Professional :: Rollover Start With Imported Video?
Oct 29, 2010
I do animation as a hobby on youtube (using a combination of Adobe Photoshop, Sony Vegas, and a few other programs for specifics such as morphing and mouth movements), and I was recently contacted by someone who wanted me to do some work for their website by making animation. The catch is, however, that they want my videos to be in flash format with the option to start playing (and repeat) when a person rolls over the scenes with their mouse.
Now, I was able to figure out how to convert my videos into Flash F4V format (yea!), but I can't figure out for the life of me what to do next. All of the tutorials I've read talk about inserting buttons and changing instances and setting things to over and... it doesn't make a lick of sense to me.
I'm not a dummy... but I've never used this program before, and a lot of the videos out there seem to assume a familiarity with the product.
It "sounds" like it should be something easy and simple enough to do, but I must be missing something obvious here.
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my_FLVPlybk.addEventListener(VideoEvent.COMPLETE, rewind);function
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on (rollOver) {
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1. Is Flash CS5 the correct software to do this in?
2. code to tell the sound to fade out when the video starts, and fade back in when the video ends?
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Jan 10, 2011
I am having an issue trying to get an SWF that features an imported video to play on our web server from its URL. About six months ago, I didn't have this issue. The only thing that has changed since then is that I have gone from Mac (Snow Leopard) to PC (Windows 7). I am using CS 5. I've attempted to perform that same action on the Mac in CS 4 without success.
I do as I usually do: import the video (in this case an MP4 or F4V) into a Flash file and add a skin using Flash's "Import Video" function. I publish the file as an SWF and can get it to play on my hard drive. Once I place it on the web server, I can get the file to play by browsing to the server's contents in Windows Explorer and clicking on the SWF file. However, when I attempt to access the movie via its URL, the file will not play. The skin I chose shows up, but the status bar in between the "play" and "stop" buttons just looks like it's loading continuously.
I've tried importing the video in several different formats, always with the same result. At first, I thought it was the MP4 file, but then I used Adobe Media Encoder to encode it into an F4V file with the same results. Everything plays fine locally (even from the web server). But when I attempt to access the video by its URL, it simply won't play.
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Nov 1, 2010
I have an application that is showing an imported mp4 with the playback component. The video is to be displayed at a fixed size on the interface. When I launch the app it works perfect. However this is a projector file that I need to launch in fullscreen mode.
For fullscreen I am using
ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.StageDisplayState;
stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;
The app opens up in fullscreen however the video is taking up the entire screen now.. I need it to hold its place on the interface in fullscreen mode.
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Dec 16, 2009
I imported multiple flvplayback videos on my file via the Video Wizard Import. After that I removed all videos except one. But it's still trying to load those old video and the skin of their player when I preload the file. I am sure there's no player on the stage except the one I need. And when I need to play the file, it's working well, the only problem is the extra loading for 6 skins that I don't use anymore and the time to look for 6 videos that are not there. So here're my questions;
1-When you import a video via Wizard, it there a script hidden somewhere that can be found? 2-When you import a flv to the stage, there's a loading bar saying getting metadata. Is there a place to edit or erase this metadata ?
3-Any other ideas of where I could look to find this hidden data or trace or ghost that needs to be remove from the file ?
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Mar 3, 2012
Flash cs3, as2, win xp
i want to import a .wmv file in flash. when a play button is pressed, that video file should be played. but i want the video to be paused when (preferrably) the same play button is pressed again.
-how to pause an imported video file?
-how to control both play and pause of the video with the same button?
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Apr 1, 2011
Is there anyway to use the playback components to play a video imported into the library? (The .swf I'm creating has to be stand alone so I need the video to be imported). Also can the component video skins be imported also?
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Jul 19, 2006
In my flash movie, I've imported a very small video file. When the video is done playing, I wanted the user to be able to click a button and the video would play in reverse. I've gotten this to work with the _currentframe and _nextframe properties, but when I play the movie in reverse it's not as smooth. Here's an example of what happens: [URL] Once the movie is done playing, click on it. When it's playing in reverse, you can see it gets a little choppy when the guy gets towards the top of the rail. Has anyone found a way to play the movies backwards without having the speed affected? Maybe I shouldn't use the _currentframe property??
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Jan 6, 2010
I am importing a youtube video to a new movie clip using this script:
function containYoutube(youtubevar, depthLevel) {
I need to be able to unload it if the user jumps to another part of the timeline. I have tried to just unload the movieclip, but it still seems that youtube is streaming data to the swf. If I do it locally, it crashes the application. If I put it on the server, it makes it clear that youtube is still loading even though the movie clip has been unloaded.
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