Professional :: Change A Hyperlink In CS5?
Dec 1, 2010
I have a movie that, at the end, has an image that can be clicked to go to a site. I need to change the URL and have no idea where to proceed. So far, I have found the object in the library and it's called a "sprite" and has something in the "linkage" field next to it. I've right clicked on it and tried both the Edit and Properties options and can't find what I am looking for anywhere.
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I want to do is add a simple hyperlink in my xmlhtml hyperlink in my to do a hyperlink in xml.This is what I do know,you can add the <a href="http:[url]...but that does not work for me,when i save and preview my fla, it takes away my scroll bar that i have.I have also seen somwhere you can use the <?[[DATA tag, but this aswell doesnt work for me in my FLA, is there somewhere i need to reference hyperlinks before I can modify my xml?
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Jan 9, 2010
ow to do a hyperlink in xml This is what I do know, you can add the <a href="">click here</a> but that does not work for me,when i save and preview my fla, it takes away my scroll bar that i have I have alsoseen somwhere you can use the <?[[DATA tag, but this aswell doesnt work for me in my FLA, is there somewhere i need to reference hyperlinks before I can modify my xml??
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><root difference="10"><node><year>1970</year> <text>Stephen Galvano installed as pastor at 421 Child St. </text> <pic>1</pic></node>
<node><year>1971</year> <text>The Inaugural International Missions Convention. </text>
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What code and where do I put it to open this link in the same window?
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<icon image="icon1.png" tooltip="Other Species"/>
<icon image="icon2.png" tooltip="Contact us!" />
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May 8, 2010
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Apr 6, 2009
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May 27, 2009
I want to add a hyperlink link button to my site, but it keeps buggering up the flow.Here's is the code for my site so far (minus the link code):
stop();function trans(event:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndPlay(;
So there are three menu buttons, and the page flys in animations depending on the button pushed.I have another button named LINK, and I thought it would just be a matter of inserting the following code somewhere:
LINK.onRelease=function(){ getURL("http:url....); }
But no matter where I put it, it just makes my site play through all the animations one after the other regardless of whether buttons have been clicked or not, and the link won't work.Where should I put this code and is it correct? Also, once it's working, I want to copy it and make another button for creating an email.Is that just a matter of having a mailto: link instead of a hyperlink?
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Jun 26, 2009
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Jul 7, 2009
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Sep 16, 2011
I'm working on updating a flash file and i have to add a hyperlink to a word but i'm having no luck. can some help, the bit of code is:
but6="Renewable Energy - Solar Panels";
but6bt="Installing and using renewable energy technologies like wind turbines, solar panels and biomass heaters offer an alternative to fossil fuels. It will reduce your homes CO2 emissions and energy bills and depending on the technology you could even paid for the energy you generate, or take advantage of the schemes that some companies offer. Find out more here";
The word here thats bolded is the word i need to add a hyperlink to.
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Jan 19, 2010
I want to make a flash movie which will load image and its hyperlink dynamically from external source. I know this is very common over the internet and as per some of the tutor I've done loading the image part but not able to sort out how to hyperlink that Below is the code
myData = new LoadVars()
myData.onLoad = function(succes)
The text file "anastasio.txt" just have this line "image=photo.jpg". "holder_mc" is a blank movie clip. The image is loading properly but I dont know how to hyperlink that!! Can any one let me know how to do that dynamically.
Also, this is a very simple way of loading the image from text file but in real this will come from DB. The Admin will insert the image name and the url in DB and uploads the image to a specific folder from where the flash will load that image. I'm thinking what could be a better way from below to do the above stated task:
1) On insertion into DB, I need to create an XML file from DB fetching the image name and url and writing them to XML file. And every time the flash will load these from XML file instead of connecting to DB server.
2) No XML file. The flash will communicate with a PhP page which will fetch the records from DB and give it to flash for loading
I know both the ways for loading data into flash i.e. from XML or DB. I just wanted to know which could be the best!! In my opinion, XML file would be a better option since no DB connectivity every time on website but there will be only one record at a time which will get changed once in every month which is preventing me from creating XML file for just 1 record!!!
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Jun 13, 2011
Because I have altered the images in a slideshow using flash derived from a website and its working properly but I can't remove the hyperlink from that swf file. I'm not good at flash action script. The php code to embed in the page is: <?php
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