Professional :: SWF Files Not Play At A Consitant Speed?

Mar 11, 2010

I'm working on animating typography in Flash. In the working flash document everything is playing back OK.
When I publish the movie and play the SWF file the playback is not at a consistant speed throughout.
Sections of the animation that have content on multiple layers slows down the rate of playback. Sections of the animation that on have content on 1 layer seem to make the playback much faster. So that elements that are moving in consistant speeds inside  the flash document are not moving at constant speeds in the SWF file.
What can I do so that the published movie plays at a consistent speed?

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mousex = _root._xmouse;


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Mar 23, 2010

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Mar 20, 2010

I installed Flash CS4 Professional trial version for school use.  It wouldn't install successfully.  I deleted the font files the troubleshooting guide said to, tried again, but gave up. (I'm afraid to run regedit and mess up everything else I have loaded.)  (I previously had the Fireworks CS4 trial version loaded, then uninstalled it.)  My problem is this- I have it running, but it saves files and then they can't be opened, even if I use the save function often- it's worse when I create the file, test the movie and then save.If I try to open it again, it says "cannot open file."  Once it opened a copy I had saved, and it appeared blank, even though it was 544 kb file size.  I only need it for a few more days, one more assignment and I'm afraid my previous files are corrupt.  I have Windows Vista Home Edition.

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Mar 1, 2010

I have a flash carousel that works perfectly however it moves too quickly. I am not familiar with flash so I'm curious as to whether or not anyone can tell me how to slow the rotation speed down. If necessary you can download a complete example of my carousel below. Also any of you who want a nice free carousel.

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Feb 21, 2011

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Feb 14, 2012

I have Adobe Flash CS 5 and have been having difficulties trying to get a created tween to move at a constant speed. I have been converting a graphic I've created to a symbol and turning it into a motion tween, however I have only figured out how to move the tween on a frame by frame basis. Is there a way I can map out the full trajectory of the tween and then set it to travel along that pathway at a constant speed rather than moving from point to point within a certain number of frames? The desired result is a green circle that will bounce off the edges of the computer screen/window as it moves along at a constant speed in the appropriate direction. I am a flash novice and have been fiddling with the program for a few days

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Nov 16, 2011

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