ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Dynamic Text On (release) Button?

Jun 24, 2004

I need to add score points and load dynamic text at the same time. This is my code.

on (release) {
//This is where I need to load dynamic text
//-----"response" is my dynamic text field; same as "total"-----


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Similar Posts:

ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Dynamic Text On On (release) Button?

Jun 24, 2004

I need to add score points and load dynamic text at the same time. This is my code.

on (release) {
//This is where I need to load dynamic text
//-----"response" is my dynamic text field; same as "total"-----


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Load On Button Release?

Sep 7, 2010

I will try to make this as sysinct As possible. I'm working in Flash CS4, AS 2 and I'm trying to make an online image gallery/portfolio but I'm having trouble making an image appear when I release the button. (I've uploaded the fla if you want to look). Basically, I have a movie clip that will contain all my thumbs and that enters the stage with this action script:

onClipEvent (load) {
_root.xnew = _root.mask._x + (-9-1)*100/2 ;


I made the first 3 squares into buttons: imgbtn1, imgbtn2, imgbtn3

I've tried loading the images into an empty movie clip a hundred different ways and I've also tryed writing action script for the button to just play at a certain frame to show a picture but I have not really gotten anywhere.

Essentially I would like for the thumbs to swoop in as they do and for the user to click a thumb and for that thumb to dynamically load a photo in the center of the stage.

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Load Dynamic Text After Button Click?

Apr 13, 2010

I am making a site where each page has a 'mini menu' and when you click on each item you get different text, problem is, I am having real trouble loading my text in, I have tried loads of different tutorials and there always seems to be errors.

I also know for a fact that as soon as i actually get this working, some other error will come up when I want to make the text change (or another text box to become visible) when you click the menu item.

I have attached an image of a page from my site, hopefully someone will be able to work out what i mean from this description, there is more info as comments in my actions window.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Dynamic Text Under A Button?

Jul 26, 2010

I created a button and put some dynamic texts in it. But i cannot load text it from an xml file dynamically.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Dynamic Text Using On(release) In Movie Clip?

Jun 23, 2004

I'm making a site in Flash MX, and I have dynamic text boxes so that the data can be easily changed. For navigation I'm using rollover buttons.

My rollover buttons are actually movie clips. I don't like to use buttons for rollover animations because when you roll off of them, they jump back to their normal state without a smooth transition. This doesn't look too good.

When a user navigates the site and clicks, I want the rollover buttons to load up dynamic text in 2 different boxes (header and content) from a .txt file on the server.

I did this successfully with regular buttons, but for some reason, the exact same actionscript doesn't work with the movieclips. How come? I did this from a tutorial on this site. Heres my code for the movie clips:

on (rollOver) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Dynamic Text Using On (release) In Movie Clip?

Jun 23, 2004

I'm making a site in Flash MX, and I have dynamic text boxes so that the data can be easily changed. For navigation I'm using rollover buttons.

My rollover buttons are actually movie clips. I don't like to use buttons for rollover animations because when you roll off of them, they jump back to their normal state without a smooth transition. This doesn't look too good.

When a user navigates the site and clicks, I want the rollover buttons to load up dynamic text in 2 different boxes (header and content) from a .txt file on the server.

I did this successfully with regular buttons, but for some reason, the exact same actionscript doesn't work with the movieclips. How come? I did this from a tutorial on this site. Heres my code for the movie clips:

on (rollOver) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: On Release.....text Fade And Load Movie?

Jan 31, 2006

I have a button..that at the moment loads a movie. However I need the button to fade text then load movie!! Is it as simple as combining these twp pieces of action script? How do I go about altering this to work?

on (release)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Xml Data To Dynamic Text Under A Button?

Jul 26, 2010

I created a button and put some dynamic texts in it. But i cannot load text it from an xml file dynamically. see the code below :

var xmlLoader9:URLLoader = new URLLoader();xmlLoader9.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, showXML99);xmlLoader9.load(new URLRequest("mempops.xml"));


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Dynamic Text Without Having To Press A Button?

Feb 15, 2003

If I want to load dynamic text without having to press a button. I want it to load in the first frame of my movie automatically when it loads. What should I do? What I have so far on a button is :

on (press) {
loadText = new loadVars();
loadText.onLoad = function() {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Revisited Underline Text - When Add The On (release) To The Movie It Doesn't Advance The Timeline On (release)

Dec 6, 2005

Underlined Text On (rollOver) Is there an action script to do on (rollover) underline text? It would be on a button that would also, on (release) gotoAndPlay a frame. I know you can have a movie with AS like this:


But when I add the on (release) to the movie it doesnt advance the timeline on (release). And when I change the file to a button instead of a movie clip it doesnt do the underline on (rollOver).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Text On Scripted Button Does Not Shows On Rollover On Release?

