Professional :: Add Loading Bar To Already Laid Out Site?

Oct 3, 2010

l basically completed my entire site, which has a few layers and over 400 frames which are broken into different labeled sections on the main time line.The entire site  is located within one scene.After that l decided to add a loading bar with AS3. lt kind of works but only goes to 40% of so and then jumps to the second frame.l took the code from

function loadProgress(my_content:ProgressEvent):void {
var percent:Number = Math.floor( (my_content.bytesLoaded*100)/my_content.bytesTotal );myLoadText.text = percent + "%";myLoadBar.width = percent * 2;}function


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Professional :: Flash - Site Shows Infinite Loading Time?

Jun 23, 2010

I am having an issue with my recently created flash site.  I have loaded and tested this site on many different computers.  There is a preloader which shows percentage of site loaded and bytes loaded.  As far as I am concerned everything works great.  When the owner of the company I designed the site for goes to check out things he gets an infinite load percentage and the site never shows up, only the preloader screen with an "infinite" percentage.  The only difference between his setup and mine is he uses AOL online.?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Invocation Of Transition Classes Laid Out In Prior Pages Of The Book

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There's a recent Apress book, Elst, Jacobs, Yard. "Object-Oriented ActionScript 3.0." Berkeley, CA, 2007. In it is this invocation of Transition classes laid out in prior pages of the book:


I've run the code, it's cool, I'd like to use the transition mechanism they created (beginning on page 411). In the middle of the code a .png is called up from the directory. But I have my own .jpg on the already on the stage, and I'd like to apply this book's
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Loading XML File With Swf On Site?

Jan 3, 2010

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Correcting the comment tags fixed my xml loading problem.I then was faced with the images within the xml file not displaying on the screen. When I went to www.mysite/media/myFlash.swf, the images loaded perfectly; however, when i went to where the 'myflash.swf' was in a the images threw another error.I corrected this issue by changing the file path in the xml...instead of acquainted.jpg I changed it to media/ specials/ acquainted.jpg.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: See The Preloader Loading The Site From 0%

Jun 10, 2008

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Getting Error 2044 When Loading External Swf Into My Site

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Swf From Other Site Into Swf With Embed Code

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Dec 29, 2003

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Mar 11, 2004

How it is done, when you enter to site [URL]. Preloader loading the content of site and when you re-enter to site you see the preloader once again and preloader loading from 1 to 100 fast. What script cause this effect?

I have 2 mc, mc1 with script :
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (!loaded && this._url != _root._url) {
if (this.getBytesLoaded() == this.getBytesTotal()) {
loaded = true;

And mc2 have preloader in 2 frames and then goes frame with label loadMovie("content") but its not working.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading On Site - New Menu To Animate Over The Old One

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IDE :: Loading An External Swf File Into Main Site

Jan 16, 2004

i am extreemly new to flash / website design ( i made my first site 6 months ago ) i am very interested in making a good looking flash site. I have made a simple flash site before using dynamic text loading it form .txt documents. too bad the site is realy lame and i want to make a better one. here is the url to my site here This came about throught the useage of tutorials on this site. i am using flash MX version 6 now i am in the process of making a new site for my profile which will be totaly flash, using flash movies getting imported into a main site under a certain is how it is set up.


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Flash Site Loading Time On Smaller Bandwidths

May 9, 2009

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Apr 13, 2009

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now the path where it says path how must it be. once these files are uploaded to my server. must it be like so(as above) or how the full part which is ./public_html/pics.swf

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Images Into A New Movie Clip From Another Site?

Jul 2, 2010

and then having teh code create a new movie clip for every image there is..

Pretty much its a store that have a bunch of galleries.. Picasa and such. like 20 different pages easy with 20 albums on each with like 100 pictures in each album.. Now I need to get a code that goes to these sites takes teh pictures and then puts them in an empty MC and loads the picture in it And creates an empty movie clip for every picture after that untill there is more more pictures.. The site is also updated on a regular, And I'm trying to avoid having to update it myself. Since the site will remain the same.. cant I jsut have a code where you do the samething over and over again. Until there is more more pictures to load.. and then is stops.


Thats one of the pages.. So I would need to site i'm building to go on this url take teh pictures off of it and then place them in empty movie clips I made to rebuild the gallery. And if even there are more pictures than there are MC, It will make new ones to accomedate those picturs.

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Mar 5, 2009

I'm trying to load a jpg from [URL]. I load if from my computer, it works.. load it online, doesn't. And it doesn't give me any errors or anything. The completeListener is not working! Is there a problem with flash loading from other domains or what?.. If I test it, it shows in Safari's activity that the jpg was loaded, but it won't display it.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Site Not Loading - Possibly Wrong Framework File?

