Professional :: Swf File Plays Slow Over Internet?

Jan 27, 2011

I created a 5 second animation ion Adobe After Effects CS5 - exported to a swf file which is 50mb.I have this inserted on a dreamvweaver cs5 html page. Running locally it is fine, but slow over the internet.Should a 5 sec swf file be this big? - Anything i can do to speed this up on a webpage? - I have asked this on dreamwaever also, as I am using Dreamveaver CS5.

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Professional :: SWF File Plays Fine Locally, But Not Online?

May 3, 2010

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Ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and ten thousands use a simple repeating movie clip. hundred thousands use one that is 10x as long, and so on. I had to stop at 1 millions, as the # of frames in between numbers was prohibitively long.i.e. there are 10 frames in between numbers for the hundred thousands place in the movie, 100 frames for millions, and 1,000 frames for millions.but, like I said, I'm a beginner at ActionScript.Thinking the problem might be due to the incredibly long movie clips, I removed the animations from some of the higher numbers from my movie, and this did not appear to affect whether it plays in Firefox or Chrome.

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private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


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The website is: and the flv movies are on "about me" and contact" page.
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Feb 21, 2011

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Apr 18, 2011

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Jul 4, 2011

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Sep 28, 2010

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Flash :: File Not Running On Internet Explorer

Jul 14, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Variables From Internet File?

Jul 20, 2011

I have a dynamic text box on my scene, and I have tried the following code:

var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loading);


This doesn't work, although if I put the vars.txt file in the same directory as the flash file it's fine.


loader.load(new URLRequest("vars.txt"));

Is there a way to load the vars.txt through the internet?

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Professional :: XML Don't Load On Some Internet Explorer Browsers

Apr 7, 2010

i have a site developed in AS3 and the link Portfolio load data from a XML file.
Some people that uses Windows XP 64 Bit with Internet Explorer 8 and Flash Player (and others IE with Flash Player version as mentioned) are reporting that the Portfolio Icons and informations are not show.
I have tested this behave with my browsers IE 8 (on Win XP 32), Chrome, FireFox, Safari and Opera and the problem dont occur to me, so i need some light to look for the problem, if it is in my Flash file.

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Jun 6, 2010

When I preview my site on the internet, it's on the top left corner.  Is there a way to make it top center??

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Professional :: Massive Internet Explorer Conflict

Jul 8, 2011

I got this website at work which I've just updated.It was working pretty well, yesterday I showed it to a friend.And it was working perfectly. This morning, I hear sound but all i get is a black screen.It works on every other browser (chrome, firefox, SeaMonkey, etc.) but in Internet Explorer, black screened.If anyone can,I need a quick solution, my bosses are freaking out and that is kindda out of my league as for "trouble shoot".Why something that was working not even 12 hours go goes awry on me today?

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Professional :: How To Easily Download SWF Files From Internet

Nov 24, 2011

Is there a good tool can asily download SWF files from internet?

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