Professional :: Animate Adjustment Layers From Photoshop?

Nov 27, 2011

I am trying to animate an adjustment layer in Flash with Photoshop. The only way to describe the effect I'm looking for is if you apply an adjustment layer to an image/photoshop file (i.e. Hue/Saturation) and move the slide bar from one side to another. This effect works well with pictures that have multiple colors. I might be able to provide a video of this effect if my description is confusing.

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Actionscript 3 :: Replicate Photoshop Adjustment Layer In Flash

Feb 22, 2011

Is there anyway we can replicate Photoshop's adjustment layer in Flash? I see that we can replicate blend like overlay. But didn't see a way to replicate Hue/Saturation adjustment layer for example.

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Professional :: Import Animation Layers Into Photoshop?

Sep 21, 2010

ive made a nice animation(tween)with a bubble ,but id like to import it into photoshop so the frames cane be on seperate there a way to do this?

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Importing PSD Files - Remain Static Throughout The Movie And Also Several Other Layers Which Going To Animate?

May 10, 2009

I am importing a PSD file with a background layer, which I want to remain static throughout the movie and also several other layers which I am going to animate. Here's my problem...I cannot figure out how to get the background layer to remain visible throughout the movie once I create tweens for the other layers, without manually copying and pasting frame 1 to every other frame...yikes! There must be something very obvious I am not doing, yes? It probably goes without saying that I am a first time 'designer'.

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Professional :: Photoshop To Animation?

Feb 27, 2011

I've made a Japanese image in Photoshop and it was going to be just a stand stil image, but since I've added a Hue/Satuaration layer and think it looks pretty damn awesome when I slide through the bar from left to right I want to make it into an animation or GIF.I notice you can make the image or PSD layers a graphic or movie clip and change it in the Advanced options for colour effects, but this isn't like a hue/ saturation edit.Is there a way in Flash that I can add a Hue/ Saturation layer to ALL layers or at least, that affects all layers? I've got a Hue/ Saturation layer in PS and saved that way but it doesn't show when in Flash, so is there a way to add this?

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Professional :: Imported Photoshop File Exported As?

May 27, 2010

I've imported a multi-layered Photoshop file (that contains layers with elements smaller than the project size... so each layer is alpha with an element floating somewhere on the canvas.I was pleasantly surprised to see that it not only imported into Flash CS3, but also kept all the alpha and successfully exported as a Flash file with the alpha (of each layer) intact. I didn't think it would be able to do that!Anyway, the one thing that concerns/interests me is whether whatever it's doing is compatible on all systems that it'll reach.  At first, I thought it was converting each layer into a PNG file, since (to the best of my knowledge) jpegs dont' support transparency, and the layers were not converted to vectors.

So, what exactly IS it doing to each layer?  What is it exporting them as?  How compatible is that on other systems (browsers, O/S's, etc) these days?  Also, are PNG files now fully supported in all browsers and systems?I'd hate to build my whole site, only to find that it's not compatible on some other system....Bit of back story...  I'm creating a multi-layered interface (background, then another level with some random loaded swf file, then the 'moving stuff' (nav buttons, titles, etc), and then an odd shaped frame on top of that.  Previously, I did it by making everything with Flash vectors... but this time, I tried making all the elements/layers in Photoshop with just bitmaps (rather than vectors), as I wanted a bit more detail.

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Professional :: Loading Image Into Flash From Photoshop?

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I am creating a plug-in for photoshop using javascript. I am trying to display a photo within my flash plugin window, but when I pass the address of the file to the mxml code, it uses a home directory indicator, and not a full file path.For example:C:Users***DesktopPicspicture_name.jpgis passed as ~DesktopPicspicture_name.jpgAnd the mxml can't find that file because it is not in full path format.

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Professional :: How To Edit Flash Symbol In Photoshop

Sep 23, 2011

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Professional :: Imported Graphic From Photoshop Is Pixilated

Jan 16, 2012

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Professional :: Importing A Layer Shape From Photoshop To Flash?

Dec 29, 2009

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Professional :: Importing Layer Groups From Photoshop To Flash Cs4?

Mar 14, 2010

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Professional :: Editing Imported Photoshop Layer In Flash CS4?

Oct 22, 2010

I can't edit it in the sense that I am unable to go in and take the eraser tool and erase a section of the scene on that layer that wasn't created in Flash. I can draw on it in Flash and modify it that way. I can effect it via tweens enlarge, alpha transparency etc. But I can't erase part of the graphic that I created outside of Flash in Photoshop.I've tried erasing on the graphic itself, also after it's converted to a movie clip - inside the movie clip's timeline etc. It doesn't work. As I said , I can draw on it and effect it but I can't erase part of what was already in it before it was imported from PS4.

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Professional :: How To Maintain Editing On Graphics Imported From Photoshop

Dec 16, 2010

I'm having a hard time figuring out the best way to import graphics from Photoshop. I tried importing a psd for an arrow shape into Flash CS5. The imported image looks good. But when I right click on the imported image and choose 'Edit with Photoshop', it's just a flattened version. Is there another way of importing that keeps the editability of the original psd?