Oct 4, 2011

The site appears to be loading on some machines, and not on others I can't determine a common theme. In this instance, loading = Splash screen appears, user makes language selection, main site then pre-loads. On a successful load it gets to 100% and displays the website, on a failed load it stalls at 99%.

Tests currently show:
Primary test computer (with problem)
OS: Windows 7
Browsers:Chrome 12
Internet Explorer 8
Firefox 3.6.13

Flash version: Chrome: 10,3,181,35
Internet Explorer: 10,2,159,1 and 10,3,181,34
Firefox: 10,3,181,34

On other machines, it works with Flash versions:
Chrome, Flash version: 10,33,181,35
Internet Explorer, Flash version 10,3,181,34

Since these tests, I've also tried it on a number of other Mac/PC's and haven't found any problems. Steps I have taken so far to try and troubleshoot: Cleared Flash cache and browser cache on machine where site works, and also on machine where site doesn't work. There is a file that doesn't appear to be load (this is showed in Safari on Mac) - framework_3.1.0.2710.swz - initially I thought this to be the problem, but yet the site works on some machines still without this file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [F5] - Random Loading Image Layer - Can't Move On With The Page Or Site

Sep 1, 2003

I've tried 3 different scripts for a random loading image layer and none of them work. Does anyone have code/script for this that will work for Flash 5? I'm totally hung up at this stage and can't move on with the page or site until I have this aspect resolved.

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Professional :: Swf Plays As Stand Alone But Not In Site?

May 18, 2010

I'm a bit frustrated as I've created a Flash movie with an embedded video.The SWF file works fine when I play it as a stand alone file but when I use the file inside my website, the video portion does not play.I have placed the video file and the Flash file in the correct folder on my site.

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Flash :: Professional - Map Widget In Site

Jul 15, 2010

I am having difficulties inserting a Map widget on my flash site. [URL] it needs to go on the left hand side were there is a "empty" space waiting for it! so i attached the map widget code just cuz... i am using flash cs4, as3 the code is a follows:


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Professional :: Preloader For Flash Site?

Aug 11, 2010

I don't know much about Flash so understanding how to implement a preloader for my entire site is just a bit beyond me. Basically, I just want a loading bar, "loading" text, and the percentage text (this should all be in AS3). I know that in Flash CS5, a preloader bar is included as one of the components. The only problem is that I don't know what to do with it (and it shows up as blue and white so not sure how to change the colour).

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Professional :: Have A Link Which Redirects To Another Site?

Aug 28, 2010

I am making a flash site and am trying to have a link which redirects to another site. The problem is the redirect address has an e with the accent ' above it. When I copy the link directly into flash, it converts it to code in the URL bar.How do I make the link in flash so that it keeps it as an accented letter in the URL bar?

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Professional :: Operate Two Gallery On Same Site?

Nov 12, 2010

I'm editing a template built using Flash, which already have a page that is a photo gallery. I created two others. Edict everything right in the xml file. However, when I open the page properly direct the gallery just small pictures, directing the big (it should just be a small extension of) the original gallery.

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Professional :: How To Center Site In Browser

Jan 8, 2011

I'm new at Flash so my code understanding is very limited. For my 1st site I tried to make a very simple site which would float in the center of the browser, but my site is centered and stuck at the top below the browser.

1. How do I get it centered both vertical & horizontal?

2. How do I edit the placement position in design mode without having to go into code?

My site address is [URL] I'm sure I have more code then is needed because I started with a sample file and tried to delete unneeded parts.

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Professional :: Connect Different Swf Files Into One Site?

Jan 17, 2011

I need to make this site like presentation for my next exam. I found a good template for a slide show. The presentation will be structured like this: 
MAIN PAGE with sidebar which links to: slide one with slideshow 1slide two with slideshow 2slide three with slideshow 3slide four with slideshow 4 due to the nature of the code thou i cannot put the different slideshows into the same .swf file in different scenes (i copied and pasted them in each scene and modified the actionscript so they would refer to different pictures) because they will create conflict with each other. now they question is can i use the sidebar to link to different swf files but still make it look like it was just one big swf?

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Professional :: Embedding A Swf File On Site

Mar 20, 2011

I'm trying to embed a swf file on a site. Here a link to the file on a page that works. Example Problem is, I need to place it on a different site (we have two servers) and it's not working once I link to the file on the other server. Below is the code. I've highlighted the part that I changed.


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