Professional :: Control Bar For .swf?

Jun 10, 2011

Somebody answered that a way to get a control bar to a .swf file was to use the "button handlers and the goto and stop methods".No reference as to what is meant by this or to where I can get the .html to do this.I've got the .swf file but no control bar!I understand that .swf can be visible by most browsers.So how do I get the scripting for addin these button handlers and the goto and stop method". Since I'm a newbie, please don't say, this is easy, just use this or that method.I need the scripting that will do it.I know how to put the .swf in the page with <object> and <embed src=""> but no control bar.

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on (press) {
Second Method, I placed the actions on frame one of the main timeline.

btn.OnPress = function() {
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Apr 5, 2011

I'm writing a WIndows application that embeds Flash which I would like to control through the Windows buttons - for example start, stop...  What tools do I need to do this and where can I get the info on how to make it happen?  This is not a web app.

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Apr 25, 2011

I have a folder of sales training lessons (flvs) and I want to play each one of them by clicking a button and to have each one use a common playback control. When I us the follwing code I get a "1120: access of undefined property error".
function playAud1(evt:MouseEvent):void { player.source = "audio/The_Profession_Called_Selling.flv";}seg1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playAud1);


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Apr 26, 2011

VB6 developers who have gone in to do maintenance on their applications that call flash.ocx are finding that they can no longer save their projects because of some change that was introduced by Adobe in the release following flash10e.ocx.ork around is given of uninstalling flash and installing any version on or before 100452.  Because the applications still run fine until the developer tries to make a change and save the VB6 project, the scope of this problem has probably not been fully realized.  For this reason, this issue will likely only gain momentum in the future.

I spent the morning contacting several people at Adobe and I discovered the only way apparently to get support for this issue is to open a "web case". From further research, what I understand a "web case" costs around $200 and with that price there is nothing telling me what comes with a "web case" I mean, if I were to buy one, would the problem be fixed or would they research it and say "I am very sorry but we are not going to fix that". If there is a guarantee that the problem will be fixed, then can Adobe establish a pool where the $200 cost can be shared by everyone who has the issue? That couldn't be more than a buck or two each because if you google this problem "System Error &H80004005 using flash.ocx" you will find about 5 pages of people reporting the problem

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Jun 6, 2011

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var loader:Loader=new Loader();loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,f);loader.load(new URLRequest("BldgBanner_r3an.swf"));addChild(loader); function f(e:Event):void{loader.scaleX=.80;loader.scaleY=.80;}

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