Professional :: Putting Flash Movie Onto A Webpage?
Feb 16, 2010
once I have created a flash movie, how do I put that movie on another web pageI am constructing using html and css?I only want the flash movie to occupy a an area of 770px width and 75px height and I have already created the div id=""and formatted in css. I just need to put the flash movie in this section.
I have created a flash movie using actionscript 3 and an xml file with a list of images for a slideshow. After clicking publish, I can view the slideshow by previewing the html file it creates for you. However, I want to embed this flash movie in a different web page. When I try to add it in Dreamweaver, by dragging and dropping the swf file into the page, a flash placeholder is generated, but the movie does not play when previewed. It is just blank white space.
Now I watched the Tom Green tutorials on "flash the easy way" and my flash (CS4 professional) did NOT generate the AC_RunActiveContent.js files. I did find and download the file and manually added it to my Scripts folder. Still no joy.
I will note that the html file that embeds the flash video is in a different directory than the movie itself. Surely this cannot be the issue, otherwise people's websites would be incredibly messy with multiple flash videos. I am trying to put all the flash movies in their own child directories of a /flash directory to keep them neat and organized.
I am not sure what to do next. How do you make the dang thing play on a web page that is in another directory?
I want to create a flash signature and I did it's just a normal text animation but I want to upload to my website and then create a webpage with a textbox Where a user writes his name in that text box and then the text in the swf movie gets replaced by his name I have seen it else where but I can't Recall
having some real trouble putting two SWF videos into a website for my uni assignment. I can't stop the videos from autostarting, I have set the autostart parameter to false but still no luck.[code]
I'm making a presentation in Flash that needs to be put on a DVD, which we will given to people in my organization to view at home. The presentation will not contain any interactivity. It will have text, music, video, and narration.
The videos will be short and contain sound, should I embed them in the fla file? I planned to break the presentation into scenes to make it easier to manage, and so they'll just play one after another. My computer can burn DVDs, so I was just going to export the swf to DVDS.
I am trying to get a Flash movie I created to stop looping in my browser AFTER loading it into Dreamweaver. Here's what I've tried:
a) Place an AS3 "Stop();" at the end of the action script for the file (in Flash CS4).
b) Publish with "Loop" in HTML tab unchecked.
c) Open the tandem created .html file in my browser (Firefox)......and the movie plays then stops as hoped
d) Open Dreamweaver CS4
e) Import the swf file into a blank HTML page and Save the file.
f) Test the document in my browser. Movie plays, but the movie continues to loop.
as mentioned above, how can I stop the movie from looping after it's embedded in my web page in Dreamweaver? Is this a Dreamweaver 'problem' rather than a Flash one? The DW help file says to use Flash to control the loop....
take a look at this link [URL]. Notice that the flash file in the middle window is off-centered (hanging to the bottom right corner a bit). Any thoughs on why this is? The swf file is fine when I open it seperately and locally, but looks goofy when I throw it in the page.
Building a webpage entirely in Flash??I have to admit that I really like flash.I am using it for about 2 years, but I am still not sure if building a webpage entirely in flash would bee a good idea. In HTML I can't achieve the same look, and feel, on the other hand sacrificing the look for functionality is the last thing I would do.
I have a flash document that I want to always take up the entire web page. Setting to 100% width & 100% height doesn't do the trick, because if the window dimensions aren't right, white space will show on the sides/top and bottom.
Is there a way to get the window dimensions are say if window height > window width : flash movie = window height (and vice versa)?
I found a flash movie on the internet and I modified it to meet my needs and works perfectly, but when I uploaded to my website it doesn't load correctly: it should have load the spiral carousel photoslide but instead it loads only the background photo. The flash movie is inside a folder with all the flash files included including the actionscript files, I uploaded that folder to my website and in my index.html page I've put my flash movie.
I have this weird problem when it comes to using flash in dreamweaver, every time I use a flash file & after I test it on a browser Both Firefox & IE), I get this weird border around it everytime I click it & here is a pic to show u what I am talking about...
I would like to be able to play my flash video on top of my website, and then disappear once its finished. Just like on the apple website, with the macbook air. This is probably very simple, but I am not sure what it is called!
I am having a problem getting my flash file to work on my webpages. I first converted the original .avi to a .flv format,then I imported the.flv into flash. It has a skin because I wanted the users to be able to stop and pause the video. When I test the file outside of the web page it works fine. The skin file, the .flv and the .swf are all in the same folder. But when i Upload the webpage , the flash does not play online. If i preview in design mode, the flash file plays. Although with out the skin. Now if i open the flash file outside of the webdesign software it opens in a web browser and all works.
