Professional :: Targeting A Div On A Page From A .swf File?

Feb 17, 2010

Imagine I have an swf file on an html page. Beneath it I have a div called "container".  I would like to hit a button in the flash file and have the contents of the container div change.  I've done a similar thing with frames or iframes in the past, but I'm thinking there is a way to tell flash what div I am targetting.

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Sep 23, 2010

I have created a booklet in InDesign cs4 that includes page turn transitions. I have saved it as a SWF file and it works perfectly on my PC with the ability to sweep through the page turns. My issue is now, what type of file can I export the SWF file to so that I can view it on an iPad and am still able to have the page curls?

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Professional :: Targetting A Div On A Page From An .swf File?

May 13, 2005

Beneath it I have a div called "container".  I would like to hit a button in the flash file and have the contents of the container div change.  I've done a similar thing with frames or iframes in the past, but I'm thinking there is a way to tell flash what div I am argetting.  I would love to see the answer in AS3 since I'm trying to get myself away from many years of using AS2

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Professional :: FullScreenButton In SWF File In An HTML Page

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I have inserted a small video as a SWF file into my homepage along with Play, Pause, FullScreen and Mute buttons (loaded from the Flash Components panel). The Play, Pause and Mute buttons work fine. But when I click on the FullScreen Button nothing happens. It won't open the SWF video in a new page at full resolution.

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Professional :: FullScreenButton In SWF File In An HTML Page?

Apr 27, 2011

I have inserted a small video as a SWF file into my homepage along with Play, Pause, FullScreen and Mute buttons (loaded from the Flash Components panel). The Play, Pause and Mute buttons work fine. But when I click on the FullScreen Button nothing happens. It won't open the SWF video in a new page at full resolution.

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Professional :: Upload Swf File Which Was Inserted On Http Page?

Jun 8, 2010

I have been trying to upload swf file which was inserted on http page.
I have uploaded http, swf, flash files and scripts but I can only see text on the website.
When I deleted http file and check the website I could open swf file and see the image.

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Sep 16, 2010

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Professional :: .swf File Causing Breaks/extra Spaces In Html Page?

Dec 2, 2010

I put together an .html page using a photoshop jpg that I sliced into sections. I was asked to replace two graphics from the original .jpg file with animated content of the same size. Using my slices as a guide for size, I created the two animated graphics in flash and saved them out as .swf files. They are both the exact same size(px) as the static images. I opened my newly sliced html file in dreamweaver, deleted the static images and placed the .swf files.
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One note: It seems to only ad space when viewing from Mozilla. Havent' tested it on a pc yet either.[URL]

Below is code for the left hand speaker:

<td colspan="3" rowspan="4"><object id="FlashID" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="246" height="378">          <param name="movie" value="index_images/speaker_left.swf">          <param name="quality" value="high">          <param name="wmode" value="opaque">          <param name="swfversion" value="">          <!-- Next object tag is for non-IE


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Flash :: Professional - Reduce File Size Of Opening Page In A Site

Sep 27, 2011

I'm using the Flash CS4 IDE, and the first page of my site takes a lot longer to load than I want it to.  So I wanted to go through the varied images / symbols / movie clips / sounds and so on to see where all the memory is being chewed up. When I go into my library, however, I can see the Name, LInkage, usecound and Type of my elements, but no mention of file size and I can't seem to find any right click menu that lets me add file size to the list of details being displayed. Is there a way to make it show file size?  Or some workaround? And are there any best practices to reduce file size aside from using symbols for anything that's used more than once and reducing image and sound quality?

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Professional :: Flash - File Wont Show Up On Page Unless Type In Direct Location?

Jul 12, 2010

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">


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Professional :: Sound Won't Play When SWF File Is Inserted In HTML Page--plays Fine In Flash Test Movie?

