Professional :: Save Flashproject As DVD Or Avi?

Feb 10, 2010

I have made a Flash-movie. My costumer wants to use it in a video, wants me to save it in DVD or Avi-format

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Professional :: Save CS4 Documents In CS5 Without Save As Dialog?

May 7, 2011

At my college, they have CS4 (master suite) and at home I've got CS5 (design premium). I can save files in CS5 as CS4 so they can be read at college (by Flash) but I have to do it via the "save as" every time I save. After a couple of times, it get rather irritating. Is it possible for me to save in the usual way (as if it was a CS5 document) without the save as dialog every time I save my work?

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Professional :: Save When Use Trial Version Of Flash Professional CS5?

Sep 21, 2011

I downloaded the trial version so I could work on the final project for class but for some reason when I tried to save it my computer froze up. Is this because the save feature is turned off for the trial version or was it just my computer? If I can't save using the trial version than I wasted memory on my computer and a lot of my time downloading the trial version that isn't going to be very useful to me.

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Flash :: Professional - CS5 - CAN'T SAVE IN SWF

Jan 20, 2011

I did an animation in Flash CS5 for my website that I'm creating in DWCS5. The animation size in flash is 7000x300pxls. When I was done I save it to my desktop. then I went file- publish. and get an option to save in SWF. and HTMl. I select both boxes . and I choose to save to my desktop too. but when I go to my desktop I don't see it. I dont understand why I can't save it in these two formats. do you think I m missing a plug-in. And if you can post it here or email

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Professional :: Can't Save My Settings

May 2, 2011

I have a strange pb... I have a swf file on my local computer that needs to access data on a webserver.On that webserver there is a crossdomain xml allowing all domains.When I launch my swf file there is a flash popup asking if I want to trust the file and telling me to go to a secutity settings page where I should add some trusted resources.The pb is that I can't save my settings so there is no way to trust my swf.URL...If I click on a tab it just reset the "form"/

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Professional :: Save .fla File As Animated Gif?

Jan 15, 2010

still have the button link work? And to keep the file size low?...from .fla file to anim gif.....[URL]

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Professional :: Take A Picture With A Web Cam And Save It In The Server?

Feb 12, 2010

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Professional :: Why Don't My Shape Tweens Save?

Feb 16, 2010

I'm trying to save a file that has several shape tweens.  I create the tweens and preview the file and everything works perfectly.  However, when I save it and reopen the file, the tweens are gone.

Attachments: (55.8 K)

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Flash :: Professional - [CS5 Trial] Save As XFL?

Apr 30, 2010

I was quite excited about the new feature of the open FLA format and tried to save some existing FLA files as XFL using the CS5 Trial. I don't know whether the the feature is still in development, but it isn't working as expected at all which is some kind of disappointing.

It seems that the Flash IDE isn't capable of exporting existing bitmap assets properly and saving them to the appropriate path in the library folder in the file system. After trying to access the bitmap multiple times within the IDE and hitting the "Save as..." command multiple times and overwriting the current XFL, some bitmaps are magically partly there. Some others are not. Some of them have 0kb filesize and seem to be corrupted.


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Professional :: Save The Games Marks

Aug 8, 2011

'm currently develop a flash game but i don't know how to save the games marks so thatthe user can display it when the games was over.

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Professional :: Unable To Save Document As (Flash CS5 - BUG - OSX)

Jun 29, 2010

I have upgraded my CS4 to CS5 on MAC OSX and i'm having problems saving new and existing fla files. It doesnt always do it but it's very anoying when you have done some work and are unable to save it.
I get this message:
unable to save document as (file name)

please try saving to a different filename or location.
even if i try to save as to a different location i get the same message, this ONLY happens in flash CS5 and does not do it on any other application or even flash CS4. To put it bluntly i am absolutely furious with this and when you pay this amount of money should not get this hassle for such a simple action.

I have tried phoneing the adobe support line and it's a joke, you can't even understand the operator to even get anywhere and i just gave up having to repeat myself and asking them to repeat themselves.
I would be grateful if someone out there knows an answer to this or have a contact email for adobe support that i can email them direct. As a flash developer it's critical i can get on with my work without worrying if my work will even save.

UPDATE: I can save files in CS5 as CS4 documents but not as CS5, this is so annoying.

