ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Load On Button Release?

Sep 7, 2010

I will try to make this as sysinct As possible. I'm working in Flash CS4, AS 2 and I'm trying to make an online image gallery/portfolio but I'm having trouble making an image appear when I release the button. (I've uploaded the fla if you want to look). Basically, I have a movie clip that will contain all my thumbs and that enters the stage with this action script:

onClipEvent (load) {
_root.xnew = _root.mask._x + (-9-1)*100/2 ;


I made the first 3 squares into buttons: imgbtn1, imgbtn2, imgbtn3

I've tried loading the images into an empty movie clip a hundred different ways and I've also tryed writing action script for the button to just play at a certain frame to show a picture but I have not really gotten anywhere.

Essentially I would like for the thumbs to swoop in as they do and for the user to click a thumb and for that thumb to dynamically load a photo in the center of the stage.

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on (release)


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import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.Sprite;


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