Professional :: Flash Removing The Dot Ans @ From A Url?

Mar 2, 2011

I am having issues with trying to insert a "mailto" link in a flash file.  I can create the text no issue, but as soon as I add a link to the text it removed the "dot" and the @ symbol from the url and scrunches all the letter of the email address together, sometimes to the point where some of the letters aremissing.  The first image shows the url on the stage, the second image is a test of the scene.  It is very frustrating and I don't know how to fix it.  I have deleted the entire line and redone it, but still no joy.

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Professional :: Removing Background In Flash?

Jul 8, 2008

I imported a logo into Flash 8, and it has a white box around it. How can I remove the white space in Flash, or if I have to do it in another Adobe product, how do I do I export it so that it will import into Flash without the box.

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Professional :: Removing Movieclip When Another Is Loaded?

May 27, 2010

I have random buttons on the stage that I have set up so each one, when clicked, will load different movieclip.These movieclips load directly on top of each other in the exact same place.The problem I'm having is the previous movieclip does not clear off the stage when the the next button is clicked.I need to set up a condition that will remove the current movieclip when another button is selected to load the next movieclip.Below is part of my code that needs editing. I've been researching switch, else, and other conditional statements but can't figure out how to make this happen.I have the fla or swf file for viewing, let me know.

// Event Listenershempelbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,btnActions);fourtyonebtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,btnActions);draycottbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,btnActions);eg


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Professional :: Removing Link Apperaence?

Nov 1, 2010

The Flash file I'm working on has a animation which activated by moving the curser over a line of text. Is there any way I can change the appearence of the curser so it doesn't appear as a link? ie I don't want the curser to change to a little hand when rolled over the line of text.

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Professional :: Removing FLVPlayback From Stage + GotoAndPlay Mc?

Apr 26, 2010

I am trying to remove an FLVPlayback from stage at its completion and gotoAndPlay a mc from my library. Nothing seems to work. I am using CS4 and as 2.0.Here is the code im trying to use now to load and remove FLVPlayback


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Professional :: Removing A Movie Clip From The Stage?

Nov 20, 2010

I have a simple Flash website with the sections laid out the timeline with labels  In one section called Media, I have a movie instance of a Flash movie gallery player. It loads just fine but when I leave that section to go to another, the sound of the video is still playing Visually it's not seen but the sound still plays.I suspect I need to put some sort of remove commamnd in the script but I'm having trouble getting the right result

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Professional :: 3 Object HitTest - Removing Instance

Jul 7, 2011

I am trying to make the instance 'red' be removed when all 3 objects have hit it here is my code:

var hit = 0;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hittest);
function hittest(e:Event){
[Code] .....

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Professional :: Update / Edit Site - Removing Photos And Add New Ones

Jul 19, 2011

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Professional :: Removing Event Listeners On Leaving A Frame

Mar 15, 2012

I have l modded some code that I am really happy with, it makes buttons bounce around for the user to try to click on when entering a certain frame.. I notice tha the code adds eventlisteners ENTER_FRAME to make this work, when you leave that frame there are now problems with null objects becuase the listeners are still on but the objects are not there anymore..
Ok so attempted solution - I can use a currentLabel on the main timeline to check if the correct frame is reached then use a function if (label is x) put listeners on else take them off... works but then I have to have these objects hidden on the timeline  and then add visible=true/false to my framelabel listener.. This works but part of my functionality here is that these movieclips that move are buttons that the user clicks on and they explode and dissapear- but now they dont because I have a code that says on that frame they should be visible..
The only thing I can think of is to have a blank frame at the end of the explode and put a stop on it.  Then add a gotoAndPlay(1) into my frame label code.  Seems very ugly, you guys got a better way?  Can I remove eventlisteners on leaving a frame?  Is there a code like LEAVE_FRAME??

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Professional : Removing An Event Listener In Code?

Mar 20, 2012

i have a movie clip named "contact" inside this movie clip made the same object into a 2nd imbedded movie clip named "em_contact" inside this I did a frame by frame animation and added a new movie clip symbol of a piece of paper named contactbtn_mc on this frame, I added an event listener for a click that acesses on the root level a symbol named contact_mc i told it to go to and play frame 2 that plays out an animation of this object moving into the screen.

my problem here is i asked earlyer on how to stop the em_contact to stop listening for the mouse click once it is clicked. I made the code it come up with no errors but it does not stop the event listener the event listener is still there bellow is my code.