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Flash :: Professional - Let Someone Draw Then Save It To A Database Via Cs4

Jul 25, 2010

My subject sums up the question. I want parents to be able to write their name and then save it to a database. I also want it to appear in an admin panel to make sure it isn't just scribble. I am trying to use flash to comply with the COPPA Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act.

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Professional :: Save Data Inside The SWF File?

Aug 28, 2010

As part of a project I am working on, I would like to know if it would be possible to store some data in the actual flash file.
Let me make this clear now... I DO NOT WANT TO USE COOKIES!
I need to be able to save some data to the SWF itself, NOT to the local computer.
To be more specific, I need to store a set of URL's, but they also need to be added by the file, so...
Lets say i have a button that when you click, will make a text box appear, and you type in some urls such as:
I then have a button that says "Save" and this will save these 3 URL's. I then would have the SAME SWF display these URL's (these will be URLs of Images). The important part is, these 3 URLs MUST BE READ by everyone who views the swf afterwards, so if I were to enter some URLS of Images, when someone else views the page, they will see the images that i entered. This is why it cannot be a cookie, as their computer will not see my cookie.
Even if the data cant be stored in the SWF itself, i will need some way to load this information where ever the swf is viewed.

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Professional :: Why Cant Save A Cs4 File As Cs5 In Adobe Flash Cs5

Dec 22, 2010

When ever I try to save a cs4 file as CS5 the adobe flash cs5 will stop responding for no reasons
also, some times and only for some files when I save the cs4 file as uncompressed cs5 and then save that uncompressed cs5 to normal cs5 the conversion works and some times not.
ofcourse any of the cs5 files cannot be saved as cs3 or cs2 for no reasons..
 p/s: microsoft office can be saved to any previous versions..

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Professional :: Save A Specific Set Of Open Files?

Feb 9, 2011

I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to save a specific set of open files in Flash so that when you close the app and then reopen it, you would either see the files that were open when you closed Flash or at least have the option to select it and it woud then open those files in the order that you left them.
With all my class files open at one time, I hate having to reload them into the order that makes sense to me every time I launch Flash.I was looking into the Projects panel which seems like it's in the direction of what I would like but I can't seem to find anwhere that saves open files.

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Professional :: Cannot Save CS4 File As Macromedia Flash 8

Mar 10, 2011

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Professional :: VB6 - Can't Save A Project With Flash.ocx Control?

Apr 26, 2011

VB6 developers who have gone in to do maintenance on their applications that call flash.ocx are finding that they can no longer save their projects because of some change that was introduced by Adobe in the release following flash10e.ocx.ork around is given of uninstalling flash and installing any version on or before 100452.  Because the applications still run fine until the developer tries to make a change and save the VB6 project, the scope of this problem has probably not been fully realized.  For this reason, this issue will likely only gain momentum in the future.

I spent the morning contacting several people at Adobe and I discovered the only way apparently to get support for this issue is to open a "web case". From further research, what I understand a "web case" costs around $200 and with that price there is nothing telling me what comes with a "web case" I mean, if I were to buy one, would the problem be fixed or would they research it and say "I am very sorry but we are not going to fix that". If there is a guarantee that the problem will be fixed, then can Adobe establish a pool where the $200 cost can be shared by everyone who has the issue? That couldn't be more than a buck or two each because if you google this problem "System Error &H80004005 using flash.ocx" you will find about 5 pages of people reporting the problem

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Professional :: Shape Tween Effect Does Not Save?

Sep 22, 2011

I am running Mac OS X, I recently added a shape tween to one of my fla's and I click save, the save bar pops up but when I re-open the file, everything is fine except the shape tween that I added earlier. The shape tween will not save but saves in the swf.

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Professional :: Save A File As A Clickable Image ?

Oct 18, 2011

I'm new to Flash (CS5.5) but have self taught quite a bit. I created a simple "slide show" model of images which fade in and out to other images—it's a holiday greeting card. How do I save/export/publish (not sure of the correct terminology) this .fla file so that my end result is an image that I can insert (as an image) into an email (outlook) and send. The recipient should be able to click on the image and activate the movie.

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Professional :: Auto-save Feature Was Turned Off?

Jan 16, 2012

I started an animation in flash recently and the autosave feature was turned on.  I had a good animation, but decided to play around with it a bit.  After a little while, I decided to call it a night and exited the program making sure NOT to save my work.  Upon opening that file the next time, I come to find out that Flash has autosaved my file while I was playing around.  Now I have a worthless animation, and have to start from scratch.  Is there any way to revert to a previous save, or autosave at this point, or am I about to do a lot of work again?

