ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Move Vs Pixel Detection?

Jan 18, 2011

When mouse is moved quickly cant get all the pixels it passed through.Actually i am working on a whiteboard application and i am writing by drawing circles in mouse move,when i use line draw curves are not smooth ie y using circles

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Professional :: Move Mouse 100 Pixel On Left Or Right?

Mar 22, 2010

URL...when you enter the yellow zone, there is a zoom in and a zoom out when you leave, When you click the button you go back through the zoom out action. Everything is working as planned.However, if you go on the extended menu, then click on the edge of the button, you will enter a loop action of opening, closing opening, closing.I have identified the problem, but i am unable to fix it.In the Menuidle, the yellow zone have:on (rollOver) {gotoAndPlay ("Menuzoomin", 1);}Which is the one the script require to detect the enter of the mouse in the zone when you come from the outside this script is also the one causing problem because when you click on the edge of the button in the Menuopen, the button itself is zoomed - 40 %,thus reducing his detection box by 40 % too. This cause your mouse to "enter" the yellow circle and cause the Menuidle script to kick's in and want to open it.and because you are on the edge of the button, you get a loop.
You can also notice the mouse cursor switching back and forth.Is there a way to prevent that ? someway to tell Flash to not play the script in the yellow zone until the mouse is competly out of the zone ? not just the button itself but the whole yellow zone, Then refresh the script if the viewer return on the yellow zone so we start to zoom again.Or even to move the mouse 100 pixel on the left or the right ?I even tryed reducing or enlarging the hit zone of the button itself, it dont do anything.

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Actionscript 3 :: Pixel Collision Detection For Flash

Jan 11, 2010

I was told the pixel detection is costly for regular windows games. Is this the same for flash ?? Or would pixel detection be lighter compared to other detections flash has to offer. Flash has the getPixel32 method which makes it easy for detecting pixels. If I am bliting my game, would it be wise to use getPixel32 for collision detection. Or should I just check for specific tiles?? Is getPixel32 limited to the display object it is in ?? In other words, can I detect any pixel regardless of what layer it is on in the display list.I probably can figure this out on my own but I want to ask first to save me some time. But does anyone have any code or good sources on how to go about doing this if it is reasonable.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pixel Perfect Collision Detection?

Jul 11, 2009

need build pixel based collision dectection class , i have found some classes already built by different people and they are really usefull, but as i want to build one of my own, i need to know basic theory behind tha

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Detection And Speed Detection Handlers?

Apr 23, 2011

how to work out the direction of the mouse on stage and say from this:

"if the mouse goes from the left to right (visa-versa) once, add score +1" and "if the mouse speed which is player controlled - slows down - to then display an error graphic"

View 21 Replies

Actionscript 3 :: Find A Pixel-perfect Collision Detection Function

Mar 18, 2010

I was searching for a simple collision detection function for as3, I found Collision Detection Kit, but it is too complicated, I just want a damn function that I give 2 objects as paramenters and that's it.I would like to know where can I find a pixel-perfect collision detection function (The faster, the better)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pixel-perfect Collision Detection With 5000+ Particles?

Dec 5, 2009

I just thought I'd drop a note here to those who are interested. I recently posted about it on my website and you can download the source for it there too. Here's some excerpts:

Ive run it at 60+ FPS with 7,000 particles, but that actually isnt the limitation (unless your particles are crunching heavy math for eg movement). Rather its the size and number of sprites that were colliding with the particles.

To squeeze all the juice out of Flash I employed a couple tricks. The first was the particles themselvestheyre blitted to a single bitmap which is used as the source image for grabbing collision data from. The particles are also drawn with the raster engine in Flash (multiple setPixel32() ops to give the illusion of a line a choppy one anyway) instead of the vector renderer (lineTo()).

The second trick was to only grab a Vector of pixels from the regions we cared about (within sprite boundaries) every so often, then to loop through the Vector and test it against our desired conditions. Also, since the particle bitmap is more sparse than our sprites as far as opaque pixels go, we test the particle bitmap first, resulting in a lot fewer passes on the first round of conditional statements.

That's the gist of it, but I explain it a bit more in detail in the post. Hope someone finds this useful and please let me know if you come up with something cool using it

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movement - Object Move Towards The Mouse When Move The Mouse The Towards The Object And Backwards

Jun 27, 2006

how to do an object move towards the mouse when i move the mouse the towards the object and backwards when i move the move away, something liike the menu on [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get The Color Of A Pixel That The Mouse Clicks On

Oct 15, 2008

Is there a way to get the color of a pixel that the mouse clicks on. I want to load text into a dynamic text box according to that color.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Breakout Game - Make The Ball Move Fast Without Sacrificing The Accurate Detection Of Collisions?

Oct 27, 2010

I am making a breakout type game where you bounce a ball around and it hits & breaks blocks.The issue im having is with handling the ball after a collision is detected.Every frame the ball checks four points on its surface to see if they are colliding with any of the blocks. The problem occurs when the ball starts moving fast. The ball's radius is 7 pixels. If it is moving upwards at higher than7 px/ frame, then the ball might end up half way into one of the blocks.

