Professional :: Multiple URL's In A Flash Video?

Mar 9, 2011

I have created a Flash Video that contains three images that fade in and out between each other. The problem I am having is I want the user to be able to click on an image and get directed to a specific URL. Each of the three images has a different URL destination. I am new to Flash & haven't been able to find a solution anywhere. I am using Flash Professional CS5.

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Professional :: Multiple Video's In A Single Video Player?

May 17, 2010

I'm doing an Assignment where I have to build a website using Flash and for it to contain 4 video's.How can I have one single video player where the user can select what video's they want played in it from the website?

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Professional :: Referencing External Video Across Multiple Computers?

Dec 16, 2010

I have made a .swf that references an external .f4v .  The swf plays fine on my own computer, but does not play on a colleagues computer, or another computer which we tested.  The file is not for upload to web , it is for local playback.  I assume this is a file path issue, but I have tried many different things including specifying a path and then recreating the same directory structure on the other computer.  What am I missing?  The f4v file can playback on the colleagues computer (I did install ffdshow , although another tested mp4 also plays back fine) but not the .swf.  !

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Flash :: Professional - Create A Video That Will Incorporate Powerpoint-like Slides Along With Video Footage

Jan 22, 2010

I'm trying to create a flash video that will incorporate powerpoint-like slides along with video footage. So for instance I will have slide 1 (graphic) - slide 2 (video clip) - slide 3 (text). I have used CS4 before for one of my classes but that was a little while ago, and I feel like I'm starting over again. When I import the first graphic (.png), is there an option to have it resize to fit the stage?

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Professional :: Internet Explorer  Will Not Display Flash Video In Stand Alone Video Players

Feb 27, 2010

Internet Explorer  will not display flash video in stand alone video players, similar to the one at: [URL] The other embedded flash content is viewable.In the IE8 tools, manage add on's, Adobe Flash Player is not listed.I've also noticed that when I access the Adobe Flash Settings manager, I can not uncheck "hardware acceleration".Windows XP Home Service Pack 2 is the operating system.

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Flash :: Professional - Video Rotation - Image Becomes Very Pixelated And The Edges Of The Video Become Jagged

Dec 10, 2010

I am currently working on a flash website that has several flv videos on it. Since the website layout has a slight tilt, I have had to transform the videos to slightly tilt as well. The problem that I am having is that when I do this the image becomes very pixelated and the edges of the video become jagged. I have somewhat fixed the edges issue by making a mask around it but i really dont know how to make the resolution better, or what causes it to loose resolution when slightly transformed. The size of the videos is the same as encoded. All I do is tilt them upwards on the right side a bit.

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Professional :: Video Plays In .SWF But Flash Template Video Controls Don't Show Up

Sep 9, 2010

I'm porting in an .flv to Flash for the first time. I created the .flv from an .MP4 using Media Encoder CS5, and then opened a new Actionscript 3 .fla in Flash Professional CS5, clicked File > Import > Import Video. Then selected 'Load external video with playback component'. Everything seems to have imported fine, but when I publish the SWF and import it via Dreamweaver CS5 and preview the page, the video is there, but the controls are not. There's just a white box where the controls should be. Also, the video is out of sync with the audio, which I believe is a problem with Media Encoder, not Flash.
Here are some links:
The page that I'm working on (video at the bottom of the page)
The .FLA 
The .FLV 
The .SWF

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Flash :: Professional - Maximum Video Size To Keep The Video Running Correct?

Mar 28, 2011

I'm currently working on a website design. The idea is a big chromakeyed interactive video in Flash. The size of the video is 1080 (width) x 1500 (height) pixels.I've exported the video in After Effects with the standard settings for flash (File>Export>Adobe Flash Player(SWF)). Now when I import the video in Flash and preview the file, the video plays in a slower speed and it's not playing smooth at all...Is the video too big? Is there a maximum video-size to keep the video running correct in Flash? Is it something else that causes this problem..?

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Professional :: Position Flash Video Player At Bottom Of Video ?

Mar 6, 2010

With the Flash Player that comes with CS3 and on my PC XP Pro laptop.I want the player controls to appear at the _bottom_ of the video not on top of the video and not under (behind) the video.

- my video is 640 x 480
- so I modified the "properties" tab at the bottom of the screen to 640x480... (it was 550x400)
- but that just makes everything larger when I click File > Publish
- and then look at the video in Internet Explorer... the Player Controls are still _On Top_ of the video.

I guess I need to learn how to

- Make the stage bigger
- Position the Player controls below the actual video

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Flash :: - Synchronize Video On Multiple PC's?

Dec 8, 2009

Multiple computers running a kinda of quiz (in Every one of them plays a video as background (in the browser), sorta like a screensaver (with advertising). When moving the mouse a div pops up which allows the user to choose a quiz in fill out the forms. The catch is that the video needs to be synchronized on all the PCs.These are the constraints: The code is already there, so writing it completely in flash is no option. We know .NET, javascript, html, the standard webdev stuff best, so investing time is something new is a last resort.

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Flash Video Alternative For Multiple Browsers?

