Actionscript 3.0 :: Locate The Class Path?
May 11, 2011
I'm trying to load an as3 swf in another as3 swf,but it says it can't find a class that's being used in the swf that I'm trying to load.I want to know if I can specify the path of the class that's being used so that the swf can locate it when loaded to the main swf.Here's the error I get:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at ro.fwd.template::Main()
I tried scpecifying the path in the publish settings, but had no luck.
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var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
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1120: Access of undefined property getSWF.
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import com.senocular.drawing.Path;
// create a path instance that draws in _root
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ActionScript Code:
package {
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[source path] com
src (with AS documents)
fla (flash file)
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ActionScript Code:
import com.greensock.loading.*;
import com.adobe.serialization.*
However, if I try to edit that same file in flash professional, I get no reference and there is no way I can compile file.What am I doing wrong, why flash professional does not see classes from my com directory? I even try to point it to that dir in actionscript settings but that did not work either.
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and again i receive this odd error while with other subfolders of my lib i have no this
import myLib.ui.*;
import myLib.ui.myCustomScroll
import myLib.util.CustomMath
in all these cases a have no problems exept with this custom event why is this ?
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But when I try to instantiate the symbol using the following code, it does not appear on the stage.
var simpleButton = new SimpleButton();
The code works fine when the mc class path is just SimpleButton, the symbol is added to the stage. However when I try to use my own class, the base class disappears from the linkage box in the mc properties dialog and the symbol does not appear on the stage.
Here is my SimpleButton class:
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
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Apr 17, 2011
There is a pretty good class created by senocular, is called "Path"; basically it allow you to create paths and also create animations using those (like when you use the old good guides on flash).
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Jan 6, 2007
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package test {
import flash.display.Sprite;
how to get the tf1 Object that as to be in stage.root.mytf.tf1 as some documentation say? If you doesn't comment that line you have an error. Obviously you can carry with you the object because is a small object with a few nidification but It seems to me very very bad for performance and code.
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May 29, 2010
I am trying to pass FlashVars into public class EventDispatcher to set the path to data.xml. I need it because the name and path of the xml file will be dynamically created. I need to use Flashvar in order to access the correct path.I was able to pass Flashvar from html page on timeline this way:
Actionscript Code:
var Flashvars:String = LoaderInfo(stage.loaderInfo).parameters.xmlfile;
Then, I was able to use it with new UrlRequest;
Actionscript Code:
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(Flashvars);
This method works really good, but this solution only works on timeline.I need to implement this technique in the class. Before I setup a static var for with the path to xml file. I'd like to be able to get FlashVar withing this class and assign this string to 'public static var DATA_XML_URL:String' I have there. This way I can pass Flashwar to the project I already have.
Actionscript Code:
import; import; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.LoaderInfo; import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.display.Stage;public class ConfigManager extends EventDispatcher {
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Dec 13, 2011
It seems I have no trouble pointing an FLA's document class to my project's class package when the FLA is at the same root level as the package's top-level directory. However, if the FLA is nested in a sub-directory, then relative paths to a class nested in the package will not work.example package & class location : [url]....
Case1 :
Package location : MyProject
FLA location : MyProject[code]........
If someone can provide an explanation as to why nested FLAs can't point to custom packages in parent-level directories, OR demonstrate how this can be done,
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Feb 20, 2011
how to make a counter clockwise circle using Senocular's Path class?
For example, if I start a half-circle on the left (9 o'clock) it will go to 6 o'clock then 3 o'clock. Right now it goes for 9 o'clock to 12 then 3.
Works great clockwise... but I can't get it to draw in the other direction. I tried messing with the math inside the class and it exploded!