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Professional :: Make Flash Use The Original Photoshop File, Not A .png One?

Aug 9, 2011

I'd like to draw key frames in Flash, just simple drawings/skelettons using the pen tool, basically to create the movement itself. After that, I want to export the frames that I drew as images to Photoshop in order to apply texture and colour, and then put them back into Flash again, without tampering with the Flash doc I've already created, since the animation is already done. I want the file(s) that I'm working with to remain the same files throughout the process, from Flash to Photoshop and back to Flash again, like the way InDesign works. Is this even possible?
If this isn't possible at all, I guess the alternative is to draw in Photoshop and then import the drawings into Flash, put them in order and then make any eventual changes after you've created the animation in Flash, this is less smooth though still possible. But here emerges (sort of) the same problem:
When I import images from Photoshop, create animation out of them, and then realize I have to make some changes in the original PS pic file I head back to PS to correct it. But it just doesn't work the way I want it to... If I modify the pic file in PS, then use the "update" alternative in Flash Library, Flash just tells me that the file can't be found, and does not update the image. If I choose the "edit in PS"-alternative from right clicking on a symbol that is in the library, the file opens as a .png file in PS, not as my original file! It seems to me that Flash is creating its own library, not using the existing document. Is there anyway to go around this? How do I make Flash use my PS file which allows me to change it as much as I want (as with InDesign)?
This is driving me crazy, what I'm working on is supposed to be full HD, I can't use a freaking .png file...

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Oct 9, 2011

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Dec 31, 2011

It looks perfect when the stage is set to 100%.But when I shrink the stage (even in the SWF), the quality of the image becomes choppy and the edges of objects become pixelated.Same thing with enlarging it.The publish setting JPG quality is set to 100%.How do I fix this?It's mostly the quality of shrinking it that I'm worried about; this image/flash will go on a webpage & I plan to have it automatically adjust its size based on the browser's size.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Frame Rate Adjustment

Sep 28, 2009

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Slideshow Automatic Screen Width Adjustment

Jun 23, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Screen Adjustment - Bottom Section

Mar 21, 2007

was looking at former sotw winners and i came across, which has the bottom section of its page adjust within flash depending on the browser, and not just the resolution. for eg; if you resize the window the bottom nav will just flow upward and follow (until you hit the 1024x768 boundary in which case the bottom doesnt exist anymore) speaking of which, dont you think it kind of sucks that sites have to be made in consideration for 1024 when you can do so much more with 1280

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Thumbnails Tutorial Adjustment For Thumb Width

Dec 18, 2007

I'm wondering if there is a way to tweak the tutorial for the thumbnails slider (link below) to allow for thumbnails of various widths: [URL] Currently the script creates the spacing between the thumbs by taking the width of the first thumbnail loaded and adding a value of 5 to it. However, in my instance the first thumb is the widest, so this creates odd spacing (This is for a product selector that runs from largest thumb to smallest).

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Professional :: Animate An Object That Goes Behind Another?

Apr 19, 2010

Does anyone know how to go about animating a movie clip that would go behind another movie clip?
For instance: A stack of photos, that on click, the top photo would animate to the left (or right) and then animate to the back of the stack. My only problem is that i don't understand how to change the order of things, or if this is even possible (as essentially eveything is on layers), the only way i can think of is to have everything on one layer, but then this would interupt the animation of each photo

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Professional :: How To Animate A Row Of Dots

Apr 28, 2011

I have drawn a dotted line for this illustration:how to animated the dots to give the impression that data in this network line is going from left to right?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Default Context Menu - Quality Adjustment Settings

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Feb 1, 2010

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May 8, 2010

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Professional :: Animate Movieclips In 3d Space

Jul 31, 2010

I noticed a bug when trying to animate movieclips in 3d space: Basically the bug occurs when trying to tween a movie-clip in 3d space across a z range that is greater than 5000 or so, which then results in very odd behavior (see end of movie above). What strikes me as especially odd, is that the whole tweening rate is messed up when this occurs, it's as if the program decides to only tween half of the distance that I give it.

I know I can workaround the problem by just scaling the object as well while it's moving, but that's besides the point. It was the very first thing I tried in CS5 and took me less than 5 minutes to find. I doubt i'm the only one. =Edit= So it seems the exact value is 5760. that's the largest distance flash will tween an object in the z direction. Also, it doesn't matter where that range is, for example I can go from 0 to 5760 or 4000 to 9760, both work just fine. This means I can work around this problem by creating two seperate tweens, but that really shouldn't be necessary, and is very bothersome considering how the new tween system works, it automatically tries to add a new keyframe to the current tween, where the limit still applies.

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Professional :: Animate Recycle Arrow?

Oct 27, 2010

I'm trying to do a rather complicated mask in flash and can't quite get it right. I have a logo with three arrows on it. The arrows travel in water droplet pattern. Between the arrow heads is a small white space. I need to build this as a mask because the color of the arrows has a gradiation from light blue to dark blue.

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Professional :: Animate An Instance Of The Symbol?

Oct 30, 2010

Are symbols only supposed to be used when you need 100% exact copies of an object? So if you need to animate an instance of the symbol you can't use the symbol? Is that correct?

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