Actionscript 3 :: - Access Objects Instantiated In Flex App's MXML File In Other Classes

Jul 29, 2011

I've got an object declared and instantiated in my Flex application's singular MXML file: public var CDN:CDNClass = new CDNClass; I would like to access this same CDN object (and its public methods and properties) in another class declared in a separate .as file as such:


But when I try to access the public method parsePlayList in the CDN object in a method in the class defined in the .as file, I get the following error: Access of undefined property CDN The reason I want to do this is to break up the logic of my application into multiple AS files and have minimal MXML files, probably only one.

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<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=""


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<mx:Button label="{model.getButtonLabel(AbstractWizardModel.GO_BACK)}" />

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MXML Project In Flex 2 - Make SWF File As Main Executable File?

Nov 26, 2006

I have to make a project for school. It will be like a tutorial, but into an application. I already made a part of it in MXML and a bit of action script but I encountered a few problems that are over my newbie limits. So the Flex Builder 2 makes a SFW file, in the main folder of the "project". I want to make that SWF file my main executable file. I have a folder with some pics, and another folder with Action Script Files. The code lvl that I know atm is ABSOLUTE BEGINER... I don know how to make my SWF file have a specific name when I run it.Here is a picture of a training exercices that should make thing more clear:Some people told me that I should use a HexEditor and stuff. Is it ture(what u think?).

Next problem. I dont know how to make the Stage to be fix. I mean.. I dont want the stage to be resizeble. I tryed to change the stagescalemode but that wasn't it. I toke a look at the help files of Flex from the net, about the Resize action and SystemManegment, but I didn't find out what I wantend.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Classes - Access The Instance Name In The Play File

Jul 31, 2011

i created a button on the stage and made it a movie clip and called it's instance name "play_btn" then i made a document class "" and a second class "play" what i want to do but can't figure out how is to access the instance name in the play file like this...


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ActionScript :: Flex : Mapping Objects To Classes?

Jun 16, 2009

If I've got a bunch of plain old Objects, what's the best way to map them to a bunch of Classes?For example, if I use an HTTPService to pull in some JSON, then deserialize it, I'll have a bunch of objects which look like:

{ type: "person",
id: 42,
name: "David" }

And I want to turn them into instances of a Person class:

class Person {

(also to be considered: how about some standard way of dealing with relationships between objects? For example, if the Person had an additional "spouse" field:

{ type: "person", spouse: 61, ... } // Where 61 is the ID of the spouse

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