Jun 24, 2004

I've got this following scripts to create button through action script. However during onrollover/onrelease, the text (button name) is dissapear.Here's the code:

depth = 1;
mouse_over_colour = 0xCCCCCC;
mouse_clicked_colour = 0x666666;[code]....

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Text On Scripted Button Does Not Shows On Rollover An On Release

Jun 24, 2004

I've got this following scripts to create button through action script. However during onrollover/onrelease, the text (button name) is dissapear.

depth = 1;
mouse_over_colour = 0xCCCCCC;
mouse_clicked_colour = 0x666666;
area_width = 200;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash8] Load Text Into A Dynamic Text Field And Load A Corresponding Picture Or Movieclip?

May 1, 2009

The desired affect is simple: I have a single button... with each click I want it to load text into a dynamic text field and load a corresponding picture or movieclip.There are only three unique text/image combinations- after its displayed the third, with the next click I want it to just start over. All the text functions perfectly with each click.

The problem is:I use "createEmptyMovieClip" then use the resulting clip as a loader clip.. With the first click I want a movieclip from the library to load, so I use the "attachMovie" method- it displays the first library fine.With the next click I want to load an external swf- so I call the "loadMovie" method of the loaderclip... The external swf loads just fine replacing the first library clip.The third clip is where I have problems... now I want to load another library item into the loaderclip... so I tried using the attachMovie method again but the external swf remains static... then with the next click, I discover the first library item no longer loads and the external swf remains still playing- it's like once it's been loaded into the loaderclip it cant be moved...

So I tried adding the "unloadMovie" method in the code for the third click.. it successfully removed the swf... but the next line of code immediately after the unload statement, doesn't work. The line calls the attachMovie method for the loaderclip... but the library item doesnt load... Oddly enough, with the next click, the first library item now does load as if everything's fine... It seems like you cant use the unloadMovie and attachMovie on the same executing code? if that makes any sense... the basic idea was that if I couldnt get the attachmovie method to replace the loaded external swf, then I would use the unload method to remove it, then have code immediately after, to then execute the attachMovie method... but it still doesnt load the library clip. and I know it's not a type-o, because when I comment out the loadMovie and unloadMovie statements, it loads both the library items perfectly ? The code is below

var increment:Number = 1;
var verbiage1:String = "Hello World1";
var verbiage2:String = "Hello World2";[code].............

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text In Button Nested In Dynamic Movie Clip?

Jan 23, 2010

I've made a flash movie which will load four movie clips at runtime. Actually, the number of movie clips will depend upon number of "NODE" in XML file. Keeping XML file thing aside, I've tried hardcoded values; 4. Let me describe you the structure very well:

There is a main empty movie clip, instance name "mc_scroll" which will be only item on stage. In this movie clip, another movie clip whose identifier name is "blueMovie" will be loaded dynamically. Inside this "blueMovie" MC, there is a button instance name is "blueButton" and inside this button there is a "Dynamic Text" field instance name is "btn_text".

Phewww.. so long chain... inshort:

Now, I can load 4 or any number of "blueMovie" inside "mc_scroll". But I also want to set the button text for each button inside each MC!! I'm sure you guys are getting what I want to do. But its not working. Below is the code:

for(i=0; i<4; i++)


how to assign the text dynamically which is inside a button and this button inside a MC which is created dynamically inside a main MC!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Line Breaks When Load Text Into A Dynamic Text Box?

May 11, 2003

Is there any way to make line breaks when you load text into a dynamic text box, other than using html? And if not, could someone give me an example of how to do it using html?

View 12 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External Text - Dynamic Text Refuses To Load

Oct 8, 2011

So I'm loading text from an external file I've uploaded onto the internet. It loads absolutely fine when I test the movie from my computer, but when I upload it and embed it onto an html page, all of the dynamic text refuses to load. Can someone enlighten me as to what's going on? Or at least tell me how to fix it? XD;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Statement - Check If Another Button Is Visible On Release Of A Button To Determine What Action To Be Taken

Jun 24, 2004

i'm trying to use if statements but can't get this thing to work i want to check if another button is visible on release of a button to determine what action to be taken.the 'gotoAndPlay("firstscene",1)' is just there as an outcome, will be changed later. anyway this is the code i've got on the button i'm pressing. blobyellow2 is an instance of a button blobyellow is it because it's an instance that it's not working?


edit: sorry forgot to put what's wrong with the code. it acts as though the statement is correct no matter if it is or isn't.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load New Text Into A Dynamic Text Box Already Populated By A Xml File?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm using Flash 8 and I'm trying to load new text into a dynamic text box already populated by a xml file.

