Professional :: Creating A Motion Tween With Less Frames On The Timeline?
Dec 25, 2010
By default when I create a new motion tween, it automatically comprises all frames on the layer I want only a 72-frame tween, not a 350-frame tween.
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Aug 4, 2010
I want my object to animate using Motion Tween in Timeline. I did so. But it starts animating from Frame 1. Instead I would like it to start animating from Frame 25. I don't want anything to animate upto 24 Frames. How can I do that?
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Mar 10, 2011
When creating an animation with a classic tween sometimes I'd have to adjust all frames based on changing stage size and what have you. I'd usually park animations in mc's but even then I'd have to on occasion move the whole animation as whole, using the Edit Multiple Frames button on the Timeline. This is also needed when repurposing Flash ads for different sizes. Sometimes I have to adjust a few layers and leave some layers alone, again for Flash ads and alike.
When using a Motion or 3D tween I wanted to know if this was possible, not because I have a particular scenario but I wanted to see if I could do this in the event of needing to do so one day. I tried this feature and I was unable to move the whole animation as I would with a Classic Tween. The only thing I could do to achieve this was to park the Motion/3D tween into it's own mc and then drop that mc on the stage and move the mc as a whole. Is there any way to select all frames of the Motion Tween and move it as a whole without resorting to putting it in a mc (even though I get that it should always exist in a mc)?
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May 30, 2010
I havve accidently created extra unneeded key frames in a layer, in the middle of motion tween. I was wondering how to change these keyframes, without deleting them so not to change the length?
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Apr 16, 2011
I hav created 24 frames (i use 24fps) by hand depicting a small move.Now I need to repeat this move for 1 minute and move it from left to right through the there a way to avoid copying-pasting these 24 frames and chaning them a little to the others 59 seconds by using motion tween?So, iam looking for a way to combine both the 24 frames and apply motion tween to them.
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Mar 8, 2010
If I perform a motion tween along a curved path, Flash CS4 does not allow to change the curves to "corner point" or "linear" in the motion editor. URL...
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Nov 11, 2011
I will have three seperate pages for the motion tween, mask effect and shape tween... would you make the seperately, in a different scene, as a symbol or on the same scene with the website.
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May 15, 2010
I am trying to figure out how to make my movie clip move from left to right then down with a motion tween script. I have the script written to move left to right on the x axis, but can't figure out how to add the script to have it then move down on the y axis.
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Oct 6, 2010
I'm just learning the software and haven't been able to figure this out. I'm trying to create an historic timeline for our company and am using 20 jpg images, which I placed on separate layers and then converted each jpg to a symbol and motion tweened to go across the screen. The problem is that there is a gap between the frames when they play as a movie and I don't know how to get rid of that so that they flow continuously across the screen from left to right seamlessly.
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May 20, 2011
i made a movie clip with a motion tween wich i added to my stage with actionscript code (with the addChild() property). In het handeling code of the movieclip i put a stop so the motion tween won't play on startup. But how can i start and stop this animation with actionscript code without having to add the movieclip to my timeline?
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Jul 1, 2009
I'm having trouble using a scrollRect on an object instance on the timeline that has a motion tween. As soon as I apply the scrollRect to it, the object just stops! I've attached a simple fla that shows what I'm talking about.
Simply comment out this line in the first frame's actions to see the oval move across:
oval1.scrollRect = window;
The actual application I'm making is using a scrollRect on a custom list control, where each item in the list is a symbol in the library. It works great, except if I try to move my list around using a motion tween (the list still works, but the list doesn't move in the motion tween). As soon as I remove the code to apply the scrollRect, it works but the list fills the screen!
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Jan 25, 2010
I am facing a problem in one of my animation with flash CS4 - I have nested a Shape Tween in a Motion tween to get more control over the easers and effects, unfortunately I am not able to view on the timeline of my Motion Tween the action of the Shape tween nested inside.
It only show the first shape of the Shape Tween during the entire Motion Tween and that is really a problem for me because I need to see the final frame result of that Shape tween to be able to position it in a precise way on my scene according to other instances.
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Sep 20, 2011
I'm making a "master movie" for an assignment and I'm stuck right now. What I've got is an Intro page that will serve at the Parent.swf to load 4 other child swf's upon a mouse click. The problem is I have a theater stage where I tweened an animation to make it appear the curtain on the stage is going up but once it reaches it maximum height....the tween abruptly stops. I want it to HOLD there until a user clicks a button.
How would I make this happen? Here is the page in question: [URL]...
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Jan 10, 2011
I'm relatively new to flash and have been learning on my own, but I ran into a bit of a snag while trying to create a splash page for a client. View Page There's the page. What he wants, is for the shirt to move off the screen when a user clicks on the pocket. Can someone tell me how I would accomplish this using actionscript, or point me to a good (step by step) tutorial on how I would do it?
