Professional :: How To Put Two Flash Animations Togheter

May 17, 2010

i made a animation with flash, well. i made two animations.i want to put them togheter but i don't now two different filesDesign.fla It has to be:Official Design.fla

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Mar 28, 2011

I have uploaded my Dreamweaver CS5 web site and the flash/swf files don't appear.What files are suppost to be with exported swf files when uploaded so they appear on the web on my web site

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Professional :: Way To Pre-cache Animations In Flash?

Feb 17, 2010

Im developing an interactive in wich I use many animations either frame-by-frame (image-by-image) or with an embedded flv in the timeline and I have noticed that all of them don't play smoothly when first played, but once the animation has occured once they play the way its supposed to be. Im assuming is because once played an animation gets into the machine cache or something, so I wanna know if there is any way to force an animation to get into the display cache before is played.

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Professional :: Converting Flash Animations To .mov?

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What is the best way to convert an animation created in Flash to a .mov file. I've tried the export movie command in the file menu, changing various settings in the publish settings in Flash and and in the Quicktime options boxes.  But the resulting .mov file has all kinds of fragments and artifacts. Has anybody had any luck creating animations in Flash and then converting them into a format that can be assemble in iMovie?

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Professional :: Multiple Animations In Flash CS4?

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I'm fairly new to Flash and I'm having a bit of trouble.  I've created two animations.  One's a bouncing text animation and the other animation is a series of twinkling stars.  I've added a key frame stop to keep the bounching text from looping, but I want the twinkling star animation to continue to loop.  Is there any way to have one animation stop and the other loop?

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Professional :: Copying Animations Between Flash Files?

Mar 25, 2010

In Adobe Flash CS3, is there a way of copying a complex animation from one document to another, differently sized document and have it appear in the same relative position, i.e. bottom left of my stage?I created a growing flower for a 300x250px file, and I want to use it in a 728x90px file. It has many keyframes. I tried pasting in the frames, but it appears off stage. I need to move it upwards. Do I have to move the elements at each individual keyframe, or is there a way of moving it universally at one go?

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Mar 9, 2011

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Professional :: Image Quality In Flash Animations?

Jun 10, 2011

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Professional :: Flash AS3 Animations Freeze When Embedded In PowerPoint 2007

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Professional :: Create Line Animations?

Mar 7, 2011

I'm a newbie in adobe flash cs4 and i'm trying to create a simple (i hope) animation.
What i'm trying to do is the following:
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Is this simple? And what frame per second value do you recommend?

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Oct 20, 2011

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Oct 31, 2011

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AS3 :: Professional - Performance In IOS - Animations Run Really Slow (CS5.5)

Feb 18, 2012

I have created an app in CS5.5 for Android and iOS. I have tested on two Android devices and everyingthing works fine. However, on an iPad and iPhone the animations are really slow. Here are some more facts:

1) My project has many scenes and in the problems scene there are upwards of 1,200 frames. But even simple animations run slowly.

2) The frame rate is set for 24 fps.

3) I have created a universal app (iphone and ipad), publish resolution is standard at full screen.

4) Ironically, I have already tried caching as bitmap. That actually slowed my animations even more. I am truely at the end of the line here and don't have any possible solutions.

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Aug 17, 2011

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Professional :: User Input To Control Animations?

Oct 25, 2011

I have an idea for a simple game/program and not sure if Flash is the way to go.After reading many articles I've come to the conclusion that if I wanna make my idea a reality then I need to do it myself but not sure where to start.Before spending the money on buying cs 5.5 want to make sure it can do what I need.So my question is can you have users input data that would then control your animations? 
For a simple example:I want a user to be able to input a number then depending on the number a certain animation sequence would occur.So say a user inputs the number 10 then my animation would walk over to a pile of say apples and pick up 10 apples.  If they input 5 the animation would pick up 5 apples etc...So my idea has nothing to do with apples but revolves around the user inputting numerical data which would then control what the animations do. 

