Actionscript 3 :: Changing Movieclips In FlashDevelop (or Other IDEs With No Graphics)?
Sep 23, 2011
I am doing this:
[Embed(source = "../lib/hfront.swf")]
private var charfront1Class : Class;
private var charfront1:MovieClip = new charfront1Class;
in order to create a movieclip object in FlashDevelop. Because there is no option (like in CS5) to give a library object a class inherently.What I need to do is be able to switch which movie clip is being displayed as my character walks about. Do I have to create a separate class for each movieclip and call them in and out of visibility?? Or is there a better way, a way to "switch" which movie clip my current class is pointing to?
I have a movieClip within another MovieClip. I gave the child movieClip the instance name "hSprite" and I added it to the parent movieClip stage. Now I get an error like the following.
[Fault] exception, information=ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property hSprite on com.objects.Hero. If I remove the instance name from the child movieclip, then the error goes away. but when I add the instance name back, the error reappears again.
Keep in mind that both classes are set for export. The parent class is embeded by a custom class which work perfectly fine. But the minute I give the child movieClip a instance name, the error starts up again.
i'm attempting to draw lines beside each other, but the last line from the first color group takes on the color from the second color group before the second color is assigned.
I have created an animation that randomly puts graphics on the screen (they come in from 0 - 100 alpha). It works great with an array of just a few movieclips. Now I want to import several hundred images from an external list but how do I convert them to movieclips on import? Or can I import them into a movie clip and have a script do the tween?
What are people doing about the lack of manuals with CS4? I can't figure anything out anymore. [URL]
I'm trying to set up a timer with custom graphics (MovieClips) and I've basically got it to work, but it's acting really strange! I have two MC's on stage, named "secs_0" & "secs_1". They're both instances of another MC ("numbers"), which contain 10 frames with one digit on every frame (0 - 9). The weird thing is that the counter starts from 87! When the actual value of maxTime is 97... Also, when it reaches 80, 70 etc... it pauses and starts again at 78, 68... Here's the code
I have this RPG-like screen where you have a character walking through.. the forest or something.. and the thing is.. it's lagging.. LOTS..On that scene.. there are quite a lot of Tree graphics and grass graphics.. I've tested this and apparently graphics run a lot smoother than movieclips with bitmap caching on..Also.. My character has lots of different hair styles all put into one movieclip.. and i thought that by removing them all.. and just have a attachMovie() script to pull in the appropriate hairstyle clips.. it would go faster..but apparently it doesn't seem to of made much difference..what other ways can i reduce the lag on flash?
I'm having trouble using the following tutorial and flashdevelop template to build a flash project for iOS. [URL] Whenever I compile my project (using FlashDevelop 3.3.4) I get an error from adl.exe saying "Error loading initial content". Using the iOS applicationpackager.bat, I get an error saying: application.xml: error 305: Intial window content SWF version 11 exceeds namespace version [URL]I'm using air 2.7 and Flex 4.5.1 on Windows XP.
I have set up an animation that displays icons on agrid. Right now everything is working ok.I have an array of 4movieclips that are randomly selected to display on the screen.Each has a timeline that brings it from alpha 0 - 100. So far, soood.Now I have to add the remaining 200 icons. Now of course Icould make 200 more movieclips and add them all to the array butthere must be a better way, right?I thought I could just have just one movieclip and switch thepic out from an external xml list. But if I import them they won'twork with the alpha transition because they aren't movieclips,right?
When i roll over the gallery buttons they light up when i roll off they go back to normal.when i click on one of them it stays lit up. My problem is when i click i need to be able to set any button that was clicked back to its original state and i cant for the life of me seem to be able to do that.
I have 20 buttons (mc's). I want to be able to select one and have it stay in the down state until another is pressed. Frame 1 is "up" frame 2 is "down". I have an array of the buttons(mc's). This piece of code works but doesn't return the button to the up state when another is selected.
function changeButtonState(a){ var i = 0; for (i=0;i<=19;i++){ if(a=="S"){[b].gotoAndStop(2);isw = 1;} }}
Using a for loop I've created a few instances of a movieclip, but I'm having trouble trying to having them appear one after the other at an increasing pace.
For example, I want the first clip to show with a delay around 2 seconds and the last with almost no delay.
So far I've only been able get Timer or setInterval to have a single delay setting.
I'm not coming up with anything other than coding on the timeline which I'm trying to avoid.
I was wondering about MC and hey can help to lag a game out. I set up an advanced class system so i don't have to use MC to simulate walls, all i use isthe x,y,width and height. Well anyway since i don't need MC anymore I was wondering if there is a way to attach Graphics instead of MC cause a Graphics file size is relatively small than that of a graphic, I think. If anyone could tell me thats true and show me a way to attach graphics that would be nice. I haven't tried it yet but maybe if I exported the graphic from the library imihgt be able to call its name, but it doesn't have an instance name so im stuck.
how to jump from one frame a movie clip, rot menu, to a frame of another, main, through a button in rot menu, rot menu is a movie clip in symbol 1 which is in another (cant remeber) in main. from frame 1 of main i want the button to be pressed and it takes you frame 2 of main.