I have a home page with 5 different buttons on the top menu.

1. Home
2. News
3. Tips
and a few more.

Upon my home page loading, I have a dynamic text box with the welcome text which is populated by my xml file, here is my code for AS2:

function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
_root.home = this.firstChild.childNodes[0].childNodes[0]; = this.firstChild.childNodes[1].childNodes[0];


What I want to do is load the news and tips text into the same dynamic text box on the home page when the news or tips button is clicked, so I don't have to load a whole new swf for each category thus making the site faster.

What code would I have to use to clear the text from the xml file and how would I load my new text upon clicking the button?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cant Load And External Text File Into My Dynamic Text Box?

Jun 1, 2010

I cant load and external text file into my dynamic text box...when i trace the loaded var it can be found, but when it's loaded inside the text box, the value that appears is really strange.i tried to load the vars into the MC and on a level, the result is the same, it can be traced but does not appear correctly on the textbox..the code i used is here..i made a text box with about_us instance name, loaded the variables and tried to load my text inside it by setting the text property of the textbox but as u will see...

loadVariables("about.txt", "this");
about_us.text = about;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Access Text From A .txt File And Load It Into The Dynamic Text Box

Mar 29, 2004

am setting up a webpage with Flash MX. On the homepage I have a dynamic text box with links to the left (currently the links are just typed words). We want it to setup so that when a user clicks a link (such as "HOME") it will access text from a .txt file and load it into the dynamic text box. We want all of the links ("HOME", "PERSONNEL", "RECRUITS", "CONTACT US") to load their text from a seperate .txt file into that same dynamic text box.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Random/dynamic Text Into A Text Field?

Jan 18, 2005

When a user enters the website, it will pull text from some location (possibly an XML file) and load it into a text field. The trick is that I want it to randomly load a different chunk of text in each time the user opens the site. There are about 25 different small pieces of text I want to randomly load.

I'm thinking of using XML to store the 25 different text sentences, but am open to other ideas.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Field That Will Load English Text?

Oct 17, 2006

I am trying to have a dynamic text field that will load English text. using

loadVariables("content/english/text.txt.", this);

I want to have a button that on user click it would change the loaded text to spanish lets say or german.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A Clip Or Image With Text In Dynamic Text Box?

Oct 18, 2007

I need text to be displayed with some movie clips or smileys with it in dynamic text box. Like the below but when i tried to do this i am getting some thing like this it is registering with left or right only. how to rectify it? I am using html output for attaching the clip with text for output

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Whenever Masked Dynamic Text Box The Text Does Not Load

Aug 7, 2006

I have several dynamic text fields and I am trying to mask them but whenever they are masked the text does not load. The txt fields works fine and load fine until they are masked. Anybody know what causes this and how to fix it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Text Into Dynamic Text Field?

Mar 18, 2010

I have a class and function and I have to load my text through class->function[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load External Flv In A Mc On Release

Jul 16, 2008

i am attempting to load an external flv into an EmptyMC on my stage from a button all using actionscript 3.0. i have tried many different ways but nothing seems to be working...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting XML Data To Load On Release?

Jan 1, 2009

I've been looking at this code now for months and I am just not understanding why I cannot seem to get this to work. I have a gallery that loads in a series of thumbnails. What is supposed to happen is that you click on a thumbnail and a larger image of that thumbnail appears. At the same time a second thumbnail image loads in a different movieClip while simultaneously loI can get everything to load correctly initially, but when I click to view any other thumbnail only the larger image loads. The data in the XML file doesn't seem to load the secondary thumbnail or the dynamic text fields. I have included my .fla file and also my xml file. I am hoping someone can take a look and tell me what I've done wrong so I can try and make this work

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Text From Xml To Dynamic Text Box?

Mar 1, 2012

Im trying to load text from a node within an xml file to display in a dynamic text box.

How can I do this?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse Over Specific Word In Dynamic External Text Show Button Over Text?

Aug 26, 2011

Attachment 54101my problem is in bitmap explained:1. after loading external text into dynamic text field,2. how to call/make visible "button over text" on the Scene by pointing a mouse over specific word in loaded external text?3. javascript, html, actionscript (asfunction, variable)

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