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;


what i want to happen here is for the event listener once it is click to stop listening for that event becuase i have a mouse event inside the "em_contact" movie clip on an object named "contactbtn_mc". and that one has a click event on it as well but when i click on the contactbtn_mc the animation above plays out as well.

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Removing Objects From Stage In Flash CS4

Oct 15, 2009

I have a problem with this code:[code]There are two overlapping objects on my stage: character_mc and vanish_mc. As soon as i start the scene [Ctrl+Enter] vanish_mc is VISUALLY removed. But the code still sees a collision somehow. How can i Entirely remove the object vanish_mc?

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Flex :: Removing VideoDisplay In Flash

Nov 12, 2009

I have a videoDisplay object in a popup.When I remove the popup the video continues to play.How do I remove the videoDisplay object from memory?I have tried setting the variable to null but with no luck. I can just call the stop() function and forget about it but am wondering whether this won't come back and bite me.

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Flash :: Removing Sprites From Stage

Sep 19, 2010

i created 5 pages, each of which contains several movie clips (text, graphics, forms, etc). There is one specific page however that contains autogenerated content via. sprites. If i happen to land on this page, the sprites will appear, but when i transition to another page, they are still there except for the non-sprite stuff (disappear). Im ripping my hair out on this one, i managed to get a few of the sprites to remove but some are still appearing. Below shows the layout of the one thats not being removed;


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AS3 :: Flash - Removing MovieClips In An Array?

Oct 15, 2010

Anybody any ideas on how to remove children from stage using AS3 if I store the reference to the objects in an array and they exist in different locations i.e they are not all children of the same parent?

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Flash :: Removing A Watermark From A SWF File?

Nov 11, 2010

I have an SWF file which I water-marked.

and then, I thought of removing the watermark from the SWF file by modifying its raw data on disk.

And since SWF is an open standard, I've taken a look at SWF Flash Player 10 Specs from Adobe.

My watermark is a movieclip object which is loaded in the first frame. but till now I'm not able to remove it.

I am trying to inspect the tag (DefineSprite) which is coded in Hex as (3F 09) which is converted to (09 3F) because of the little endian.

Or there is a different approach, which is to remove the control tag (PlaceObject2) which I couldn't find in the same file HEX dump.

P.S: Yes, I've decompressed the file.

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AS3 :: Flash - Removing The Event Listeners?

Dec 17, 2010

I have a basic question about manually removing event listeners in actionscript 3.If I have a function like:

private function doStuff(event : Event):void
//let them save
var f:FileReference = new FileReference();


How do I remove the event listeners when the saveDone function is called? Normally I just change the "add" to "remove" like:


However, f is a local variable, and I can't get to it after the doStuff function ends.

private function saveDone(ev:Event){

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Is Removing Objects

Sep 14, 2010

I seem to be running into some garbage collection issues. I'm making an RTS game with a side scrolling map. I have a "game" layer on the stage which scrolls left and right, all the troops, vehicles, bullets, etc are within this layer. If I scroll the game layer to the far side of the map from some tanks placed at the other end, the tanks disappear. I can only assume flash is "helpfully" removing objects it thinks are too far away form the action to be of use any more. I'd rather it didn't.

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Removing A Flash Banner When It Is Being Viewed On A IPhone?

Jan 4, 2010

I was using a friends iphone the other day to view my site, I have a flash banner at the top of my site. When you view the site on a iphone you get the flash logo, does anyone know a way to remove this banner & logo when it is being viewed on a iPhone?... That way I could display a image instead, Pls don't just say remove the banner, I like it and i want to keep it. (it looks good when its not being viewed on a iphone).

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Flash :: Removing FLV SeekBar Component From Stage In SWF?

Feb 7, 2011

I have an AS2 swf that loads FLV videos into a FLVPlayback component and attaches a seekBar component. When the video stops I unload the seek bar from the screen and set the FLVPlayback.seekBar = null. When another video is to be played I set up the seek bar again by attaching the seekBar component to the stage and assigning FLVPlayback.seekBar = newSeekBarInstance.