Jan 31, 2011

I'm looking for a way around using flash for video's on a site. Any suggestions for something that might work across multiple browsers that isn't flash based? HTML5 seems promising, but I need something with more browser acceptance. I'm trying to avoid having to serve up difference video's based on user agents.

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Flash :: Multiple HD Video Layers In A SWF File?

Jul 19, 2011

I'm creating some sort of flash video site. It consists of a several HD video's. The background video is 1920x1080. In front of it there is an object witch is also a video, but it it is stopped at first frame. When mouse is over this object - I play the video.

And here's the thing - when I firstly move cursor to the object - it plays like 5-6 fps. From the moment when video plays single time - it starts to go smoothly.

I use FLV files as videos and a sequence of PNG as an object on the video. FLV and PNG is 1920x1080. Flv and PNG's are loaded in the SWF file directly from library.

Here's the questions : Is there some sort of file buffering when the files are firstly displayed? Will it be better to load video from External files?

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Flash 10 :: Handles Multiple HD Video Layers?

Jul 25, 2011

I would like to know how flash handles multiple HD video layers. We're planning a project:

- Flash document size 1920x1080
- In the background will be multiple HD videos(probably StageVideo that I will make show and play at certain events - like transition to the menu category)
- In the center of the screen will be a fancy menu object that consists of a PNG sequence's.(6 sequences)
- And a FLV HD Video in the foreground with alpha(maybe some visual effects).

The question is : Is it possible to make something like this without the users to experience lags?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Flash Video Playback

Aug 26, 2009

I would like to play back 3 reasonably high res videos (On2 VP6-S) simultaneously in one Flash App (using, netstream and netconnect - code only). Unfortunately, when I do this, the video playback drops a lot of frames, however, CPU usage does not go much above 50% - spread over both cores. I'm using a Core2Duo. If I play the same 3 videos simultaneously in 3 separate flash apps (FP10), they play much better (and use close to 100% CPU). I even tried creating it as an AIR app with 3 separate windows (NativeWindow), but that made little difference. I have lodged this as a bug via the Flash Bug Reporting System [URL].

And yes, I do need to be doing something as crazy as this - it is for a pretty cool kiosk app, so I know what hardware will be used (and it has a good Graphics Card). One promising workaround appeared to be playing back a single NetStream in multiple Video instances, as it is NetStream that does the decoding, so I could decode once and present it in 3 places. Two of my video objects are actually the same flv (on different monitors), so there would be a 33% saving right there. If necessary, I could encode both flvs into a single 1920x1200 flv (I've checked - it would play back ok) and then use video.mask to show the relevant bits.


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Flash :: Recording And Playback Of Multiple Video Streams?

Nov 10, 2009

I am planning an implementation for a lecture capture solution for a local university. It is supposed to record all aspects of the lecture: the presenter will be recorded using videocamera + mic, his desktop activity is captured and optionally the whiteboard is captured as well (using Mimio). These input streams arrive (as video streams) to a computer that stores the recording on its harddisk. The file format for the recording should be able the hold multiple streams (Matroska for example).

The recording will be available from the uni's website. So at the client-side Flash seems a natural choice.

The player should display the different input sources into different rectangular regions of the player. One region displays the presenter, another region displays the desktop recording.

Is it possible to use a Matroska file as source for Flash streaming? If yes, how?
If no, is there another container format more suitable for this? The FLV format can only hold one audio and one video file. Is it possible to have one Flash client receive multiple streams and diplay them in different regions of its own canvas?

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ActionScript :: Flash - How To Synchronize Multiple Video Streams

Oct 29, 2010

I'm trying to play multiple video streams simultaneously. However, I cannot synchronize these videos to play at the same rate.

I have three 45-second videos in FLV format and I use to play these videos. I call of these netstream at the same time (by using a for-loop). However, these videos are out-of-sync even all videos files are on my local machine.

For example, when the wall clock is at 10th second, the first video is at 7th second, the second video is at 10th second, and the last video is at 5th second.

I think it may be affected by different jitter delays when streaming. However, I still cannot find the way to solve this problem.

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Flash :: Connect To Multiple Netstream In The Same Video Object?

Oct 16, 2011

Is it possible to have a same Video object ( and perhaps StageVideo) connected to multiple NetStream's objects? It's videoconferencing app, in which all members can speak ( So multiple audio sources) but should not hear themselves (that's why I don't join them in a single stream).

That's what I tried:

ns = new NetStream(nc);
ns.addEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR, asyncErrorHandler);
ns.client = this;;
ns2 = new NetStream(nc);


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Flash - Load Multiple Large Images And Video?

Nov 22, 2009

I am creating a Flash site for a client who wants to display many (about 15) fairly hi-res photos as well as a video. I am using the Video class to display and control the video, and the Loader class to load the photos. I preload them from an XML file up front, while "loading..." is displayed.

The video plays immediately after the loader finishes, and the user can also choose to view the slideshow, which has left/right arrows which show each photo with a simple fade tween between each one.

The problem I am having seems to be that when all these assets are loaded, the video and the "fade" effects are very choppy. If I cut down on the number of photos, everything works fine; but I have to include all of them, plus the video.