How do I embed a webpage (for eg:- gmail log-in page) inside our flash swf file? I want that whole content to be loaded in our Flash movie! I've provided a screen shot of this...[URL] Is that possible in Flash?
I'm a virgin to CS4, and a historian wanting to copy some documents that are in SWF files into JPG format.Is there a simple, "dummies method" for me to copy the SWF file, and then what are the basic steps for conversion.The website of interest is the Mexican national archives:[url].....When moving through the site it is possible to select images (Ver imagen/s).This is where I'd really like to be able to copy the image to JPG.
I am trying to use Flash CS5.5 to make a flash video.I have successfully used the Media Encoder to take a WVM file and convert it to use in flash..I have choosen a skin to use for playback.My question is that I now want to take the flash video (swf) and the skin (swf) and add it to an exsisting web page I have...(using Dreamweaver)Can anyone tell me how to do this -- since the video and skin are separate swf's?I did try to embed a FLV directly into my webpage and that worked...(the content is all video).
Since recent versions of Flash have come out (perhaps the last few weeks), when loading up the website, [URL], the flash loading bars show, various SWF files in their layer appear, but then when loading completes, the web page goes blank (usually black, sometimes white). This occurs on Windoes 7 (64), Vista and XP. It occurs in IE9, IE8, and various Firefox browsers. So, I am comfortable believing that it is a recent Flash player issue.
The HTML page loads a file "back.swf" which in turn loads "menu_eo.swf" in level 10 and "intro_eo.swf" into level 5. What it looks like is that when the intro page finished loading and moves to the correct frame, the screen goes blank. My clients rarely update their Flash Player, but I asked them to do so this morning. They had the same problem in all those other browser and operating system after updating to Flash Player 10.3.1832.5.
It has around 7 different movie clips in the library. I was originally going to put one clip per frame in the master timeline and have some sort of pause sequence to play them one after another. What I ultimately want to accomplish is to have these clips play one after the other without having to click any buttons, so basically straight through.
I'm building a Flash banner that allows the user to input some text and then when they click on the send button, they are taken to a web page where the text they have entered is already placed in the relevant form field on that page.The web page already allows this action from another web page, but I'm struggling to make it work when Flash sends the text.The web site developers have sent me the HTML which allows the transfer of data between the first page and the second:
Since recent versions of Flash have come out (perhaps the last few weeks), when loading up the website, [URL] , the flash loading bars show, various SWF files in their layer appear, but then when loading completes, the web page goes blank (usually black, sometimes white).
This occurs on Windoes 7 (64), Vista and XP. It occurs in IE9, IE8, and various Firefox browers. So, I am comfortable believing that it is a recent Flash player issue.
The HTML page loads a file "back.swf" which in turn loads "menu_eo.swf" in level 10 and "intro_eo.swf" into level 5.
What it looks like is that when the intro page finished loading and moves to the correct frame, the screen goes blank.
My clients rarely update their Flash Player, but I asked them to do so this morning. They had the same problem in all those other browser and operating system after updating to Flash Player 10.3.1832.5.
I have a Flash slideshow that will only play in a browser if I click File > Open and open the .swf file locally and directly (not in a web page). It has never played in a webpage, remotely on the web server or locally on the Wamp server. It plays correctly in Flash when I test it.I have tried uploading the HTML page that Flash generates (without any changes), and it won't even play in that file. I have also tried using Dreamweaver's "Insert Flash" feature, and that was no good either.Here is the direct link to the .swf:
http:[url].....Here is the page that Flash generated:
I have a flash movie embedded on a webpage, it's an intro of sorts, when the movie has finished it removes itself from the DOM but I also want this functionality on flash movie far to remove it after it's finished playing I'm using[code]but it never gets called. I also tried adding the click event to the body and it worked everywhere but not over the top of the flash movie.
So this is the image i want to add bones to so i can animate it... but any way i convert or anything i still cant add the bone,, the bone just dissapears when i drag it.
I have a cms where my client loads banner ads from their clients. They don't know the dimensions or don't want to enter them when they upload the banners. Is it possible to capture the dimensions to set the object attributes as we grab the movies from the db to display in the page?I read that the movie dimensions are available in the loaderinfo object, but this is a AS3 object right? Are AS3 objects available outside the flash movie? Can I access the loaderobject via javascript?The Flash movies we're trying to load are not ours, we don't have access to the flas or anything like that so we can't edit anything to do with the movies themselves.