Professional :: Loading And Displaying A Swf?
May 11, 2010
I have six buttons, and I want each one to display a corresponding externally loaded swf, 01.swf, 02.swf.
It works fine, except that sometimes swfs load up, and sometimes they don't. For example, if I hit button 6, the 06.swf loads. but if I hit button 6 after hitting 3 other buttons, SOMETIMES 06.swf loads, other times it doens't and I get an error that relates to the removeChild
var loader2:Loader = new Loader();
function showVid (evt): void {
if ( == true) {this.removeChild(loader2);};
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I'm trying to load some jpeg's into my movieclips. They are loading, but my height is displaying wrong. The image is 64x100px. I'm changing my movieclip to show the same size, but the display of the image is stretched.Doing a Debug of the movie, the movieclips show the correct dimensions, but the images are still stretched vertically somehow. My _xscale and _yscale are both at 100.
This is in actionscript 2.0. I've ran this file on both MX2004 and CS3, with the same result. The images aren't progressive,
numImages = 30;
spacing = 10;
x_pos = 0;
y_pos = 0;[code]..........
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Nov 16, 2009
I want to display MovieClip "Loading" while loading an XML File, but something went wrong and MovieClip is displayed on the screen after the XML is loaded.the main idea is:when the Test object is added to the stage I call loadQuestions function
ActionScript Code:
private function onAddedToStage(event:Event):void
{, onAddedToStage);
it should display movie clip "loading" and load xml:
ActionScript Code:
public function loadQuestions()
This code doesn't work as it should, because while xml is being loaded there is no MovieClip on the screen(it appears after to load is completed) [URL]
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Aug 12, 2010
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Apr 10, 2007
this is my xml file
<question type="image">
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Apr 11, 2005
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for (var i=1; i<list.length; i++) { //list is an array full of urls to images
loadMovie(list[i], "_root.img"+i);
I dont think this is what I want because I don't actually want the images to appear right here (this is the loading part). What I want is each image to be in a separate symbol with a unique identifier so that I can create them dynamically during runtime.
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myTextField.htmlText = myContent
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Apr 18, 2010
I have a project which has 2 html, 2 swf and 2 fla files. I have a default form and I would like to call another form or screen form a button click.
Does each screen or scene have to have it's own html page. Or can you call up the scene change through flash code?
Currently I am using
btntest.onRelease = function () {getURL("" , "_parent" );}
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Apr 27, 2010
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There's got to be a way to get Flash to understand and display a nested list. It's a simple thing to do, I know it.
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Its fine in the preview though.
The page is here :
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in CS5 (ancd CS3-4) how do I stop the "Output" panel from showing up automatically each time I test the movie using the Command+Enter keys? I know I have an error but it's a network error which does not effect my clip.
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Aug 4, 2010
I recently hired a programmer to design a flash health calculator for my website. It works great and text shows up correctly when viewing online and standalone. The problem starts when I try to edit the file. I wanted to change some text in an action layer. That seems to work out fine but when I try to publish I get garbled text.
I should also mention that when loading the file I get a Font Mapping dialog box stating "The document 'x' contains one or more fonts not available on your system. The text will display and publish with the font mapping below:". I have tried to select various fonts in this dialog box but still get garbled text.
When I publish I also get this on the Output box: "Fonts should be embedded for any text that may be edited at runtime, other than text with the "Use Device Fonts" setting. Use the Text > Font Embedding command to embed fonts."
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Jun 8, 2011
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It works when I run a .swf on my PC, but the glow filter will not show up on my iPod Touch after I convert it into a .ipa with Flash CS5.5
Is there a method that will currently work?
Is this a bug or something not implemented yet?
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Jan 16, 2010
I've created a series of calculations, and I've got that part down. Now, I just need it to show up in the movie.
I've created the dynamic text box in Flash (CS3), but when I hit test, it won't show up.
After all the calculations, I should have a figure that I call totalmoney. My dynamic text box is called total. The user doesn't need to hit anything for it to appear. It just appears as part of the movie.
Here's my code:
var startDate:Date = new Date(2010,0,12); // use your startyear, startmonth, startdate in the new Date() parameters.var currentDate:Date = new Date(); // assuming user's clock is correct and in your timezone. else use server
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Feb 18, 2010
URL...I can't seem to figure out why the swf file is so small. I published it at 100% width & height (I want it to be full screen) but it only shows up as 216 pixels tall.
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Mar 17, 2010
I have a webpage which is served as UTF-8 and has the following meta tag:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
I have an swf on the page which has some textfields on it each of which are just using arial for their font and no embedded fonts.
Now when someone types an @ into one of the textfields the " character is displayed instead, I thought this would be because my browser is set to ISO-8859-1 character encoding, but changing it UTF-8 and refreshing makes no difference.
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Nov 4, 2010
I am trying to write a class that will take a string (provided by a different class) and display it gradually, character by character, as if it were being written by a typewriter. To do this I am making use of the setInterval method in flash.utils, but I'm having difficulties... whenever I test the movie there is no text displayed, but flash isn't reporting any errors.
Here is the code:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.utils.*;
public class TypeWriter extends MovieClip {
[Code] .....
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Jan 4, 2011
I have a WP 3.0.2 site. When I try to embed a swf file I have uploaded, all I get to show up, in either a post or a page, is a white area the size of the height & width paramaters. In order to play the flash video, I need to right click and select "play" from the menu so watch the movie.
I am trying to figure out what I am doing wrong or why there are not play, pause stop, controls showing up and why the video preview image does not show up either
I am pulling my hair out over this one.surprised
NOTE; The WP SWFObject Plug-ins do not help with this. I have tried many of them to no avail.
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Apr 7, 2011
I have a button that when clicked it displays a few lines of text. Some of the text is large, bold and some of it is normal and smaller size. The first time I click the button the text displays properly but if I click on it a second time then the text is messed up. I am new to flash and have tried several different things.
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Oct 9, 2011
I created a flash application that is dynamically displaying xml feeds from content partners. This flash application has a black background and will be called and displayed from the C# windows application. The issue is sometimes when our application loads the flash swf file, the background color turns white so the text being displayed are not readable anymore since they are white. This intermittent and I am using flash cs 5 actionscript 3. Before I was relying on the stage background but after I saw the issue, I already used a solid background container like (vector, png, gif, or jpeg).
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