What Im noticing is that sometimes the seek bar is removed from the screen and sometimes it isnt? I cant seem to notice any pattern here. Has anyone had similar problems? Do I need to force garbage collection?

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Flash : Removing Movieclips Of An Array From The Stage?

Apr 3, 2011

I need to remove every object that is part of an array from the stage. What I have right now only removes one of the objects.


I've tried several variations of this with either the same result or an error. Also, what is the zero in hard brackets for? I haven't seen that in many tutorials/explanations, but when I take it out, I get all kinds of errors.

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Flash :: Slowndown Stays After Using And Removing A Lot Of Objects

Jul 19, 2011

I use this piece of code to create some eyecandy of debree falling. When an object is destroyed i spawn some rubble and let is fly over the screen. But... when i use this a lot, slowdown is there and even when all the objects are gone the slowdown stays. The good old 50fps won't come back anymore

public function destroyBlock(xPos,yPos,nrObjects) {
for (var debree = 0; debree < nrObjects; debree++) {
debreeObject = new mc_ground();


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Flash :: Removing Items From An Array Using .splice?

Aug 10, 2011

I'm trying to remove items from an array but its not working like its supposed to.Here is my code:

for(var i:uint = 0;i<OrderModel.getInstance().orders.length; i++){
if (OrderModel.getInstance().orders[i].time == hour){
OrderModel.getInstance().orders.splice(i, 1);[code]....

it deletes all the items but 1. I allways have one item left wich should be deleted but it isnt.

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Flash :: Removing A MovieClip After Swapping Depth

Dec 14, 2011

I have some code in ActionScript 2 similar to the below snippet (Item being a MovieClip):[code]I'm unable to remove Temp after swapping the depth (works fine otherwise).[code]how to get rid of Temp?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Removing A Shared Object Outside Of Flash?

Feb 13, 2007

How can I find a shared object file that flash uses to store data? I want to remove it manually.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Removing Eventlistener From Another Scope?

Nov 20, 2010

I got this function with an eventlistener like this:


public function onScroll(denne:MovieClip)
Main.instance.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, onMouseWheelEvent);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Video Drawing / Removing

Nov 29, 2010

I have some code in the first frame of my movie. It loads a streaming video using netstream (fl_NS) and displays it in fl_Vid.I want the user to be able to click a button to make the video fullscreen then press a keyboard key to make the video back to the small view - which almost works. I can make the video fullscreen and make the video shrink back down. Unfortunately, the last frame of the enlarged video is stuck in the background (on top of the HUD).[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Dynamically Removing Filters?

Aug 3, 2011

Basically, the effect I'm going for is, you click on a button that calls an mc to the stage and blurs everything below it. Within that mc is a button that when clicked, should remove both the mc and the blur filter.This is the code I have. (Also, just ignore my stupid function names. I pretty much just name them after the next word I hear in the song I'm listening to :)Main Timeline:

function manipulation(event:MouseEvent){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Removing EventListeners Using A For Loop?

Jan 16, 2012

I have 20 buttons on my stage, and rather then have 'removeEventListener' for each button, i wanted to use a loop to do so. Heres what i have done.

//array containing the buttons instance names.
var soundArray:Array = new Array();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Removing Temporary Cache Files Using Flash

Nov 10, 2009

I am using Flash CS3. Now I am using this code.....

var intervalID:Number;
this.createEmptyMovieClip("myMovie",this.getNextHi ghestDepth());
this.createEmptyMovieClip("progressMovie",this.get NextHighestDepth());
progressMovie._x = 60;
progressMovie._y = 120;
[Code] .....

Now what my problem is, first time using this script successfully its running, and showing preloader text. But another time using this script (press Ctrl + Enter) that time cache files are running, so the preloader text doesnt showing not properly. So how can I remove the cache files using flash.....

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Data Integration :: Removing Flash Object After Play?

Mar 29, 2009

I have a transparent video playing on my front page, with a small semi-transparent controller. After the movie plays and fades out, the controller remains. How can I remove the controller display after the movie finishes playing?

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