Professional :: Changing File Name Of .swf Breaks Everything?

Oct 8, 2010

I have changed the "src=filname.swf" in the <embed> tag as well as the "name=filename" part of the <embed> tag however to no avail. The video still no longer plays after I rename the file. It was built in ActionScript3 I think.

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Professional :: .swf File Causing Breaks/extra Spaces In Html Page?

Dec 2, 2010

I put together an .html page using a photoshop jpg that I sliced into sections. I was asked to replace two graphics from the original .jpg file with animated content of the same size. Using my slices as a guide for size, I created the two animated graphics in flash and saved them out as .swf files. They are both the exact same size(px) as the static images. I opened my newly sliced html file in dreamweaver, deleted the static images and placed the .swf files.
For some reason the .swf files cause gaps in my html page. Tere are no borders on the .swf files and I can't figure what I've done wrong.
One note: It seems to only ad space when viewing from Mozilla. Havent' tested it on a pc yet either.[URL]

Below is code for the left hand speaker:

<td colspan="3" rowspan="4"><object id="FlashID" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="246" height="378">          <param name="movie" value="index_images/speaker_left.swf">          <param name="quality" value="high">          <param name="wmode" value="opaque">          <param name="swfversion" value="">          <!-- Next object tag is for non-IE


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ActionScript 3.0 :: BlendMode Breaks In Nested MC After Changing 3d Properties?

Jun 22, 2010

so, a blendMode seems to break on a nested movieclip in FP10 when you change a 3d propery of the parent clip? rotationY, rotationZ, etc...Example here (sorry, not enough posts to actually link):

ActionScript Code:
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.display.*;


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Professional :: Changing Font In .txt File?

Jan 27, 2011

I'm trying to change the font within the flash file of this site. Its one single swf, with a series of .txt files loaded through actionscript 2.0. How do I change the font of the text within the scrolling box at the right?

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Professional :: Changing Size Of File Before Exporting It?

Feb 3, 2010

I made a banner that will appear at the top of a website, though I just found out I need to decrease the width of it. I would like to export it at a smaller size, so I go to Publish Settings and I notice I can change the width and height. How can I do this while maintaing its proportions? It is currently 791 x 275. Using CS3.

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Actionscript 3 :: AIR File Too Big Breaks During Installation?

Mar 21, 2012

A client is having me convert an HTML5 video web application that I've already built into an AIR app.

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Professional :: Mp3 Dropped On Stage Breaks Buttons?

Feb 14, 2011

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Player Breaks When Loading .csv File With URLLoader

Mar 25, 2011

I've made a little flash, with AS3, to view the data generated by some program I wrote... The data is in a .csv file and are loaded to the memory with a URLLoader object.

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What may be causing the crash? - I don't think it is the code, since it runs smooth for small files...

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Mar 5, 2004

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CSS Isn't Changing XML File?

Nov 10, 2009

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Changing Hue And Saturation Of PNG File?

Jun 30, 2009

We are working on a pretty robust "shirt design" application that allows users to create custom t-shirt designs, create vector output automatically and send the files to a printer.
Inside of the application, you can select high resolution artwork in PNG format and add that to your shirt design. We would like to add the functionality to :
1) Change the Hue and Saturation of the PNG in question (probably using the ColorMatrixFilter class, or something along those lines). 2) Be able to change the hue of different parts of the PNG... (I know , this is probably tricky).
For example, if you have a PNG of a Red Convertible with black tires, how would we even go about changing the color of the convertible and the tires seperately?

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Flash :: Changing SelectedIndex From File?

Mar 11, 2011

I have a simple button function that changes the selectedIndex on a view stack without using the menu bar component. I call the function from the click property on the button and pass an int as the index I want to jump to. When I had the code on the application MXML file everything worked fine. After moving my actionscript to a separate file, I get access of undefined property errors:

protected function changeView(index:int):void
myViewStack.selectedIndex = index;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing External AS File?

Apr 22, 2010

I have made an animation that has an external AS file. I want to be able to just edit the AS file and the animation to update. Right now the way I have it set up is in the action script of the fla i have the following:

include "" I am pretty new to Flash so i'm not sure if this is the best way to do this. The way it is now if i edit the AS file and save it..nothing happens unless i go into the fla and publish it again. Is there another way of doing this so that all the user has to do is edit the AS file? I'm sure there is, but I just am not sure how.

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Flash - Changing SelectedIndex From AS File?

Nov 26, 2004

I have a simple button function that changes the selectedIndex on a view stack without using the menu bar component. I call the function from the click property on the button and pass an int as the index I want to jump to. When I had the code on the application MXML file everything worked fine. After moving my actionscript to a separate file, I get access of undefined property errors:

protected function changeView(index:int):void
myViewStack.selectedIndex = index;

How do I get the .as file to recognize the myViewStack component? Do I need to reference Main.MXML somewhere in the .as file? Thanks.

Here is the rest of my code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""


And finally the .as files with the function in question:

import mx.containers.ViewStack;
protected function changeView(index:int, myViewStack:ViewStack):void
myViewStack.selectedIndex = index;

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Professional :: Changing Page On Event?

Mar 1, 2010

I'm trying to make a flash page that shows a map with a car driving around on it. The car can be moved with keyboard or mouse, doesn't really matter. When the car crashes into a building, I want it to change to a different page.

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Professional :: Colour Changing Upon Export?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm working on a game at the moment, and I'm running into a problem. I was testing the vector files that I export of the art I made, and upon re-importation to flash the colours have changed significantly. Then, when the game is running in a browser, it looks different again. It even looks different between different browsers.

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Professional :: Changing Text In A Textfield?

