Professional :: Mouse Zone Detection?

Mar 25, 2010

1- i have a circular menu, with a zoom effect when you hover on it, with the home button in the center, when you click the home button you load the page then reload the scene 1 ( menu idle ).If i put nothing on the button itself on the scene 1, before the zoom effect, i need to move out of the button to trigger the other scritp there that detect the rollover and start the zoom in.i want to have a special behavior for the home button on the idle state of the menu ( scene 1 ) , When you click the home button from anywhere else, you load back the page, then because the mouse is already on the home button, i want flash to do nothing, but at the second you start to move the mouse again ( remember you are still on the home button) i want it to start teh zoom effect again, not before.

Right now, it is either no zoom effect as soon the mouse is on top of it, or imediatly zoom in with the rollover....And i know it is possible with a very simple command, but i forgot it... i did it before.2- for the same menu, i will have a sub-menu unfolding when you click a certain button, that sub-menu is outside the main menu detection zone. Is it possible to make a shape, turn the alpha at 0, put it under the sub-menu, and use it as detection zone

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var pointoint = new Point(mouseX, mouseY);


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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if(_xmouse <= 200)
_root.theSwitch = "on";


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var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
function LoadImg() {mcLoader.loadClip("images/p0.jpg", Btn);
Btn.onRelease = function(){trace("onRelease");

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ActionScript 2.0 :: USA Time Zone Map

Apr 28, 2011

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Simple Button Hit Zone Not Working

Nov 4, 2009

I am somewhat new to Flash CS4 andt am having a problem making simple buttons in Flash CS4 on a Macintosh: I have made a few buttons with a graphic and can go into them and successfully create the Up, Over and Down stages of the graphic. Then when I create a new box for the hit state (which is larger than the graphic and I have deleted the graphic itself from the hit state) it doesn't want to appear correctly when I test the movie. When I test the movie, the hit state is correct everywhere around the graphic (to the bounds of my hit state box), but is not active where the graphic is.

When I go under the Control menu, down to Enable Simple Buttons, the hit zone looks great right in my Flash file, but when I preview it or publish it and look it on different browsers (PC and Mac), I don't get my pointer right over the actual graphic, but get it everywhere around the graphic to the boundaries of my hit box. Why can't I get the actual graphic to be a hot spot in this situation? I have tried leaving the graphic in the hit timeline, and tried putting both the larger box and the graphic in the hit timeline, and still can't get them to respond correctly with the pointer in the browser window.

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var nextDay:Date = new Date("Mon May 1 2006 15:30:00"); // yields Mon May 1 15:30:00 GMT-0400 2006  (I''m in ET zone, so it should be -0500)

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import flash.display.MovieClip;
//assigns everything to the plan buttons;
for (var i:uint = 0; i < planArray.length; i++) {


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May 31, 2010

I am making a website and they are asking for displaying two different time zones. Website will be deployed at USA server. So want to calculate according to that. I don't want to get the system time of the PC

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