Professional :: Link A Pdf In Flash?

Nov 5, 2010

Does anyone know how to link a pdf in flash? I created a flash portfolio and when you click on an image in that portfolio a new window is supposed to open up containing the pdf. I am not sure how to fix this problem in flash or if its a problem with the way my file folders are set up

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Professional :: Flash/XML Link - Format The Link Tag In The Xml If There Is A Standard?

Feb 17, 2012

I have created a small application which takes it's information from an xml file and displayes it in a news ticker which is a flash Flash AS2 application. tell me the correct way to format the link tag in the xml if there is a standard when wanting to state a target for the link?  The xml file currently looks like:

<header>Test Message 1</header>[code]....

So what I want to do is to be able to open the link in a taget=_blank window however adding that to the end of the url does not currently work.I have added a comma and also tried using a space, space and encompassing in quotes but none are working.

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Professional :: Link URL From XML To Flash?

Jan 19, 2010

I am trying to link a different URL to each of my files in XML and use this XML in Flash were I created a carousel. In the carousel, when you click on a picture I would like to insert a specific URL. Each picture will have a different URL (http://------------).Here are my codes:

<icon image="icon1.png" tooltip="Planning" />


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Making A Link In Flash Professional 8?

May 28, 2009

I'm wondering how to make a link in Flash Professional 8?

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Professional :: Add Link To Flash File (using AS 3)?

Jan 20, 2010

I have created a Flash banner ad for our company that is to be hosted on another website. This banner ad needs to have a link added to it, within the Flash file. This link will take users straight to our website but is also for the purpose of tracking.How do I go about adding the URL? I have searched through these forums but cannot get it to work.I am using Flash CS4 (selected to use AS 3 when I first created the file.)
From what I have read and understood, I should create a new layer, and then add the code to the first frame on that layer?Exactly what code should I use? I tried something as simple as 'getURL("","_self"); ' but that is not working. Is it bcos that is for AS 2 only? My last question is...can I set up the link so that it works for ALL frames?

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Professional :: Link Between Html And A Particular Flash Page?

Jan 15, 2010

I am designing a website in flash CS3 using Action script 2.0 not 3.0 and Flash Player 8. The architecture I used is as follows:I have a menu/main page which loads the swf files of other flash pages.I have a particular flash chatroom page which is loaded by the main page that I would like to be able to link an web address (example url...) directly too that particular sub flash page ...rather than going to the main.swf which is what the original web address uses.

Technically I know I could link a web address to the chatroom.swf file, but then it would estetically look incomplete since the theme/design of the website is in the main.swf which calls the chatroom.swf.Thus my question is: is there a way to assign the web address to the chatroom.swf inside the main.swf.I would like to go directly to the chatroom without clicking chatroom on the main.swf menu.

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Professional :: Flash Achieve The Same Effect As The Link?

Jan 19, 2010

I am asked to prepare an interactive and dynamic presentation in the area of enterprise architecture. The source of data should store in database. The effect I want to achieve is something as the link below. Can Flash do it (I guess so but still want to confirm)? But I could not find any similar Flash samples on the internet [URL]..

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Professional :: Uploading PDF's And Creating A Link In CS5 Flash?

Jun 16, 2010

Im trying to create a button which will have a link to download a pdf to the users desktop - Im a new user, so I have picked up this code:

getURL("LODGE INVITE PAGE 2.pdf", "_blank");

which doesn't work! I just put this in on assuming that flash would pick up the pdf on my desktop but it cannot open the pdf when you click on the link.

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Professional :: Flash Banner To Link To Other Page?

Oct 29, 2010

Now with Flash Cs4 couldn't find the way to link the banner to other page. this is what i wrote on Actionscript:

inv_btn.onRelease = function() {  getURL("" "self");}


1084: syntax error: expection rightparen before self.

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Professional :: Link A Flash Animation To A Page?

Jan 1, 2012

I'm wanting to link a flash animation to a page on my site. These are the steps i have taken so far Open flash , create New symbol (choose button) named it flashflashbutton Then still in symbol section, File import.