I am storing all the Loader instances in an array, and when they are requested, I add them to the stage and fade them in. When it finishes fading in I remove the previous one from the stage. So they are all stored in Flash's "memory", but there is only one Loader or Video instance on the stage at any given time. Is there a better way to handle this? Perhaps some way to cache the images but not bog down Flash's memory? I would prefer to have everything loaded up front in order to avoid needing a "loading..." for every slide.

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Actionscript 3 :: Synchronize Playing Of Multiple Video Files In Flash?

Jan 23, 2010

I would like to have one controller to sync and control multiple video objects(start/stop simultaneously).

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Flash :: Multiple Video Players On W3c - Valid Page Is Slow

Apr 14, 2010

I have a web site that displays a column of flash videos. The page is w3c-valid. The problem is that the page loads very slowly and sometimes crashes my web browser. Until the page is fully loaded, the videos are slow to respond and play. Is there a way to make these videos load their preview images only? What should I do to speed the page up? The videos are 360x264.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Seamlessly Present Multiple Flash Video Clips?

May 27, 2008

I'm having trouble getting a decent system running for playing multiple independent flv movies in a container clip using the flv component back-to-back. I guess what I'm looking for is tips or examples of creating the video equivalent of a slide show - with options to skip next, previous and go to a specific clip.

Basically, at the heart of it, I'm just setting via actionscript. But that causes a skip of about 0.5s while flash switches gears and begins the next clip.

Does anyone have any tips on achieving good transitions in actionscript2? More generally and tips on dealing with video via actionscript .

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Flash 9 :: Multiple Live Streaming Video In Flash?

Nov 28, 2008

I have this project in mind which I want to create a video montage of different live streaming videos from a few different users with their webcam in different locations. There will be the website which the participants will be able to view the live video montage in real time. However, I am unsure of where to start with (live video & server).

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Professional :: Flash Video Ontop Of Another Flash Video?

Feb 6, 2010

Can i embed two flash videos ontop each other, if how do i go about doing that. is it just a matter of indexing them or what.

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Syncing Multiple Flash Swf's Fullscreened For A 5760px X 1080px Video Wall

Sep 27, 2010

I've got a bit of a niche problem, in that I was tasked with making an animation for a 5760px X 1080px video wall. I tossed with the idea of doing a video in after effects instead but then decided the resulting file would be too large and encumbersome so I decided to pursue my other idea which was through flash. Now as you all probably know, maximum dimension for flash is half of what i need, 2880. So i made a half size mock up, got it approved and basically translated that into x3 1920x1080 fla's each containing a 3rd of the total animation, all synced for each other.

Now I need to figure out the best means of playing them together synced fullscreened on the video wall, which has just gone up. We are going to have a content management system that most likely will be able to sync the files but I'd really like the swf's to be able to sync without any help just incase sorta thing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Number Of Video - NetStream And NetConnection Instances Multiple Videos Would Require?

Dec 30, 2010

How many instances of Video, NetStream and NetConnection would be needed for multiple videos? Not sure that's the right question but essentially here's the objective:

Currently, I'm working on an interactive product tour, parts of which are to consist of short video clips, each covering a feature. While only one such clip will be playing at any given time, I'd like put them all at the application's fingertips as part of the initial preloading process before launching into it. The idea is to provide a seamless instant-play user experience without hitting the breaks before individual segments.


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Professional :: Multiple Buttons Linking To Multiple Pages From One Movie?

Aug 28, 2011

I have a flash movie with 3 buttons I am trying to link relativley to pages within my site, I have one working fine but can't get the others to link and when I try it makes the one that is working, work no more..

Below's the code I am using for the one that is working;

import;var getIndex:URLRequest = new URLRequest("../index.html");
//---Enter Button---\


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Professional :: Multiple Animations In Flash CS4?

Apr 20, 2011

I'm fairly new to Flash and I'm having a bit of trouble.  I've created two animations.  One's a bouncing text animation and the other animation is a series of twinkling stars.  I've added a key frame stop to keep the bounching text from looping, but I want the twinkling star animation to continue to loop.  Is there any way to have one animation stop and the other loop?

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Professional :: Multiple Videos In Flash?

Aug 31, 2011

I'm very new to Flash. I'm going to have a motion graphics piece where a vid will play for a short time, filling the screen, then shrink to a small square thats in a grid of 6-9 small squares. Once it shrinks down, it stops at its current frame. So there will be 6-9 small squares of the last frame of 6-9 videos. Can this be accomplished in flash? These are not interactive videos; they will automatically play when the first appear

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Professional :: Copy Multiple Object On Multiple Layer With ALT?

May 27, 2010

In version before flash CS5, we could copy multiple objects from multiple layer by just click and drag + ALT, that was really usefull and it becames vital for me. Now in the CS5... the click and drag + ALT on multiple objects from multiple layer is copying all objects to only one layer !

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Professional :: Drop Multiple Images In Multiple Frames

Aug 22, 2011

I have 260 images that I need to place on different frame. Instead of dragging them one by one the image on the stage, is there a way to drop all of them in one shot but each images is on a different frame?

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