In that case the ball detects a collision on its top AND on its side (which is bad -- If the ball is travelling upwards it should detect the collision at the top of the ball)how I could fix this so that I can make the ball move fast without sacrificing the accurate detection of collisions??

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Professional :: Mouse Zone Detection?

Mar 25, 2010

1- i have a circular menu, with a zoom effect when you hover on it, with the home button in the center, when you click the home button you load the page then reload the scene 1 ( menu idle ).If i put nothing on the button itself on the scene 1, before the zoom effect, i need to move out of the button to trigger the other scritp there that detect the rollover and start the zoom in.i want to have a special behavior for the home button on the idle state of the menu ( scene 1 ) , When you click the home button from anywhere else, you load back the page, then because the mouse is already on the home button, i want flash to do nothing, but at the second you start to move the mouse again ( remember you are still on the home button) i want it to start teh zoom effect again, not before.

Right now, it is either no zoom effect as soon the mouse is on top of it, or imediatly zoom in with the rollover....And i know it is possible with a very simple command, but i forgot it... i did it before.2- for the same menu, i will have a sub-menu unfolding when you click a certain button, that sub-menu is outside the main menu detection zone. Is it possible to make a shape, turn the alpha at 0, put it under the sub-menu, and use it as detection zone

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Mouse Detection For Web Browser?

Apr 30, 2010

I am looking for a mouse detection method for the web browser. I have a beautiful website of [url]...the moment you browse some other website/application and when you return back it gives a message - "Please, let me in!"

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Mouse-detection From A MC?

Mar 2, 2009

I have movieclip working as button. On mouserollover it scales up a square MC. The problem is that this square will cover other buttons when completely scaled up, and the buttons below that won't "work"When going with mouse from button 1 to 3 it works ok, but from 3 to 1 one then the "top-stacked" button will prevent lower buttons from working properly.As you can see I tried

sq.mouseEnabled = false;
sq.mouseChildren = false;

View 8 Replies

IDE :: Detection Of Mouse Movement Distance?

Aug 12, 2009

how to detect the distance of the mouse movement in a certain time. I d like to be able to calculate the distance the mouse was moved from one point to another in certain time (one second) and compare these values.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Movieclip Detection?

Apr 8, 2011

when you have two movieclips and the bounding box of one movieclip is over top of the movieclip below, how do you detect that the mouse is over the bottom movieclip, and ignore the alpha of the upper movieclip.I tried mouseEnabled = true, I tried mouseChildren = true...I can't seem to make the movieclip that is underneath of the bounding box of the upper clip respond to the mouse.

here's a method I put together to tell me what is underneath of the mouse.When I run this, the movieclip on top has its bounding box overlaying another movieclip...the bounding box meaning, and the transparent area of the top movieclips bounding box.This method returns both images when I'm over the bounding box of the top movieclip, yet I'm only over the lower movieclips actual image shape.

I just want to be able to drag that lower movieclip, and write a function that only returns that lower movieclip under it if I'm only on top of the lower movieclip.

var previousOUM:String = "";
function listObjectsUnderMouse(event:Event):void
var pointoint = new Point(mouseX, mouseY);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detection Of Mouse Movement Distance

Aug 12, 2009

I am wondering if anyone can share with a good example on how to detect the distance of the mouse movement in a certain time. I'd like to be able to calculate the distance the mouse was moved from one point to another in certain time (one second) and compare these values.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detection Of Mouse Movement Distance?

Aug 12, 2009

how to detect the distance of the mouse movement in a certain time. Id like to be able to calculate the distance the mouse was moved from one point to another in certain time (one second) and compare these values.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse Follow With Collision Detection

Feb 27, 2006

I have a boat which will follow my mouse, which I have got working via the tutorial situated at: [URL]

That's easy enough.

My problem is not making the boat stop if it collides with another movie. You can view what I currently have here:


If you look at this movie you will see the boat following your mouse, and I've inserted a basic island on to the stage. What I want to happen is that if the boat touches the island, it stops. so for example if you were moving your mouse right to left across the island, the boat would stop on the right hand side of the island, but if you moved your mouse back to the right, it would move away from the island and follow your mouse.

I'm not too bothered about it detecting certain areas of the boat, the center point is fine.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Mouse Detection Inside A Class?

May 9, 2006

If I create the object with AS, how can I attach the classic on(over) etc... to the object I'm creating?Do I have to extend MovieClip or something like that?

my class is

class menuBar{
public function class(mc:MovieClip) {
draw(mc, Math.round(Stage.height*15/100), Stage.width, 0, Stage.height-Math.round(Stage.height*15/100));


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse Cords Detection Without OnClipEvent?

Jun 21, 2006

I have an application where I need to detect if the mouse is less than 200 px from the left sie of the screen, then play an animation... Once the mouse is moved back out of the 200 px area I want the animation to reverse.I'm using the Tween Class for animation and have been messing around with onclipevents with no luck like:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if(_xmouse <= 200)
_root.theSwitch = "on";


This will obviously produce a million "on" traces when the mouse is over there - what is the best method for detecting the change once, setting a variable, then playing the animation?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Image Gallery Mouse Detection

Sep 9, 2011

I have an image gallery thats a group of links that plays on a timeline. It scrolls and repeats, giving a smooth continuity. I've set up and ENTER_FRAME event to a listener of the stage, a Boolean variable based on mouseY conditionals for true and false, and passed a true value to mouseX conditionals that controls the timeline with prevFrame() and nextFrame() methods.