I then import a flash animation I made .swf.Now when I import it the animations frames stretch across the up, hit, ect.  I am sure this isn't the correct way to do it.How do I import an animation and put all the keyframes (hence the animation ) just into the up mode.

As atm when i go to scene view, open librarary and drag it into scene view. Then test movie, It plays one frame if i hover over it it plays another frame.I assume the answer to this is sumhow put all the frames in the up mode, and another anim on the hit mode?

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Professional :: Link PDF Files To Adobe Flash?

Mar 31, 2012

new in using the adobe flash.. i have a problem to link my PDF files to my adobe flash slide presentation.

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Professional :: Flash / Flash Player Will Not Open Link To Web Page When Clicked

Mar 19, 2010

I am testing a FLASH animation ad that has links to a website.When I click on the links, it opens firefox but it doesn't go to the link!I have added the links and the file names in the Adobe Flash Settings Manager, restarted several times, restarted in Safe Mode and it still does not work!I cannot find any information on this. My coworker also tried it and it does not work for him on IE on Windows.HOWEVER, If I have SAFARI open it works fine, and If I drag and drop the .swf file into either browser and then click on the links it goes to the web page.

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Professional :: Email Link In Flash CS5 - How To Bold Typeface

Jul 2, 2010

1.) I'm trying to put an email hyperlink in part of my text, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it. I tried the code snippets, click to go to web page but instead of an URL I typed "" but when I tested it, nothing happened.

2.) How do I link to the other pages from within the website that I'm working on? Again, I'm a total newbie and I'm only familar with Dreamweaver.

3.) Lastly, how do I bold the typeface??? The text tool properties do not show any bold, italic, or underline icons, and the hotkey to bold is the break apart command.

4.) When I test my movie, how come I can't scroll down and see the footer area of the SWF??

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Professional :: Flash Banner With Clickable Link To Website?

Feb 25, 2011

My client is complaining that the site that will be hosting her banner is refusing to add the forwarding link to her banner (that upon clicking will redirect to her website). I'd like to know how I can add this function to the Flash CS5 banner I have designed. Also, I have a clicktag on my banner if that makes a difference.

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Mar 9, 2011

Where can id find a flash player download link for android?

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Professional :: Link Not Working Properly In Flash Banner

Oct 13, 2011

We have a Flash banner on the home page and each slide has a link to some other page. Everything works fine, exept in IE.
Basically what happens is that if you click on the banner the first time, the link will work fine and bring you to the new page. However, if you go back to the home page again, then the banner does not even present a link anymore (it will still work fine as far as the banner rotation is concerned - just no more links)..

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Professional :: Flash Banner Ad - Button Does Not Open Email Link

Jan 15, 2010

I made a Flash banner ad that I want to put on my site for my client to view. In Flash, when I test it, everything works, button email link. I import it into the body of my DW html page, test it in However, when I upload to my site, the button doesn't open an email link.
Attachments: MatterAd.swf (32.3 K)

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Professional :: Altering The Link In A Flash File So It Doesn't Open In A New Tab

Nov 22, 2010

I have a flash file on the homepage of my client's  website. When you click "Enter", the new page opens in a new tab. I want  it all to stay in the same tab. If you would like to view the entire  code yourself to identify how I could solve this issue, the site is: [URL]- but if not then I will paste the code of the  flash object below:
<object id="FlashID" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="720" height="540">
<param name="movie" value="Scripts/FrontPage2.swf" />


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Professional :: Link From Html Page To A Specific Frame In Flash Cs5?

Feb 9, 2012

I have a website that I originally began to design in flash but later started developing new pages for it in html. The flash part of it has several pages on different frames and I have created links from the flash part to the other html pages, but, I can only link the html pages back to the main flash home page, and not the other pages in the flash part of the website.

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Flash :: Professional - Stop Adding Link 'hit Zone' At Start Of Animation?

Jan 26, 2010

I have created a short animation in Flash CS4 which has one button with a URL link. the button shows up on frame 217, and on that frame I added the following action script:  


however, the 'hit zone' for the button shows up from frame 1 of the animation. is there a way of getting the hit zone to start when the button shows up?

