Professional :: Create And Pass A Variable With Button On(release)?

Apr 23, 2011

I have an AS 2 movie that has tons of navigation. When the movie first loads, the main screen plays an animation and stops. That animation is my main menu. If a user clicks the home button (which is an MC instance) it takes him to the Home Movie and plays. From here, I need to be able to fade out that movie and fade in a new movie when the user clicks on the next button. So, I want to create a variable on(release) of the button thats within the Home MC that will play the fade out and then be directed to the next animation.I imagine something like this.

buttonA == false;
buttonA = true;


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Professional :: Configure Which Symbol To Play Upon Release Of A Button?

Aug 17, 2010

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Header 1onClipEvent (load) { num = 1; this.title2.num = 4; // this line is the frame number of the symbol which the button links to this.title2.name1 = "More 04";}

After experimenting, I realize that it is the 3rd line which controls which page (ie/ frame number) the button links to.So in the above example, the button will link to frame 4 of the symbol.In another button that same line reads:this.title2.num = 5 and so clicking that button will link to frame 5 of the symbol.Now here in that above code shows which symbol to go to - it just seems to know where to go (it actually goes to a symbol called 'Content Movie Y6').So my question is, how does it know which symbol to link to?I'd like to know in case I want to change the link in the future.

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PHP Code:[code].....

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I have:

ActionScript Code:


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But when I add the on (release) to the movie it doesnt advance the timeline on (release). And when I change the file to a button instead of a movie clip it doesnt do the underline on (rollOver).

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on (release) {
mybutton.enabled = false;

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Making A Button Go To A Specific Frame On Release?

May 30, 2010

Im creating a simple flash presentation and i have created four buttons, what i want to now do is make each button go to a differant frame on the timeline, im guessing this is go to and stop? But i cant figure it out [URL]

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I'm trying to make a simple virtual keyboard. So if I click the btnA, the A keydown will be inputted.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Animations When Release The Button?

Aug 22, 2007

I have 4 buttons,(home, about, gallery, contacts). and each button have their own animations, when you rollout/over them. well, this is my problem, i want to stop animations when i release the button. pls help me with that. i was so confused about that.

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IDE :: Movieclip - Make A Button Access A URL On Release?

Apr 30, 2009

I know you can use the following code to make a button access a URL on release:


Just wondering if there is any other code or actionscript you can put on a movie clip so that on release, it accomplished the same thing?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Allow Movie Clip To Appear On Release Of Button?

Jun 13, 2010

I will like to allow movie clip to appear on release of button for a certain period say 10 seconds, how to set interval for the movie clip ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Load On Button Release?

Sep 7, 2010

I will try to make this as sysinct As possible. I'm working in Flash CS4, AS 2 and I'm trying to make an online image gallery/portfolio but I'm having trouble making an image appear when I release the button. (I've uploaded the fla if you want to look). Basically, I have a movie clip that will contain all my thumbs and that enters the stage with this action script:

onClipEvent (load) {
_root.xnew = _root.mask._x + (-9-1)*100/2 ;


I made the first 3 squares into buttons: imgbtn1, imgbtn2, imgbtn3

I've tried loading the images into an empty movie clip a hundred different ways and I've also tryed writing action script for the button to just play at a certain frame to show a picture but I have not really gotten anywhere.

Essentially I would like for the thumbs to swoop in as they do and for the user to click a thumb and for that thumb to dynamically load a photo in the center of the stage.

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Nov 20, 2010

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Whenever I publish the file flash gives me an unexpected "]" error code. Is it possible to have a variable name with brackets? I tried to use the escape codes %5B%5D to pass the brackets but that didn't work also.

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