which it does) and I want the links to change the page in the content frame.I tried targeting the content frame in my function that changes pages, but for some reason it continues to open the new page (link) in a new window.
function newPage(e:MouseEvent):void { new Tween(highlight_mc,"x",Strong.easeOut,highlight_mc .x,e.currentTarget.x,12,false);[code]......
I just read this tutorial : [URL]. Got it to work fine, and even added a function to have a click sound play on rollOver. The thing is, I can't change the color of the link text on rollOver.
I know I should read the manual to deal with the debugger.I'm not there yet. <g>.Anyhow, here's what the debugger is rendering:
at Website_fla::MainTimeline()[Website_fla.MainTimeline::MainTimeline:2]Cannot display source code at this location. What does the 2 signify?How can I locate the line of AS3 code that triggers this error?if it is too complicated to explain Ill wait until I'm into the debugging chapter of the manual.
I want users to be able to locate objects ,say rectangles, freely on the screen. Each Rectangle will have width, height, x, y.
I want that when users resize browser window, the rectangles change location and size relative to the window while maintaining proportion.
I noticed I could do something width="20%" height="20%" and then object will resize but if the aspect ration is diffenent the rectangles will look distorted. Also I wasn't sure what's the best way to locate object relatively as I noticed I couldn't bind Flexglobals.toplevelapplication.width/Flexglobals.toplevelapplication.height to x/y.
I've started getting the following when I try to run FB4 projects:
/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin
Flash Builder cannot locate the required debugger version of Adobe Flash Player. You might need to install the debugger version of the Flash Player or reinstall Flash Builder.
I've installed the debugger version of the Flash Player. Didn't work. I've reinstalled Flash Builder. Didn't work. I tried using Safari instead of Firefox. Didn't work.
When I go to Macintosh HD/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ in the finder, I can see Flash Player.plugin right there. But when I go to Username/Library/Internet Plug-Ins the entire folder is blank. So I tried copying Flash Player.plugin to the latter folder. Didn't work.
Mac questions (I'm new to mac): Which of these is really the root? Is it normal that there should be duplicate directories like this, with non-duplicate contents??
In FB I opened Windows --> preferences --> Flash Builder --> Profiler --> Player/Browser and browsed to /Applications/Adobe Flash CS5/Players/Debug/Flash Player Debugger.app
What does Flash Player Debugger.app have to do with Flash Player.plugin?