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Jun 15, 2009
If you take a look at [URL] you see I created a timeline motion tween on the blue transparent image. Now I want to load this image via actionscript and follow the exact guidelines I gave there.
This is what I use in AS3:
loader = new Loader();
loader.load(new URLRequest(lastImage));
It does load the image, however it does not place it in the imageLoader I created in Flash (yes I gave it an instance name). This is the error I get (i.e. it doesn't access the imageLoader). It does when I put it in the first frame on the timeline, but then it doesn't follow the guidelines I gave in the timeline.
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
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Mar 15, 2009
way to add more time in between the keyframes when you are using the "create motion tween" tween. For example I have a simple animation, an object floating up, it pauses for a second, then goes to the right. Say I finish tweening the animation, I then want the object to take more time moving to the right. So pretty much i want to add more frames inbetween those two keyframes. In a classic tween, I would select the frames in between and hit f5 a few times to lenhthen it. How can I do that using the new tweening method?
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Apr 22, 2010
Is there a way to move multiple frames in the motion editor (CS4)? Like now I have to move them one by one and it's hard to make them keep their values coz the shift+move doesn't seem to work.
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Jan 12, 2010
after I create a motion tween, why is it that I don't always see the path of that tween? It seems that I've got to shuffle stuff around a bit before I actually see the colored path. Is there some trick to this?
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Aug 10, 2010
I am trying to move the instance in a particular path, but by the time I finish defining the entire path, the first few points all go astray. I then completed only 5 change points, but by then the 2nd, 3rd and 4th point were all astray, as in, not in the position I had originally defined them.
I am very frustrated with this as I have been working on this file for ages now, and nothing of this sort happened before. I have redone the tween atleast five times but it still acts weird by the time i move ahead a few frames.
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Aug 24, 2010
I created a motion tween. I stried to put an action script, stop();, at the end of the tween but it says "Current selection cannot have actions applied to it.". How do I stop the tween then?
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Oct 4, 2010
I am new to flash and working on creating a simple animation. I have the objects ready, but problem is I can't seem to get motion tween working. Following this, I tried a very basic motion tween just increasing the size of text from one frame to another and can't get even this to work. I followed the basic steps, converted the text objects to symbol etcetera. What is seen is for frames 1-9 there is no change and in frame 10 there is sudden change in size. I also notice that there is no 'arrow' observed in the tween as shown in a sample tutorial.
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Dec 9, 2010
I'm finding it useful to add labels to my timeline so I can easily see where animations start and stop for different symbols. However, I can not seem to label sections that are motion tweened. The entire motion tween section is selected when I just click on any section of it. Even if I use CTRL + click to select a single frame, there is no option for "label" in the properties window like there are for other frames. It shows the motion tween options.So is there a simple way to label a motion tween?
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Dec 16, 2010
I have an object with 500 Frames. I gave it a Motion Tween. Now I want to cut it down to 100 frames,without changing the Tween duration. Usually you can insert a blank keyframe, or remove the last 400 frames on that layer. But since it's a Motion Tween you cannot?
WTH is going on with Flash's timeline editor, this is ridiculously unintuitive.
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Apr 8, 2011
I'm trying to create a Motion Tween where at a certain point the initial image it's replaced by another one.I've tryied to do "Swap Symbol" but the symbol changes in all the tween.
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Oct 3, 2011
[URL] I have the flash video at 12fps,I have all the annimation as a motion tweens, but it appears jerkey, why is that, do I need to speed up the fps?
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Sep 20, 2010
In Flash CS5, after you've inserted a keyframe in a motion tween, how do you move that keyframe to another frame?
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Oct 8, 2010
I've made 3 different symbols of a running Super Mario -- the first one is his first running frame in the Super Mario Bros. video game, the second one is his second running frame, etc. I would like to create a motion tween of these 3 symbols, so it looks like he's running from one point of the screen to the other. I'm unsure of how I would go ahead to accomplish this.
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Oct 18, 2010
I'm rather belatedly getting to grips with the new tweening system introduced in CS4. To be quite honest it's been a nightmare, but I'm starting to see its good points now.One thing that still drives me crazy is when you create a new tween and Flash creates a new layer for you and puts the tween into it. Why? And how do I stop it? Over the course of a 10 min animation with a lot of tweens I could end up with hundreds of layers
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Dec 19, 2010
I have no problem creating shape tweens in Flash CS4, but motion tweens are a problem. Here's what I do:
- I draw a rectangle and convert it to a symbol on frame 1.
- I create a key frame on frame 25, where I place the symbol in a different position.
- On frame 1 I create a motion tween.
When I run this nothing happens until frame 24, and on 25 the symbol appears on its final position. I can do the movement with a shape tween, but I want to do it with a motion tween, as this may be a question at the exam next week.
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Feb 24, 2011
When I go to edit a layer with a motion tween, it records all my movements. How do I edit motion tweens correctly?
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