Professional :: Removing Link Apperaence?

Nov 1, 2010

The Flash file I'm working on has a animation which activated by moving the curser over a line of text. Is there any way I can change the appearence of the curser so it doesn't appear as a link? ie I don't want the curser to change to a little hand when rolled over the line of text.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Loaded External SWF File On Clicking Link

Apr 21, 2009

I managed to load in an external swf file okay however, I need to be able to remove it when the user clicks a link to go back to the homepage. Below is my code:
Code: Select allstop();
var imageRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("gallery.swf");
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
home_link_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, homeLink);
[Code] .....
I assumed it was as simple as removing the child but it still remains. I get no compile errors or anything.

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Professional :: Flash/XML Link - Format The Link Tag In The Xml If There Is A Standard?

Feb 17, 2012

I have created a small application which takes it's information from an xml file and displayes it in a news ticker which is a flash Flash AS2 application. tell me the correct way to format the link tag in the xml if there is a standard when wanting to state a target for the link?  The xml file currently looks like:

<header>Test Message 1</header>[code]....

So what I want to do is to be able to open the link in a taget=_blank window however adding that to the end of the url does not currently work.I have added a comma and also tried using a space, space and encompassing in quotes but none are working.

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Professional :: Flash Removing The Dot Ans @ From A Url?

Mar 2, 2011

I am having issues with trying to insert a "mailto" link in a flash file.  I can create the text no issue, but as soon as I add a link to the text it removed the "dot" and the @ symbol from the url and scrunches all the letter of the email address together, sometimes to the point where some of the letters aremissing.  The first image shows the url on the stage, the second image is a test of the scene.  It is very frustrating and I don't know how to fix it.  I have deleted the entire line and redone it, but still no joy.

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Professional :: Removing Background In Flash?

Jul 8, 2008

I imported a logo into Flash 8, and it has a white box around it. How can I remove the white space in Flash, or if I have to do it in another Adobe product, how do I do I export it so that it will import into Flash without the box.

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Professional :: Removing Movieclip When Another Is Loaded?

May 27, 2010

I have random buttons on the stage that I have set up so each one, when clicked, will load different movieclip.These movieclips load directly on top of each other in the exact same place.The problem I'm having is the previous movieclip does not clear off the stage when the the next button is clicked.I need to set up a condition that will remove the current movieclip when another button is selected to load the next movieclip.Below is part of my code that needs editing. I've been researching switch, else, and other conditional statements but can't figure out how to make this happen.I have the fla or swf file for viewing, let me know.

// Event Listenershempelbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,btnActions);fourtyonebtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,btnActions);draycottbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,btnActions);eg


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Professional :: Removing FLVPlayback From Stage + GotoAndPlay Mc?

Apr 26, 2010

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Professional :: Removing A Movie Clip From The Stage?

Nov 20, 2010

I have a simple Flash website with the sections laid out the timeline with labels  In one section called Media, I have a movie instance of a Flash movie gallery player. It loads just fine but when I leave that section to go to another, the sound of the video is still playing Visually it's not seen but the sound still plays.I suspect I need to put some sort of remove commamnd in the script but I'm having trouble getting the right result

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Professional :: 3 Object HitTest - Removing Instance

Jul 7, 2011

I am trying to make the instance 'red' be removed when all 3 objects have hit it here is my code:

var hit = 0;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hittest);
function hittest(e:Event){
[Code] .....

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Professional :: Removing Event Listeners On Leaving A Frame

Mar 15, 2012

I have l modded some code that I am really happy with, it makes buttons bounce around for the user to try to click on when entering a certain frame.. I notice tha the code adds eventlisteners ENTER_FRAME to make this work, when you leave that frame there are now problems with null objects becuase the listeners are still on but the objects are not there anymore..
Ok so attempted solution - I can use a currentLabel on the main timeline to check if the correct frame is reached then use a function if (label is x) put listeners on else take them off... works but then I have to have these objects hidden on the timeline  and then add visible=true/false to my framelabel listener.. This works but part of my functionality here is that these movieclips that move are buttons that the user clicks on and they explode and dissapear- but now they dont because I have a code that says on that frame they should be visible..
The only thing I can think of is to have a blank frame at the end of the explode and put a stop on it.  Then add a gotoAndPlay(1) into my frame label code.  Seems very ugly, you guys got a better way?  Can I remove eventlisteners on leaving a frame?  Is there a code like LEAVE_FRAME??

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Professional : Removing An Event Listener In Code?

Mar 20, 2012

i have a movie clip named "contact" inside this movie clip made the same object into a 2nd imbedded movie clip named "em_contact" inside this I did a frame by frame animation and added a new movie clip symbol of a piece of paper named contactbtn_mc on this frame, I added an event listener for a click that acesses on the root level a symbol named contact_mc i told it to go to and play frame 2 that plays out an animation of this object moving into the screen.

my problem here is i asked earlyer on how to stop the em_contact to stop listening for the mouse click once it is clicked. I made the code it come up with no errors but it does not stop the event listener the event listener is still there bellow is my code.

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;


what i want to happen here is for the event listener once it is click to stop listening for that event becuase i have a mouse event inside the "em_contact" movie clip on an object named "contactbtn_mc". and that one has a click event on it as well but when i click on the contactbtn_mc the animation above plays out as well.

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Professional :: "cannot Be Applied To Stroke" And "cannot Link Bitmap" And "cannot Link Group Objects"

Dec 8, 2011

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Professional :: Link URL From XML To Flash?