All is fine in the original swf, but once I load it into my flash page those mouseX and mouseY values no longer represent the stage upon which the swf was originally created, that stage doesn't exist. Instead its new parents stage has spanned those parameters far across the page, even making it possible to control playback outside of the page itself. How can I either separate the swf's stage from its parent or re-establish the parameters I had originally set for it?

This is the code for both, First is the Flash Page, the SWF in question is highlighted,


var swfRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("NewsandLinks.swf");
var swfLoader:Loader = new Loader();


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Actionscript 3 :: Check A Pixels Color Value And Use It For Mouse Hit Detection?

Oct 5, 2011

I have a bitmap with many colors inside it. I want each color, when clicked, to preform a different method. How do I determine the pixel's color value and use it for a mouse event? I found bitmap hit detection but I cannot figure out how to use it (because I have many colors inside the bitmap).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Events Fail To Trigger If Mouse Move Too Fast?

Nov 18, 2009

It has been awhile since I have worked in flash.Right now I am working on something where I would like a panel to disappear when someone mouses off the stage.stage.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, leaveHandler); It usually works fine but if I move my mouse really fast it doesn't fire. I have also tried the same thing using a custom invisible button that surounds the perimeter of the stage and I have tried ROLL_OVER and MOUSE_OVERand again, if I do it too fast my event doesn't fire (I am using trace)I can't find anything on the net about this - is this typical of flash that if you move your mouse too fast you break it? Do I need to increase my frame rate (I would really rather not because I have perfectly timed animations - I am at 30 frames per second)

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Professional :: Get Small Rectangle To Appear (with Text) & Move With The Mouse When The Mouse Is Over Image?

Dec 27, 2011

when the mouse rolls over an image, text appears (in a small rectangle) and it moves with the mouse, only while it is still over the image.
Or at least, does anyone know what this is called or how to do it?

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Flash 10.2 :: Update Hardware Mouse Cursor Immediately, Before Mouse Move?

Mar 13, 2012

As of Flash 10.2, Flash supports hardware accelerated mouse cursors:[URL]..Unfortunately, the mouse cursor doesn't update until AFTER the mouse moves. You can see this behavior on the web page above. If you click "Set to custom cursor" in the sample app at the bottom of the article, you'll see that the cursor doesn't change until you move the mouse.

Anyone have a trick for updating the mouse cursor immediately, before the user moves the mouse? I tried doing Mouse.hide();; but that doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse Scroller - Images Won't Move Depending On The Mouse Movements

Jan 12, 2011

I am creating mouse scroller and when I insert actionscript my images wont move depending on the mouse movements..I am using Flash cs5 and Actionscript 2.0...this is my actionscript:


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Flex :: Mouse Move Fires Mouse Click (Adobe Air)

Oct 11, 2011

I am trying to have two guestures on a SpriteVisualElement which I thought should be pretty simple implemented: Mouse_Move for sweep Gestures and mouse click to enable.. So I have 2 Eventlisteners on my stage:


The main problem is that every type of sweeping on the screen also fires the taphandler().. how to identify the correct event? I tried to to my taphandler only if(!event.buttondown) but no success.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swarm To Mouse With Elasticity And Move Randomly With No Mouse

Mar 17, 2005

I started another thread where i had gotten help and combined the snow tutorial and the programatic mask tutorial to create particles that reveal an in-focus image over a blurred one. I just need help making the particles swarm around the mouse when it is present and have the particles just float around when not. Presently the random motion is just fine and looks like this (i just inverted the this._x and this._y so that they would go with the mouse direction not away from):


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Javascript :: Mouse X/Y Detection Within Flash Stage Not Working Moz & Webkit On PC?

Jun 13, 2011

nav item consists of a ball that "follows" the cursor in relation to where it is on the page. JS is used to gather the X/Y info from off the Flash stage and create vars to be used by the Flash movie to move the "orb" in relation to the cursor position. For some reason, FF and Chrome on PC fall short here.I've tried everything from setting the Flash movie to "opaque" and positioning a transparent DIV over it, all to no avail.Any thoughts on this? Has anyone encountered something like this?

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Actionscript 3 :: Make Mouse Position Detection Work Properly?

Sep 21, 2011

What I want to do is have a left arrow MC on the left side of the stage and right arrow MC on the right side of stage. When the mouse is over the left 1/3 of the stage, the left arrow appears, on the right 1/3 of the stage, the right arrow appears, but the middle 1/3 the arrows fade out.

I do NOT want to make large invisible MCs and detect the mouse movement that way. I just want it to be relative to the mouse position on the stage. I thought it would be very easy, but the eventListener fires everytime the mouse moves, so the left and right arrow MC animation is constantly being triggered, and they look like they are "shaking" for a lack of a better word.


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