Professional :: How To Creat A Preloader
Sep 7, 2008
I found this tutorial on how to creat a preloader ".I tried doing as mentioned in the tutorial but I have 2
1. My site loads before the preloader has completed. Click Image to view it.
2. The preloader is always visible. I even added an extra line to the code (in bold).[code]
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Mar 1, 2011
I have found heaps of preloaders that work on the time line of game but offer no protection.Does anyone know where I can get a sample code for this or where I can buy a preloader from so that it loads before the game and if someone tries to save the page they get the preloader instead of the SWF? flash designer I know said its possible but hasn't got time to create one. He gave me this code in a FLA but when I embedd the swf in to the site it doesn't load anything just displays the preloader
function setProgress(num)
_root.percentDone = int(num);
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I have been trying to create from scratch and/or use SpinningPreloaderComponent to create a preloader for a SWF that loads an external flv in frame 2.What seems to be happening is that The preloader exists for about 5 seconds and then jumps to frame 2 and continues to load without the progress meter. Although I've tried to use bytes total or default settings, nothing seems to work correctly.So I'm wondering if this problem is created because the preloader can't measure the flv size? Also wondering if it is possible to start playing the flv at say load of 20% as a buffer rather than 100%. I have also set the flv as progressive when trying to insert it directly via Dreamweaver CS5 but all I get is a blank screen.
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Feb 22, 2010
So I have a looping SWF file that I uploaded on my website. It played perfectly until I decided to add a preloader.
I set up the Flash file with 2 Scenes, "Preloader" and "Scene 1" .The Preloader scene will play just fine. After the preloader plays, Scene 1 then begins to play as it should. However, once the animation ends, instead of looping like it did before, it just stops on the first frame.
How can I get my SWF to play the Preloader, and then continue looping the main animation (Scene 1)?
Here is my AS:
function update(e:ProgressEvent):void
var percent:Number = Math.floor( (e.bytesLoaded*100)/e.bytesTotal );
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Mar 27, 2010
I have made my first flash website. I want to add a progressbar (preloader) for my welcomepage. I tried the progressbar component, but I couldn't find any way to match the time which is needed for swf to be loaded whith the time that longs the progressbar to ritch 100%.
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Jan 12, 2011
i use an action for preloading a movieclip on my website and it works the first time it downloads, but when you click on the gallery again, it doesnt load, but just shows the start of the preloader.The site:[link removed at poster's request]You can see the problem if you click on "Talk Show Hosts", wait untill it loads, click clients and then back to "Talk Show Hosts".Now it doesnt load, and its the same with the other galleries.The site works by loading an external swf file with the UILoader, the swf that is loaded is a ScrollPane that loads a Movieclip.
//PreloaderloaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, updatePreloader);
function updatePreloader(evtObj:ProgressEvent):void{ //container for the progress of
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May 4, 2010
i have this application which has a preloader, when i try to publish it in html the preloader automatically sets to 100%, i need play the application first before i can see it load,
is there a setting in here which i can set the preloader to run automatically?
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May 5, 2010
The preloader I created doesn't transistion to the next frame, it just hangs on the preloader frame at 0%.
loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, updatePreloader);
function updatePreloader (evtObj:ProgressEvent):void{ var percent:Number =
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Jun 23, 2010
I have a preloader that measures the size of the external swf, then goes to a frame with a 'launch site' button on it. When the button is clicked, I'd like a popup window to open that is the exact size of the swf file (1100x800), but I can't figure out how to do that. I know there is some combination of AS3 and javascript required. Has anyone done this? I cannot attach the preloader file that launches the external swf since this is my first post, but have it available if anyone wants it. I have the site online for viewing as it is currently (just loads then opens in same window): [URL]
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Aug 11, 2010
I don't know much about Flash so understanding how to implement a preloader for my entire site is just a bit beyond me. Basically, I just want a loading bar, "loading" text, and the percentage text (this should all be in AS3). I know that in Flash CS5, a preloader bar is included as one of the components. The only problem is that I don't know what to do with it (and it shows up as blue and white so not sure how to change the colour).
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Oct 13, 2010
For this website I've put a preloader on the 1st frame and the site on the 2nd.I've tested the site after having created a small animation which makes appear the main menu, a logo and an image.Everything did work good, so I went on building the site.Now that I have created some pages I've tested again the whole site and the preloader doesn't work anymore.Testing the site on the "ctrl+enter" window and simulating the download I have a white background (both the preloader and website background are yellow) then I see the preloader for a fraction of second and suddenly the site appears.
Publishing the site on my web space the background is correctly yellow, but the preloader doesn't appear, the browser's loading bar stops at half then the preloader appears again for a fraction of seconds and suddenly the site appears (tested on Firefox, IE, Opera, Chrome and Safari, same behaviour with all of them).It looks that the preloader is become part of the site and that there is an invisibile preloader.The setting in: Publish settings -> Flash -> Script Settings -> Library Path -> Default Linkageis set to "Merged into code"the same happen if I set "Runtime Shared Library" and "Custom Preloader Loop".
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Oct 14, 2010
with creatinga preloder in CS5?
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Nov 4, 2010
I am just starting to use flash.
I designed a flash site with Flash CS4 and Actionscript 3.0.
I am using this simple preloader, basically I learned from a tutorial:
//PreloaderloaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, updatePreloader);
function updatePreloader(evtObj:ProgressEvent):void{//container for the progress of the site (download)var percent:Number = Math.floor((evtObj.bytesLoaded*100)/evtObj.bytesTotal);preloader_txt.text = percent+"%";if (percent==100){ nextFrame(); }}
make it refresh properly in explorer 8, as it works well once, but if you refresh, it stops working, and stays on 0%.
View 4 Replies
Nov 9, 2010
After site is loaded a 100% it is stuck on the preloader image in frame one instead of going to frame to of my project.
I suppose further information about my project is needed so just say what to post and IŽll post it.
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