Actionscript 3 :: Can't Access Media Assets In An SWC

Feb 19, 2011

I'm having trouble accessing content in an SWC. The main project compiles without error, but the assets (sound, music) aren't displayed or played.

My workflow:

i. Using Flash CS5
1. Create MAsset.fla
2. Import sounds, art
3. Assign class names, check export in frame 1
4a. Write out the classes in the actions panel in frame 1
4b. OR. Add a document class and write out the classes there
5. Export SWC. Filesize is similar to what it is when I directly import assets in the main project library.
6. Create Project.fla and document class
7. Import SWC into main project through the Actionscript panel.
8. Add code, which calls the class names from the SWC (e.g. DCL_UI_MOUSE)
9. Compile.

No compiler errors, but nothing doing. And the resulting SWF filesize doesn't reflect anything more than the compiled code from the main project.

Regarding step 4, if I just write the class name in the root timeline or document class, the compiler error will go away and the asset appear to be compiled in the SWC. But I have also tried:

var asset0000:DCL_UI_MOUSE;


var asset0000:DCL_UI_MOUSE = new DCL_UI_MOUSE();

Regardless the assets don't make it into the final SWF.

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trace("creationTime: " + testFile.creationTime);


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" TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at TextChat/sendMsg() "
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text_so.setProperty ("msg",chatName.text +": "+ textInput.text);
I am wondering how 'text_so' can be a null object reference. It was already instantantiated and setup earlier in the code. I hope someone can shed light on this. The relevant lines of code are below.


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package {      import flash.display.MovieClip; import;      import;   import;  import;     import;      import;   import


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<Location /custom-hds-vod>
HttpStreamingJITPEnabled true
HttpStreamingContentPath "../webroot/custom/vod"


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Jun 11, 2010

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Media Server :: Write Access Denied For Stream Error When Recording Audio Stream

Jul 26, 2010

I've had FMS running on my local machine for a while and have had a little experience writing FMS apps, but I've just tried recording audio for the first time using the standard vod application and I keep getting a "Write access denied for stream" error. My AS3 code is copied and pasted for various examples and am confident that it works.
I'm running Windows XP service pack 3 & FMIS 3.5.
I've had a look at the vod/media directory and under windows->properties the read-only attribute is ticked. Every time I un-tick this it reverts back to being ticked. I've googled this and MS say that most programs ignore the read-only attribute and that it only really applied to files. I've also tried the MS fix for setting the read-only attribute via cmd and still no joy (doesn't fix read-only attribute or FMS recording the audio after setting via cmd).
I've also tried our dev server install of FMS (running under linux) and am getting the same results.
Here's my AS3 code...
private function initApp(event:Event):void


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May 24, 2010

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