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Professional :: Perform The Animations Of The Blank Character (template)

Apr 22, 2011

I have an animation of a blue ball falling from the top of the screen, bouncing off the bottom and exiting through the top. This animation "Bounce" is an action all "Ball" objects can perform. How do I apply this animation to other "Ball" objects? I thought of making a second layer (the skin of the ball object) that follows the first layer animation.

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Jan 19, 2012

Is there a way to make state transitions/animations of a fl.control states - button for example ?All I can do now is change the skin design and that's it, I can't animate between states like I can with Flash Builder skins. So is there a way to do that, any technique or I have to create a button component from scratch?

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Professional :: Publish Thouse Animations Without Frame And Out Of Boundries Area?

Jan 24, 2012

I have few flash animations that I bought, I got their fla files as well.I modified the animations simply by adding a static text line. I publish the animation and load the swf file to another fla file (main project, which is bigger).The problem is that the loaded animation has a 1 fixel black frame (witch is not in the design itself) and I can't remove it or even mask it through the animation file. I need a clean animation with no background or frame,Other problem is that the loaded animation is getting out of the original file frame boundries, revealing parts that suppose to be out of the stage.How can I publish thouse animations without the frame and the out of boundries area?

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Feb 4, 2011

I am looking to create a 2-3 minute presentation which will contain several distinct animations that need to be in sync with a voiceover.  The presentation will run from start to finish without any user interaction.  I can see a few different ways forward -- trying to do everything on the main timeline, using scenes, creating movies clips and controlling their starting and stopping on the main timeline through ActionScript, etc.

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Calling Certain Animations In Other Animations

Apr 8, 2009

anywhoo i have minimal actionscript training tho i know a bit... im trying to make an Item system were i make an object like a key or a helmet... and if i collide with it it disapears. and i get the item, then somewhere put _root.playerMC.standing.gotoAndPlay ("item"); .. maybe in the item i dunno..

so basically i set my characters up like playerMC then in that animation i have a body head arms and legs.. and in those i have different items equipped on each body part on each frame how should i set this up!!!.. i cant call those items deep in the animation the farthest i can go is like Playermc.gotoandplay ("walk") when i try to do like.. playermc.walking.head.gotoandplay ("item") it doesnt work..

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Professional :: Playing Scenes In Test Movie Animations Stop Playing?

Dec 4, 2011

I am using AS2 in CS5.5.I am creating a project for a class that introduced me to adobe flash.  The issue is I have gotten to a certain point about 15 scenes.  During say the 15th scene scrolling through the timeline animations works fine, playing it on test scene works fine.  When I go to play it on test movie it stops at a certain point.  At first I thought it might have been a misplaced stop action but there is none to be found.  The weird part is every other scene I create after that continues to freeze as well, the images are there, but the animations won't play.  All my previous animations play before those with the issue, it's justThese new ones won't play for some reason in test movie, but work completely fine in test scene and the timeline.

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Professional :: Animations Are Working Fine But The Audio Is Not Working?

Apr 23, 2010

I am creating a website that has links to flash animations. i have created a folder called flash in the root folder and copied the relevant .fla, .swf and the  .mp3 files into that folder. the animations are working fine but the audio all works fine in flash itself.

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Professional :: Flashplayer Stop Doesn't Stop All Animations?

Nov 1, 2010

When my animations are playing in the flashplayer and you rightclick and uncheck the play command only the animations in the main timeline stop playing. All the child animations continue to play. How do I make it so they all will stop playing when play is unchecked?

Is there a event listener that monitors if the movie has been stopped?

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Starting Off With Flash Animations?

Sep 11, 2009

I just started to make flash animations using Adobe Flash CS4, but there's something I just don't understand. To create an animated object, I know I have to create a new movie clip symbol, animate it, and then put it in the main scene. But when I drag the symbol from the library to the main scene, only the first frame of the animation is copied! How can I copy the entire animation of a movie clip symbol to the main scene?

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Creating Flash Animations With C#

Jul 27, 2009

i am totally new to flash and want to ask Is it possible to create complete flash animations in .net platoform with C# by using the flash APIs. Can anyone explain how it is done(which apis tools needed) and provide/link to some of the examples.

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