Professional :: Flash Carousel - Slow The Rotation Speed Down
Mar 1, 2010
I have a flash carousel that works perfectly however it moves too quickly. I am not familiar with flash so I'm curious as to whether or not anyone can tell me how to slow the rotation speed down. If necessary you can download a complete example of my carousel below. Also any of you who want a nice free carousel.
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Feb 5, 2010
I'm using a carousel script that rotates some images, the speed of the rotation depends on where the mouse is on the screen. The project I put it into is 962 pixels wide, the carousel itself is about 400 pixels wide, I want it positioned on the right half of the project, so I put the code in a blank movie clip and positioned it on the right.
It works fine, but the problem is the rotation gets crazy fast as the mouse moves to the left side of the stage, because there's so much more space on the left then there is on the right. I only want for it to stop gaining speed when the mouse leaves the carousel area.
//We use 70x70 sized images (change this if different for your images)
const IMAGE_WIDTH:uint = 70;
const IMAGE_HEIGHT:uint = 70;
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Aug 11, 2006
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function around() {
this._x = Math.cos(this.angle) * radiusX + centerX;
this._y = Math.sin(this.angle) * radiusY + centerY;
var s = this._y /(centerY+radiusY);
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Feb 21, 2009
How can I adjust this ?
See attachment.. the z level of the pictures behind is bigger than the picture in front.
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Jun 22, 2009
I was working with the sample code from the Click and Zoom 3D Carouse tutorial and was wondering if anybody figured out a way to have full rotation?
When the demo tutorial files first load the first image is the energy drink. The last is the cat. When you click on the cat first, the carousel, rotates all the way around to it rather than just one slot back. Similary, when at the cat (the last image) and clicking on the energy drink (the first), it rotates all the way around back rather than just one slot forward.
How do you make it rotate seamlessly both ways?
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Jan 14, 2009
I wanted to make buttons for my web site with some spinning animation, but i wanted that it dont just spin, but speeding up and slowing down. So what i want to make, it is the button whan mouse over, spinning animation speeding up and whan mouse out, animation slowing down and stops, and whan there is no mouse over, animation not playing.
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Feb 9, 2011
how i can add the rotation Speed?
my code:
var dx:Number = bs.width-mouseX
var dy:Number = bs.height-mouseY
var dm:Number = Math.atan2(dy,dx)*180/Math.PI
p1.rotation = dm-315 // add 315 i will get the direction i want
but i want my rotation to go faster
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Feb 8, 2007
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Mar 1, 2011
i have a rectangle named(p1) with w:250 h:400 and a other rectangle named(bs) same width and height , registration point is at the center right. when i click on p1 ,p1 will fellowing my mouse and the p1 rotation is depending on the bs width and height.[code]okise now my intention are , when i release the mouse ,p1 will go move back to the (bs) registration point and on the way to the registration point it will rotation++ to 90 degrees.when reached bs registration point it will become 90 degrees.if my now my p1.rotation is 135, when i release mouse , p1 moved back ,rotation will depend on the distance back and rotation to 90 , like 133 ,125 ,110, 90.
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Sep 30, 2009
I have a circle wheel i want to rotate and the speed should be based on the mouse position. I also need to have easing in and out.
When the user hovers over the bottom of the circle it will begin to rotate one way and then th top of the circle would make it rotate the other way. The further to the top or bottom they are the quick it spins. It ideally needs to ease in and out when it starts and stops when the user moves the mouse away.
The circle will be the complete movie so 50% top and bottom each for each direction.
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var timer:Timer = new Timer(30);
paintingRotateBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUS E_DOWN, paintingRotate, false, 0, true);
paintingRotateBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUS E_UP, paintingRotateStop, false, 0, true);
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[code]It even performs ok in low resolution export;but under high resolution export the speed is SUPER SLOW!!I have tried cache as bitmap matrix,[code]Only later I found the caching don't really support 3D rotations... Is there anyway to get it perform normally under high res??
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Mar 2, 2011
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Dec 13, 2009
I'm tweening a movieclip from startX to finishX. The value of startX varies but finishX is a constant. But as the startX increases in value the animation appears to be quicker. How do I adjust the speed of the tween to ensure a consistant speed regardless of the value of startX?
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Apr 15, 2010
I have 1656x1332 px 30fps movie clip sliding or rotating on click event inside of 850x550 px stage. For some reason the clip gets stuck on rotation sometimes, even though the whole file is only 46 KB. Moreover, depending on browser, the rotating part can fly completely off the stage and the only way to get it back is to refresh.[code]
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