Jan 19, 2010

I am trying to link a different URL to each of my files in XML and use this XML in Flash were I created a carousel. In the carousel, when you click on a picture I would like to insert a specific URL. Each picture will have a different URL (http://------------).Here are my codes:

<icon image="icon1.png" tooltip="Planning" />


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Professional :: Trying To Get URL Link To Work

May 26, 2010

I have a simple button and in the "down" frame of the button I'm pasting a url Link under the options in the properties tab. For Target I selected _blank. This doesn't work for me. This was my second option after my first didn't work either. Its a really simple file and I can't figure out why it won't work. I am using Flash CS4.

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Professional :: Add A Link To Animation?

Aug 12, 2010

i really want to know how to add link to your animation . well when i passe the mouse over my animation it stops and when i leave it the animation continue... but what i want when the mouse over the animation i want to click on the animation and to bring me to a link.


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Professional :: Won't Button Link To A URL?

Oct 1, 2010

I gave my button an instance name of "O2Online" on frame 1076.  I found AS3 code online and customized as follows:


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Professional :: Link A Pdf In Flash?

Nov 5, 2010

Does anyone know how to link a pdf in flash? I created a flash portfolio and when you click on an image in that portfolio a new window is supposed to open up containing the pdf. I am not sure how to fix this problem in flash or if its a problem with the way my file folders are set up

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Professional :: URL Link At The End Of Flv/swf Video?

Jun 9, 2011

I need to have a link at the end of a video so the viewer can click on it and go to a survey page.
We need the viewer to watch the entire video so it has to be at the end. I'm not an AS expert but I have the Master collection so whever software it takes I should have.Video was done in Premiere exported through media encoder and I have used either Flash to make a custom player or Dreamweaver to embed in a web page. The video plays fine but no link.

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Professional :: Link In XML To Load Via AS?

Jul 14, 2011

Just finishing something out and have an XML file that loads info into a Flash file that I'm looking to have a link in. I'm honestly generally pretty much straight up HTML and CSS when it comes to web stuff, but XML seemed to be the way to go in this situation. Just curious how to add a link into the content area here[code]...

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Professional :: How To Add A Link To A .swf File

Oct 7, 2011

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Making A Link In Flash Professional 8?

May 28, 2009

I'm wondering how to make a link in Flash Professional 8?

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Professional :: Open Link In Same Window?

Jan 19, 2010

Does anyone know how to make the URL open in the same window. I am using flash CS3, Is there anyone who can edit the script below to allow this. The instance name is Button6 var getnextpage5:URLRequest = new URLRequest");Button6.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,b5Click) ;function b5Click(event:MouseEvent):void{navigateToURL(getnextpage5);}

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Professional :: Add Link To Flash File (using AS 3)?

Jan 20, 2010

I have created a Flash banner ad for our company that is to be hosted on another website. This banner ad needs to have a link added to it, within the Flash file. This link will take users straight to our website but is also for the purpose of tracking.How do I go about adding the URL? I have searched through these forums but cannot get it to work.I am using Flash CS4 (selected to use AS 3 when I first created the file.)
From what I have read and understood, I should create a new layer, and then add the code to the first frame on that layer?Exactly what code should I use? I tried something as simple as 'getURL("","_self"); ' but that is not working. Is it bcos that is for AS 2 only? My last question is...can I set up the link so that it works for ALL frames?

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Professional :: Link To Bookmark In .docx?

Jan 29, 2010

was just wondered if it is possible to link to a bookmark in a microsoft word document? I figured it would work similar to how you'd link to a bookmark in a HTML file but to no avail. heres my code so far:
btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, lndFunction);function lndFunction(event: MouseEvent) {    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("test.docx#number8");    navigateToURL(request, "_self");}

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Professional :: Link Into Certain Part Of Swf File Through XML?

Mar 14, 2010

I wonder if we can use XML to link into certain section of a SWF file?I have purchased a carousel which is composed mainly by AS3 and XML, it contains of 6 images linking to 6 different section of a swf file. From where should I modify to add-in the sub-button onto the carousel image? How should I modify the XML when I click on the sub-button, it will link into certain section of a swf file?

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Professional :: Inserting Link To Big Image In FLA

May 31, 2010

I have a template and I need to replace the images, and then to add the big size image and to make a link between them.

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Professional :: Change The Link Tfile_main?

Jul 18, 2010

What i want to do is make the flash template bi-language.the Index file is linked to Main_F7.swf and to tfile_main.xml so i figured the easiest option for me (just a started with flash) is to make a second copy of Main_F7 (Main_F72) and link this one to tfile_main2 (second language).

index --> main_F7 --> tfile_main  (first language) with a button to the index2 file
index2 --> main_F72 --> tfile_main2 (for the second language) with a button to the index file

The site will open in english and whenever the button flag is clicked the second language will open.

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Professional :: Have A Link Which Redirects To Another Site?

Aug 28, 2010

I am making a flash site and am trying to have a link which redirects to another site. The problem is the redirect address has an e with the accent ' above it. When I copy the link directly into flash, it converts it to code in the URL bar.How do I make the link in flash so that it keeps it as an accented letter in the URL bar?

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Professional :: Link Button Is Opening New Tab?

Sep 15, 2010

i recently developed my website and i decided to create buttons to link my site. The problem i'm having is that when i click on a button it's opening up a new tab in my browser.

on (press) {getURL("services.html", "_main");

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