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Professional :: History Doesn't Update - Can't Save Changes?

Mar 27, 2012

I have a problem with a couple flash files where making changes doesn't update in the document, the history won't update, and saving the file after changes is like saving the unedited file immiatedly after opening it.

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Professional :: How To Add Zoom And Save Current Page Info

Apr 9, 2010

Any way to work with .swf files exported from InDesign (with page curl effect in tact)? I'd like to add a zoom feature, and need the ability to keep track of the currently viewed page.

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Professional :: Save State Of A Flash Cs5 Application For Iphone?

Oct 26, 2010

is possible to somehow save the state of a flash application so it is able to resume where it left off after being closed. For example, is it possible for a user to save games in an iPhone game written in Flash

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Professional :: Rt/animation/audio Disappearing From The Timeline After A Save?

Aug 11, 2011

I'm having problems with many files losing their assets from the timeline after a save and reopening the file in Mac OS X Snow Leopard. This is happens quite often now and there seems to be no pattern to it. For example, I will open an existing Flash animation complete with sound and artwork, make changes to the animation timing, test the SWF and everything looks good, then save. After reopening the exact same file, there will be audio that was on the timeline will be an empty frame. In addition, there is art work that was swapped out or updated to a character and the symbols becomes empty after reopening.

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Professional :: Mutliple Forms Save User Input?

Aug 23, 2011

I have a site that contains approx 20 pages of lengthy forms. The forms exist on single frames within the flash movie. This application is used as a demo only, so I do not have a need to submit the form data. The demo is used to go back and forth from form to form and fill in mock data. The problem is when the user goes from form to form the data they have entered is not saved. Is there a way I can set all frames to remember the data entered into the form without having to set every form control instance? There thousands of fields in these forms and I am trying to avoid individually naming them and scripting them to save their values.

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Professional :: Save Unused Symbols To A Separate Library?

Oct 6, 2011

I would like to keep my project library tidy, which means deleting symbols I end up not using. However, I want to be able to find these symbols later in case I do end up wanting to use them for a related project. Can I create a library outside of a project, so I can drop these items into it for later use?

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Professional :: Changing Default Project Save Type CS5.5 To CS5

Oct 18, 2011

would anyone be able to help explain whether it is possible to change the default save as to a CS5, rather than going to file-save as.

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Professional :: Shared Objects - Save The SOL File To Desktop

Dec 28, 2011

I am a psychology student and have the need to edit a flash game for use in a project. Having no programming experience, this is proving to be an issue! Basically I contacted the authors of a study for a copy of a driving game that records data to an external file (I think this is where shared objects come in?). Unfortunately, I cannot find the output file anywhere on my machine (I am running Windows 7 - have looked in the appropriate directories). After downloading a trial version of CS3, I have edited the screens I needed but have not been able to understand the code. I have located the code for the shared object and was wondering if anyone know how to make it save the SOL file to my desktop. Here is the code I think is appropriate:


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Professional :: Can't Save Document, Or Copy Layers To New File

Feb 14, 2012

I'm having an odd problem that I can't seem to resolve. I'm updating some old animations (created around 2004-2005). Most have gone without a hitch, however one file has been a problem.
First the specs: Windows 7 64bit, Master Collection CS5.5. All updated.
The problem with the file:
I can open it just fine, test the movie, etc. If I try to save the document, it fails, saying "Unable to save the document as...". I can save the file as a CS4 document, which seems to work OK. However, I need to move the contents into a new document. If I try to Copy the laters, Flash immediately crashes.

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Professional :: Flash CS5 Doesn't Export - AIl Files Or Save AS3 Legacy?

May 9, 2010

For those of you that use Flash like I do, as a drawing tool, then you may be disappointed to find that Flash CS5 no longer exports your graphics as .ai files. Your only options are .swf, .fxg, .bmp, .jpg, .gif, .png.Often I use Flash and Illustrator together. I'll draw in Flash and export to Illustrator. I mainly use Illustrator when I need text on a curved line. Then I bring that text back in to Flash.
It's odd because one time I just typed in .ai into the filename and it did indeed create an .ai file. However, just now, I tried to do that again and it won't work for me. ALSO... I upgrade from Flash CS3 to CS5 ultimately skipping CS4. The problem is, CS5 only let's you save to legacy CS4. So my CS3 version can't open my CS4 or CS5 files.

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