Dec 1, 2010

I have created a SWF file that plays/stops sound. The SWF file works great when previewed in Flash CS4, but does not work when inserted in the HTML file.Here are the 2 files that are automatically generated when I INSERT>MEDIA>SWF in Dreamweaver CS4:

Here is the ActionScript3 that I am using in the Flash file:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Targeting Which Xml File To Load Inside Of A Package

Jul 7, 2010

Okay I'm working on a pretty big project, and the last thing I need to do is get this content to display. Here's my lil problem. So I'm loading buildings, and when clicked on, I'm loading a movieclip from the library that has a slideshow movieclip on the first frame, however this slideshow is packaged externally. This slideshow has a "xmlPath" that is defaulted to a XML file. My question is... what kind of code can I use to control which xml is loaded when loading that packaged slideshow?


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Professional :: Page Link On Press To Play Swf Animation Before Directing To Page?

Feb 16, 2010

I would like to create my page links so when I roll over the text(link) enlarges and then once pressed a swf animation plays.When it stops it automatically directs to the desired page.

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Professional :: Preloading An HTML / Flash Page On PREVIOUS Page

Jul 1, 2010

I have a site where all the pages have a common SWF embedded at the top (Nav and banner), but the rest of the page is HTML.Everything is working fine, but I'm finding the 'independence' between the HTML and Flash is making for some sloppy transitions from page to page.I was expecting the SWF to be delayed, at least for the first page visit(and I have a preload routine inside the swf to make it's delay and appearance a bit more visually pleasant), but was surprised to sometimes find the SWF appearing and playing while the HTML content was delayed (resulting in a SWF floating in black).What I'm wondering is if there's a way I can do some sort of preload on my index page.BUT, not the standard one that I'm sure everyone would suggest (like the javascript image 'preload', or the newer 'css visibility' preload trick). The problem with the standard one is that it doesn't check to see if everything is loaded.What I'm after is a routine on my index page that invisibly loads some of the elements from my inner pages (common swf, maybe some of the images) and WAITS until it's done before moving to the inner pages (displaying the company logo and/or a load status in the meantime).Many people would suggest a preloader inside the common SWF on my inner pages (which I have), but the problem with that on its own is that it doesn't stop the HTML from displaying.

I'm trying to figure out a way to do a preloader (like those in a SWF, which loops until everything is loaded) that controls both the SWF AND the HTML.Recently, I found that you can use one swf to preload another, which would be a potential solution, as I could make an SWF on the index page whose sole purpose is to load (invisibly) the common SWF, displaying the load status and then loading an inner html page once it's done.Problem is, I have bee having trouble finding the coding for that, as most searches for preloaders end up being about standard preloaders, where it's monitoring the same SWF that the code is on, as opposed to controlling a second, external SWF.Can someone point me to or provide me with the proper coding/procedure for a preloader that controlls a second external swf or give me a better solution?

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Professional :: Animated Index Page Before Moving On To The Home Page?

Jul 11, 2011

I have a project for a site that sells fishing lures.I want to have an animated index page before moving on to the home page. My idea is to have a boat sitting on a pond fishing lines in the water, when a fish jumps out of the water, the water ripples, the next time you see the fish it's got a hook in it mouth and jumping out of the do I go about it? How to I create the water rippling? I think with the fish I can do easily enough with it jumping on and off stage. Would I do the water with shape tweens?

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Professional :: What Code To Navigate From Page Without Opening A New Page

Feb 11, 2010

I have a flash button embedded into a css/HTML page that I want to use to navigate into a new page without opening a new window. Here's the code I'm using in the SWF which I got from the adobe tv tutorial:Here is the test page that I have embedded the flash button in:The flash button is the "about Ian" button on the upper left. I want the navigation to be like the traditional rollovers on the page. (I'm working my way up to having the embedded flash button fade into place, that's why I'm using flash.)

// 1. Event handler function
function clickHandler (Event:MouseEvent): void { trace("CLICK!");   navigateToURL(new URLRequest("")); } // 2.


