Professional :: GotoAndStop(); Randomly Moves To Frames

Apr 7, 2011

I'm using gotoAndStop(); for my buttons within flash using the following method:
myButtonInstance.onRelease = function() {
however, I've come accross a problem where in for some reason the application will sometimes move frames when I don't want it to. For example, given the code above it would sometimes go to frame 5, but then instantly move somewhere else from there despite the code saying only to do so when a button is pressed.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Nested Frames And GotoAndStop?

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The problem is that when I try to Character.gotoAndStop('Front'); after key release, flash thinks, you're already on the Front frame (because the walk animation is a child of that MC and is already playing).Therefore the walk animation just keeps playing after the key has been released.Is there an easy, one-off way to fix this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Objects Carried Between Frames By GotoAndStop()?

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var DepthCorrection = 0;[code]...

Nothing in that could possibly make it move to a different frame and it has no instance name so nothing can reference it to bring it to one.Here is the code for changing frames:

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I've had problems with gotoAndStop() before where it went to the wrong frame and only displayed certain objects on that frame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: A GotoAndStop() Revelation/Explanation [on Flash Frames]?

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Example #1


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Parent / Child MovieClip - Nested Frames And GotoAndStop

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case 87:
Character._y -= 10;
[Code] .....

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[Code] .....

The problem is that when I try to Character.gotoAndStop('Front'); after key release, flash thinks, you're already on the Front frame (because the walk animation is a child of that MC and is already playing). Therefore the walk animation just keeps playing after the key has been released.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GotoAndStop() / Stop() Fail - Sending An Event From One Of The Frames Of A Movieclip

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I solved the problem by adding an extra frame to the end of the clip and calling gotoAndStop to that frame instead of 0. I've looked around the forums and google for information on this phenomenon but have only found cryptic answers. I was wondering if someone could explain the divine purpose that drives MovieClips to play regardless of whether they are told to stop or not when they get to frame 0 or 1.

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var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*3)
if (randomNumber == 0){


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Recently I designed and programmed a website.... and today I have come  (this happens only in internet explorer web browser)Every other web browser like firefox, safari it's loads totally on the URL link below and click on any buttons in the navigation bar with your mouse cursor.As you can see a quick blink, the flash file is at the very top left hand side before its in the correct position. (underneath the nav bar)It seems that the wmode / transparent is causing it.If I remove wmode - it loads fine in ie.ut I need the transparent / wmode for the drop down menu to work (so its visible while the flash file is there.)

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Oct 3, 2010

ok we are talking about as2 here. here is the thing thats bugging me. I made an animation in a movie clip. It is in the first frame of my main(and only) scene which is called "main". At the end of the animation in my movie clip ive set up a frame with the following script:

gotoAndStop("main", 2);
but instead of going to the second frame on my main scene, it goes to the second frame in the movie clip and stops there.

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Professional :: GotoAndStop To A Previous Frame Won't Work

Mar 1, 2011

I'm making an app in flash as3, but there is a bug in my code. (i guess)
-I can go from frame 1 --> frame 2
-I can go from frame 2 --> frame 3

If i try to go from, let's say frame 3 --> 2, I get this message:TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.Why cant I go to a previous frame on my timeline?

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Professional :: GotoAndStop('frame') Doesn't Stop?

Aug 29, 2011

I have been following Doug WInnie's tutorials on flash, and am up to ep17: http:[url]....He briefly mentions these functions at the end, but doesn't go into any detail: Add event listener and callback function for roll over of the

ballmyBall.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, ballOver);function ballOver(e:MouseEvent)myBall.gotoAndStop('glow');}[code]...

When I tried doing this, I labelled one frame within the myBall movie clip 'normal' and the next one 'glow' and I added a filter glow to the ball on the glow frame.When I play it back, and mouse over the ball it flickers really quickly between glowing and not glowing, and when I mouse out it returns to normal and stops, but I thought it should stop on the glow frame as well.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Hovering - When The User Moves Mouse Down, More Text Appears From The Bottom And When Moves It Goes Back To The Original Position?

Apr 21, 2010

I have MC masked with TEXT,when the user moves his mouse down more text appears from the bottom and when he moves it goes bakc to the original position...I do not want the mouse wheel .. I woudl like to do it by mouse hovering...

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Professional :: Randomly Jump To A Frame Only Once?

Aug 6, 2010

how to accomplish my current task. I have an .fla with 32 frames in it, an open frame, a close frame, and a bank of 30 frames in between.  I want to set up some AS so that once the user clicks a "Next" button on the first frame, it randomly jumps to another one of the frames within the bank of 30.  Then, when they get to that frame and view the contents, and click next, they'll randomly jump to another one of the remaining frames.  This will only happen for 20 frames, after the 20th viewed frame, I want the "Next" button to take them to the final slide in the series.  The purpose being so that each time a user views the program, it's never the same (well not likely ever the same) - so they'll all see 20 different frames in a different order.
I'm guessing I could do this with arrays, and the math.random method, some if/else statements.

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Oct 18, 2011

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Professional :: Playback Of Flv Randomly Stops ?

Dec 5, 2011

USING:   Adobe Flash CS3 - Action Script 3
 TIMELINE:  3 layers, --  Layer 1, flv video - converted to a Movie Clip.   Layer 2, is my button.  Layer 3, is my action script. My flv video file was imported and converted to a Movie Clip.  My button was created using polygon tool and was converted to a button - and both have instance names.
/////////////////////// MY AS CODE:
function playMovie(event:MouseEvent):void
PROBLEM:  Everything functions great, but my flv video file just stops playing at random points, it doesn't even finish playing, and then, when I click my button a second time, it re-starts playing right where it randomly stopped.  Why does it randomly stop playing at various points on the timeline?

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Apr 11, 2010

I'm trying to make an interactive graphic that is randomly generated at the press of an other button. To put this in context, I will have a button to roll dice. the dice numbers with then appear in 6 places on a board. you will then be able to select the dice.

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Professional :: Create A Pattern Randomly Without Overlapping?

Aug 23, 2010

I got some movie clips with different shapes and I would like to make a pattern from those movie clips. I have assigned the x y co-ordinates of those movie clips with the Math.random function. However, the shapes overlap all the time, what can I do to avoid it? I have tried to do a hitTest, but then it doesn't work.

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Professional :: Flash CS3 Now Crashes Randomly After 0-30 Minutes?

Nov 18, 2010

Since the beginning of nov.2010, it crashes after some time of use. More precisely the toolbar disappears, then reappears, some GUI elements blink. It's not related to a specific user action. When this happens, closing flash is difficult (the window remains here). When switching to another app, some Flash parts remains The graphical memory seems saturated. Launching another app is met with a window error message. A windows restarts becomes necessary.This problem arises only in Flash, and with no other apps from CS3 suite.2 colleagues of mine has the same issue, also in the last weeks (= nov 2010). We work in separate places. We didn't exchange files.We are on Win XP Home Edition, Dell computer.They have more recent PCs than mine (which clearly meets the CS3 requirements), with enough memory,etcOne colleague has reinstalled winXP. The problem arised again, but I don't kow when. He also tried CS4 and CS5 and had the same problem.Today he un-installed all Adobe products with this utility:

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Professional :: Randomly Spawned Bouncing MovieClip AS2

Nov 23, 2011

I am making a game where you have to collect tangerines which randomly spawn every second and bounce around randomly but I need to make them spawn and bounce randomly.

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