Professional :: Implementing A Preloader To Flash Project

Nov 8, 2010

I have made a flash site using CS3.I bought a preloader online but cant get it to work (not getting any responce from the site where I bought it). It should be straight forward. Copying the loader movieclip to the first frame in my timeline and so on. Gon through the instructions several times and is pretty sure I´m not missing anything.Anyway, when publishong I get the following error message:[code]Warning: 1058: Migration issue: The property _root is no longer supported.This property has been removed. The closest equivalent is the Stage, which serves as the root of the ActionScript 3.0 display list..I do believe the actionscript used in the preloader is v.2 and the project is made in AS3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Project Multi File Preloader?

Feb 10, 2011

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TypeError: Error #1006: value is not a function.
at MethodInfo-8()

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.as file

package package1
public class page


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Mar 3, 2010

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Attatched are download links to the two files in question, sorry if they're a little on the large side.


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IDE :: Preloader For A 'off-beat' Project?

Oct 15, 2009

I need to make a preloader for a test project that is very diffirent and a little bit off-beat as it uses script that I have prostetuted from a variety of diffirent files, see (http:[url].....swf might take a while to load as it has no preloader and please note how it does load...), it scrolls the actual content of the site along the x axis in multiple speeds by using the following script 4 times for each layer/speed of content:

xpos = getProperty( _root.mainscroller.scrollerbg, _x);
xpos2 = xposnew-xpos;
xmove = xpos2/_root.speed4;[code]....

The actual files they are pulling are massive in file size and there fore I need to make a preloader that can cach all the content and then start to display the actual 'content/sliders' I dont even have an idea what kind of loader to use for something like this as I have already tried adding a little loading function (what the "clip1" "clip2" etc...) either I am making this to big of an issue and there is a realy simple way of doing this or there is none that will do what I require? does anyone know of a way for me to pre load everything with one preloader simotaniously? If you would like the master .fla (1.25mb)? (does not include content or the other file) please follow this link .

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Preloader For A Little Flash Project That Involves Re-assembling A Load Of Rectangles To Make Up A Pattern?

Aug 4, 2007

I'm trying to make a preloader for a little flash project that involves re-assembling a load of rectangles to make up a pattern.Idea is that instead of the usual load bar i wanted to make use of this pattern that is relevant to the project and have it rebuild it self with these rectangles flying in from the side. So far I have got the tweening sorted using the tween class and staggered the 42 (yes took a little while, probably an easier way so let me know on that also) rectangles using 'setTimeout' so it releases each 100milliseconds after the one one before it. This probably the wrong way to do it but i wanted to check how it looked and this was the one way i knew how to do it.

I want to make it so that these rectangles fly in a complete the pattern once the loading has finished, but on a fast connection I don't want it to rush the animation but for a slow connection I obviously want it to adjust the release time and maybe even the travel speed to compensate.

I had an idea of maybe working out the percentage loaded divided by 42 and then run an if statement to see if that percentage for that segment had been reached before 100millseconds had passed, if 100 had passed then release the rectangle, if not then hold the rectangle until 100 m/s had passed. Not sure if that is the best way to do but that's why I'm looking for some suggestions from more experienced developers.

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.Regular;
// declare variables


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Professional :: Edit The Text Of A Flash Project/website

Mar 10, 2012

i'm trying to edit the text of a Flash project/website. The flash project structure is as follows:
- Main.fla
-- Section1.fla
-- Section2.fla
-- Section3.fla
-- Section4.fla
The Section3.fla file contains the text I need to edit. I notice that the text is visible inside the library:

"/Sprites/sprite 11" file
"/Text/text" 10 file
But when I try to edit the text 10 file I get the message: "This symbol is imported from a Shared Library. If you edit this symbol, it will no longer be imported. Do you want to continue?".
If I click Yes and edit the text and replace the Section3.swf with the new one, the website still shows the old text.

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Jun 29, 2011

I'm working on a project in Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5, but I have to present it to someone who doesnt have Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5.

my Project consists of two .as files and two .fla files.(one .as per .fla)

How do I run my two programs outside of flash professional? I tried using Flash Player 10 but all it did was play my .fla files, and not any of my code...

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May 20, 2011

I am a VERY basic user with Flash and have been asked to make an auto-scrolling news ticker for our website. The ticker needs to be able to pick up text from an external text file (so that we only need to alter the text file rather than the .fla file). AND, if possible, it needs to update automatically each day... I'll explain in more detail as I imagine this is very hazy so far. The news ticker will display up-coming events for the following two weeks on our website. So on, say, Monday the 1st it will show something like:


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My CS5 Flash project is playing back at half the FPS.

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Jul 4, 2009

I would like to add a widget board to my flash project so users can embed my project in their web page or wiget display. To see what I'm talking bout go here [URL] and click the white + mark on their widgets.If your a moderater please put this in the correct area, and consider making it a sticky so we can post new ways to impliment in different sites as they become available.

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Dec 18, 2011

I've got an external preloader from this tutorial [URL] and i would like to merge it with an preloader from oxylusflash (its a premium preloader)


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Import Authorware Project And / Or Director Project In Flash

Dec 10, 2010

I just wanted to ask if I have a project created in authorware and one more in director.I just wanted to ask can we convert authorware project in flash directly or indirectly?Or can we import authorware project and/or director project in flash.does anybody know or anybody has done this b4???

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