Here is a link to his source file: [URL]
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May 29, 2010
I am trying to pass FlashVars into public class EventDispatcher to set the path to data.xml. I need it because the name and path of the xml file will be dynamically created. I need to use Flashvar in order to access the correct path. I was able to pass Flashvar from html page on timeline this way:
PHP Code:
var Flashvars:String = LoaderInfo(stage.loaderInfo).parameters.xmlfile;
Then, I was able to use it for new UrlRequest;
PHP Code:
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(Flashvars);
This method works really good, but this solution only works on timeline. I need to implement this technique in the class. Before I setup a static var for with the path to xml file. I'd like to be able to get FlashVar withing this class and assign this string to 'public static var DATA_XML_URL:String' I have there. This way I can pass Flashvar to the project I already have.
Below is the class where I can implement it:
PHP Code:
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.LoaderInfo;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
[Code] ......
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Mar 10, 2009
I recently started to use flex and I'm having trouble with the debugger. Every time I try to run it in flash player, it says it can't locate my debugger. But I downloaded the flash player debugger from the Adobe website and put it in the library > internet plugins folder. I'm using flash player 9 on flex 3.
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May 14, 2009
Using flash CS3, how can I locate a use of a movie on the stage? I know if I can see it, I can click it to ID but that is the problem.
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Sep 2, 2009
On my website I go to "movie explorer" and go through all the ActionScript and on the bar tab it does open upa moving vertical options (it shows up when I have it in swf or preview it) but while I am in Flash CS4 I can't find it....there are extra componentsin separate files inside the folders (mx) and (tm). It is not live on my site yet but what I am trying to do is have certain tabs go directly to a different webpage (not all of them to the flash tabs as specified) as you will see by visiting my site: [URL]
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Jul 28, 2006
I have loaded an external .swf file on to the stage with multiple movieClips in it. From the main timline of which I load this external .swf file, I am moving the movieclip(s) around the stage (with the commands of the arrow key). On the main timeline I have this:
function this_function() {
When I trace the village on the onEnterFrame function, I am successful in viewing the value/position of the village in the in the external .swf file. However, if 'this_occurs' and I tell it to use the function 'this_function', where I tell it to trace the village again, it doesn't recongize the movieClip, or village. Instead of giving me a value, it just gives me 'undefined'. So why is it that the 'this_function' can't locate the external .swf file village?
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Feb 9, 2011
I have a Flash project created in an earlier version that I'm opening in CS3. I'm trying to change one link, but it appears to be buried in code and I can't locate it and I need to change the link to an outside page.
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May 25, 2009
I have a menu screen that for various reasons consists of a number of buttons as separate flash movies. When a button inside these movies is clicked, it is supposed to call a javascript function to move to the appropriate page. It works fine in firefox, but is currently failing in IE7. I don't have an IE6 handy to test on.This is the error I get in IE:[code]I can't locate what char 25 of line 1 might actually mean. I only get the error when I click on the button, and after installing Visual Web Developer to try and get some actual debugging, it doesn't seem to be actually firing the function that is called, so it seems like the error is happening in whatever mechanism actually makes work?[code]
But as i said it doesn't even show up if I put a breakpoint here and debug it. If I put a javascript:gohere('id') link in the html screen and click that it works fine.I have working in other parts of the same project, and can't for the life of me see any differences in the way it has been implemented.
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Sep 2, 2009
On my website I go to "movie explorer" and go through all the ActionScript and on the bar tab it does open upa moving vertical options (it shows up when I have it in swf or preview it) but while I am in Flash CS4 I can't find it....there are extra componentsin separate files inside the folders (mx) and (tm) . I am trying to do is have certain tabs go directly to a different webpage (not all of them to the flash tabs as specified) as you will see by visiting my site: http:[url]....
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Jan 23, 2010
I'm in the process of migrating my 1st flash game from my PC to a web site. I have a preloader that will load a couple of .swf files to start but it stops when requesting the 1st URL.
Here is my code:
var l1:Loader = new Loader();
var l2:Loader = new Loader();
var completeTimer:Timer;
This is not the entire preloader file, just the part until it halts.
Is it possible that I need to publish with specific settings? After all, everything was working fine until it was copied on the server.
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