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Professional :: First Page Pictures And Writing Is Coming Up On Second And Third Page

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how can create, Page Flipping and Flash page flip [URL]

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Nov 24, 2011

I'm making an interactive book and I would like to make my "Text"-layer invisible when I start the "Turn Page"-animation. It's either that, or I'm gonna have to put a code for EVERY 23 MoveClips with the Texts in them, since I'm using the same "Turn Page"-button.

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Getting A Link Within An Swf File On One Page To Open A New Page?

Mar 23, 2009

I am able to pass a variable from an html link that loads a separate html file and instructs the embedded file to go to a specific frame.But - I now need a link within an swf file on one page to open a new page and tell that swf to start on a specific frame and it is not working. Here is the code I use for the first example - works like a champ:

html file 1


<a href="fullpage.html?stateVar=19">Go here</a>

html file 2 swf embed code with variable info:


<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
var so = new SWFObject("yourSWF.swf", "sotester", "500", "500", "8", "#FF6600");


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Professional :: Navigating To Another Page By Querystring Of Page

Oct 10, 2010

I prepared a movie and put into my aspx page and there is a button on this movie which navigates to another aspx page. It has to use querystring information to decide which page to go.

-The page which i put my flash movie is : entry.aspx
-If the page is : entry.aspx?lang=tr : it will go to the turkish page on button click, (url : "mturkish.aspx")
-if the page is : entry.aspx?lang=en : it will go to the english page on button click, (url : "menglish.aspx")

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Gallery Page With A Bunch Of Page Numbers - Click On A Page Number, The Over Script Should Stop Until Go To Another Page?

Jan 26, 2009

i'm trying to build a flash site and ran into a problem... i have a gallery page with a bunch of page numbers at the top. when you click on one, a movieclip loads of some images coming the problem i'm having is that i made a little animation for when you roll the mouse over the page number (they scale up when the mouse is over, scale back when the cursor moves away)... what it's doing is when you roll over, it goes to a certain frame in the timeline and plays that animation.that's all working cool, but i need it to not do that once it's clicked on. so basically when you actually click on a page number, the over script should stop until you go to another page... here's the code i've written,

function over(event:MouseEvent):void {
function out(event:MouseEvent):void {[code].....

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Have An Animated Logo Swf File That Loads And Runs Once On The Home Page Every Time The Page Loads?

Jun 25, 2009

I have an animated logo swf file that loads and runs once on the home page every time the page loads. The logo has been updated to appear in three different colour schemes. I want one scheme to load and when the page is refreshed or revisited, one of the other colour schemes to load in its place. They can appear in any random order, just a different one to the one that played before reloading.Can someone point me to an answer or tell me how to do it? I have found a way in JavaScript but this only works on plain images, not swf files.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Won't Work - Attached The Fla File And An Index Page In A Zip File

Nov 22, 2009

I have four buttons in flash and only one of them work. I have attached the fla file and an index page in a zip file. It seems only one button will work at a time.


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Aug 26, 2010

Is It possible to load Html page inside Adobe Flash Professional or Adobe Flex.

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Professional :: One Page Per URL?

Feb 3, 2010

I thought that this was worth posting. If you're creating a Flash-based web site, it is very important to create Flash sites that support "deep linking."

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IDE :: Getting Fla-file Into Html Page?

Dec 28, 2009

I've got a html-page and a fla-file and i want the body from the homepage to look like my fla-file... how can i manage that??

HTML Code:

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />


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Professional :: Do A Page Transition In And Out

May 12, 2010

I would like to make the site below. [URL] I want to do a transition in and out First, In the site (btn1) 1st page( mc?) is slided in, and then, when click the buttons in the navigation bar is clicked (btn2) to go to 2nd page 1st page will be slide out, then

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Professional :: Swf On 1 Page Of Website?

Jul 29, 2010

I have created a simple flash swf which I have added to all the pages of my website. For some reason when I load one particular page a blank screen appears. When I delete the swf the page appears.


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Professional :: How To Chop Pdf Page Into SWF

Mar 6, 2011

i want to make pc apps to read pdf with page flip transition like on the ipad. i must chop every pdf page to make a single page on the book animation. but i wonder how can i do that?

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