I'm writing a game with Flash CS5/AS 3.0 that tries to simulate depth of field by drawing all the relevant Movie Clips based on their Y position in ascending order, i.e. things lower on the stage overlap things higher on the stage. A MovieClip with a Y position of 10 would therefore need to have a lower index compared to a MovieClip with a Y position of 20, so the second one gets drawn on top of the first.
I wrote a quick and dirty function just to test this. During the trace, I've noticed that the truck's index hits 0 when I go near the top of the stage, but if I go too far up it will completely disappear from the stage. Trace then starts generating this error:
ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller. at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/getChildIndex() at EICT::Game/ReorganizeDisplayIndexes()
I am in the making of a isometric level editor, and I have about 15 movie clips with more to come. I want to let people change the color of tiles to what they want from a list of colors, so how can I let them change the color of a tile dinamicly with actionscript so that it changes a tile's color while preserving changes of "shadows"? I mean I have let's say a cube and to make it look 3D I need to change each face to make a feeling of 3D and not a flat one.
I have a large vector drawing (imagine 5000x5000) that i want to break up into separate pieces. I know that I can convert this vector drawing into a bitmap and then use the copyPixels method to create many separate bitmaps of the different regions of the original vector drawing, but is there any way to subdivide it into movieclips that just contain vector graphics instead of a bitmap?The reason im dividing a big chunk of vector graphics into smaller pieces is for performance reasons, so flash would only render a small part of this big chunk at a time (only certain regions/voxels/subdivisions are rendered at a time). But bitmaps apparently take up a lot of memory and the system im using would take much less memory if these subdivisions could be preserved in their original vector graphics form.
I imagine I could use masks somehow to achieve this effect (for each subdivision, duplicate the huge image and mask only the region that the subdivision represents), but I dont know the performance costs of masking or if this will create other problems.So is there anyway to split up a movieclip of vector graphics into smaller movieclips of vector graphics the same way copyPixels can with bitmaps?
I have been programming with as3 for the past 4 months and Ive been getting rather good at it. I just recently decided to work with flashdevelop. I notice that there is alot of code that is availible in the flex sdk that isn't available in as3 with flash cs4. Like embedding of assets and such. I've been trying to find some up to date tutorials on how to embed things like xml and so far the tutorials are inaccurate or unclear about how to go about doing so. Ive been trying to find some good books that cover that and havnt been able to.
The books either cover as3 with flash or as and flex builder. Which is more towards working with the mxml. I havnt been able to find any books on how to work with as3 and flex sdk. Which show examples like embedding of xml and so on. I was just curious does anyone know of any good books that cover EVERYTHING there is to know about as3 and the flex sdk. Not so much on flex builder and mxml.
In a sense, I just want to get better with working with as3 projects with flashdevelop. And it would be great if there was books that covered that. Cause lets just face it, We developers sometimes just get sick of searching the web for bits of pieces of things. and its just great to have that one good book that references everything.
Im testing a program in FlashDevelop, which uses Flash player 10. Need externalInterface to work, but on running this simple test program, it displays "ExternalInterface is not available". How do I get ExternalInterface working? [URL]
<mx:Script> <![CDATA[ import mx.controls.Alert; private function init():void { if (ExternalInterface.available) { [Code] .....
By the way, this script shows "External Interface is available" when I run it in my browser. Its only when I run it in Flash Player 10, that it is not available.
I am trying to embed some xml into my application but I get the following error Fault] exception, information=TypeError: Error #1090: XML parser failure: element is malformed.Here is my code.
Trying to learn some flash and got a question. How do I play a flv video, below code compiles correctly and load flash player but doesn't play anything
var vid:FLVPlayback = new FLVPlayback(); var ui:UIComponent = new UIComponent(); this.addChild( ui );
I've tried a few ways of import an swc I made in flash but i keep getting a transcoding error. The symbol is set to export for actionscript and its baseclass is Movieclip. What is the simplest way to do this
I'm using FlashDevelop (cos it's free!) with Flash CS4. Is FlashDevelop basically the opensource version of Flex or is it something completely different again? Or is that what AIR is?
I have inherited a Flash project that (I THINK) was started in FlexBuilder, but I dont have FlexBuilder. I have CS3 and FlashDevelop, is it possible for me to continue this project using the tools that I have?
There are a bunch of wierd files like ".project" and ".actionScriptProperties", and obviously no .FLA file.How can I get up and running using either CS3 or FlashDevelop?