Jul 31, 2010

I am trying to create buttons that will replace the text in a text field.The text field is "Staff_Copy".The buttons are "Staff_Saam_btn", "Staff_Nicolas_btn", "Staff_David_btn", and "Staff_Anthony_btn".
//Code in frame 1 of timeline
var Staff_Copy_Value:Number = 0;[code]................

This doesn't work.Whatever the initial value of the variable "Staff_Copy_Value" is will determine the text in the field.So if I use the value 0 as in the above, whatever is in the textfield on the stage shows.If I use 1,2,3, or 4 then the text strings in the defined variables shows up.What am I missing.I am assuming it is has to do with the onEnterFrame command.How do I make the movie keep checking the value of "Staff_Copy_Value"?

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Professional :: Tween Changing Motion On Its Own?

Aug 10, 2010

I am trying to move the instance in a particular path, but by the time I finish defining the entire path, the first few points all go astray. I then completed only 5 change points, but by then the 2nd, 3rd and 4th point were all astray, as in, not in the position I had originally defined them.

I am very frustrated with this as I have been working on this file for ages now, and nothing of this sort happened before. I have redone the tween atleast five times but it still acts weird by the time i move ahead a few frames.

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Professional :: Changing The Origin Of The Stage?

Aug 13, 2010

This question has been raised in other forums as one of "moving the stage," and the solution seemed to be that the stage cannot be moved, only the components of the animation can be moved. That solution does not work for my situation (I am using CS4) where moving a motion path causes the shape off an object to be altered.Perhaps I can pose the question this way:The stage initially has origin (0,0) and the size of the stage is measured from that point. Is it possible to change the origin to, say, (-100, -200), which, in effect moves every object on stage 100 pixels to the right (because the stage has moved 100 pixels to the left) and 200 pixels down?

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Professional :: Changing Frame Rate From 12 To 30?

Sep 29, 2010

I recently built a flash movie that I am going to export out into a quicktime movie for YouTube. I mistakenly built it with the frame rate of 12 fps and I need to switch it to 30 to make it compatible for YouTube.
My question is:
Is there an easy way to change the frame rate from 12 to 30 and keep the same timing that I have with the movie at 12fps? The only way I can think to do it is manually, but I was wondering if there is an easier way.

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Professional :: Changing Scripting In Existing Fla?

Nov 15, 2010

I have a sample fla file, but I can't find where to edit the scripting in it. Basically there are 2 buttons, each one going to a different URL. I can't figure out where to change the URLs they go to. I've looked literally everywhere in flash.

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Professional :: Make Button Changing From One Pic To Another Pic?

Dec 6, 2010

I want to make an image as button which should show on mouse over anoher image? How it is possible?

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Professional :: Changing The Speed Of MovieClip

Jan 1, 2011

I am new to Flash and Actionscript and am currently working on some code pulled from another post to try and learn from what others are doing or have done. I have created a star movieclip and am attempting to move it randomly accross the stage in a relatively slow speed. When I run it, it moves randomly but way too fast. I have spent the last 6 hours playing with the code, researching help files and also looking up other discussions but nothing seems to be helping. Here is what I have so far. My apologies if the code looks like a hack. This is being done in CS4 if that matters at all. If anyone could shed some more light on how to handle controlling the speed or rate of random movement with some insight


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Professional :: Changing A Font Across The Frames

Jun 7, 2011

I have created an animation where I have pictures and text accompanying the pictures sliding in and out. However, I want to change the font of the text across the entire animation. What is the easiest way to do this? I have found when I have tried it, (changing the font in the text box) that sometimes it throws the whole animation out for each key frame that has that text (if this makes any sense). In other words, suppose I change the font in keyframe 1, the change it at the next keyframe, sometimes the second keyframe is no longer consistent with the first, perhaps only slightly and therefore the animation can run a bit choppy as it goes from keyframe to keyframe.

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Professional :: Changing Links For Navigation Bar?

Jul 27, 2011

I have purchase this template http:[url].....html for a friend of mine and have changed everything they need and the last thing . changing the links in the navagation bar/Menu bar I have changed the links in Obj_36copy and it didn't work so I know I am surposed to do something else but can figure it out here is the fla file [url]...

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Professional :: Changing A Symbol Across Projects?

Oct 7, 2011

I have several related projects. If I pull a symbol from the library of one project into another project, and then modify the symbol, shouldn't the changes appear in the original project too? Or is a new, project-unique symbol auto-created that has the exact same name as the one in the original library?I have a multi-scene cartoon with recurring characters, and would very much like to make modifications as I notice imperfections, and trust that the changes will appear in all instances. Is this possible?

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Professional :: Instance Name Changing At Runtime?

Jan 19, 2012

I have a FLA in which I've added three movie clips, each with a unique name. I've set the MC name through the properties panel as well as giving the MC a name when converting it from a image to a MovieClip (by clicking F8).

When I run the swf and output the names of the children in the swf, I find that the name of one of the MovieClips changes, for example from myFirst_MC to instance8.

To output the MovieClip names I loop through all the children of the swf and output the name like this:

for(var i:uint=0;i<numChildren;i++){
var display:DisplayObject = getChildAt(i);
trace( );

Why does the instance name of a MC change? And how can I stop this from happening?

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Changing File Extension From F4V To FLV - Any Negative Effects?

Sep 2, 2010

I am uploading videos to my new site (aspirin creative) and the player will not recognize any .f4v videos. I changed the extension on one to .flv and it now appears to recognize and play the video. Also, I didnt build the site myself and the developer not Define terms of video playback (which has been less than great so far) the player seems to be a rather strange resolution (600x340) which is not native 16:9 and wont recognize 4:3 encodes without stretching and warping. I have tried to encode close to this in media encoder but as soon as I select .flv over .f4v in the options my ratios seem to go mad, not keeping the preset and not letting me set to anything that is actually 16:9?!

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