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Flash :: Professional - Make Text (or A Button) Link To A Specific Frame

Aug 9, 2010

1. The old main logo was not as wide as the new one, so now the entire new one is not clickable (to take you back to the main page). How do I fix this?

2. For the life of me I can't figure out how to make text (or a button if need be) link to a specific flash frame. If you look on the site, there are a couple of spots under "What We Do" that I need clickable to take them to the Contact Us page.

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Flash :: Professional - Menu Doesn't Work After Opening An External Link

Nov 7, 2010

I made a simple website with a flash menu, that opens internal links in an iframe. However, I have a few other (not included in the menu) external links, which open in the same iframe. And after I click on one of them and it loads in the iframe, the buttons on the menu stop working. I'm beginning to think it has something to do with the internet explorer, since it works on some computers. But I'm not sure... not very good at this.

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Flash :: Professional - Website Keeping Image Small And Link Movies Rather Than Embed But Still Slow

May 15, 2011

I have recently launched a site for a client which includes an interactive flash element on the home page but it takes a long time to load (10-30seconds). I have followed advice from others about keeping image small and link movies rather than embed but still slow, the swf file is about 7.9mb which i thought was ok for the size of flash file. Does anyway else know where I have gone wrong whether it be the embedding or some other area.

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Hyperlink - Puting Other Link On The Flash Element With Internal Link Inside?

Mar 7, 2011

How to change a link inside the flash element? I have SWF file with set a link inside and I want to change to mine on the website. This thing I need to control the advertisment system.Trying this, but not working:

#content {
position: absolute;


But you need everytime to put top, left, margin-bottom parameters. Can someone modify it to make working correct without pointing top, left, margin-bottom parameters?

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Link Flash File To Link To Dreamweaver Page?

Jan 11, 2010

i have created a flash animation for my homepage, i want to make part of that flash animation a "enter" button so when clicked would go to my page 2 on my website.

i have never done any script before and only used dreamweaver on a mac. is there an easy way to create this button to link to my next page and to stop my file to stop looping?

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Professional :: "cannot Be Applied To Stroke" And "cannot Link Bitmap" And "cannot Link Group Objects"

Dec 8, 2011

So I'll be honest, I am very new to Flash. I have CS5.5 and I am trying to animate some images that I made in Photoshop in Flash. I would like to use tools such as the Bone tool on them but I have gotten almost every error feedback such as "cannot be applied to stroke" and "cannot link bitmap" and "cannot link group objects". I have been messing around with it quite a bit. My file is .swf and I do ungroup it but now when I use the bone tool on it, the entire image turns white.
Previously I have had problems where the picture would not disappear but my drawing would move back a bit and I could only see it through the movable window given by the bone tool in the shape of my picture. Another problem was when I used the Bone tool, the image would split into four flipped sections and not stay together. I assume this had to do with when I tried to "break apart" my image, but something similar happened on an unbroken non-bitmap image.

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Professional :: Trying To Get URL Link To Work

May 26, 2010

I have a simple button and in the "down" frame of the button I'm pasting a url Link under the options in the properties tab. For Target I selected _blank. This doesn't work for me. This was my second option after my first didn't work either. Its a really simple file and I can't figure out why it won't work. I am using Flash CS4.

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Professional :: Add A Link To Animation?

Aug 12, 2010

i really want to know how to add link to your animation . well when i passe the mouse over my animation it stops and when i leave it the animation continue... but what i want when the mouse over the animation i want to click on the animation and to bring me to a link.


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Professional :: Won't Button Link To A URL?

Oct 1, 2010

I gave my button an instance name of "O2Online" on frame 1076.  I found AS3 code online and customized as follows:


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Professional :: URL Link At The End Of Flv/swf Video?

Jun 9, 2011

I need to have a link at the end of a video so the viewer can click on it and go to a survey page.
We need the viewer to watch the entire video so it has to be at the end. I'm not an AS expert but I have the Master collection so whever software it takes I should have.Video was done in Premiere exported through media encoder and I have used either Flash to make a custom player or Dreamweaver to embed in a web page. The video plays fine but no link.

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