Flash :: Create MovieClips In FlashDevelop Properly

Nov 10, 2011

I'm trying to figure out why, when I create a movieclip in flashdevelop, said movieclip always ends up being null.Here is the code I'm trying to use:

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.display.Sprite;


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Flex - Accessing Child MovieClips FlashDevelop?

Feb 17, 2010

I have a movieClip within another MovieClip. I gave the child movieClip the instance name "hSprite" and I added it to the parent movieClip stage. Now I get an error like the following.

[Fault] exception, information=ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property hSprite on com.objects.Hero. If I remove the instance name from the child movieclip, then the error goes away. but when I add the instance name back, the error reappears again.

Keep in mind that both classes are set for export. The parent class is embeded by a custom class which work perfectly fine. But the minute I give the child movieClip a instance name, the error starts up again.


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Actionscript 3 :: Changing Movieclips In FlashDevelop (or Other IDEs With No Graphics)?

Sep 23, 2011

I am doing this:

[Embed(source = "../lib/hfront.swf")]
private var charfront1Class : Class;
private var charfront1:MovieClip = new charfront1Class;

in order to create a movieclip object in FlashDevelop. Because there is no option (like in CS5) to give a library object a class inherently.What I need to do is be able to switch which movie clip is being displayed as my character walks about. Do I have to create a separate class for each movieclip and call them in and out of visibility?? Or is there a better way, a way to "switch" which movie clip my current class is pointing to?

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How To Create TextField With Scroll In AS3 And FlashDevelop

Feb 23, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Possible To Create FLV Player Wrapper Using FlashDevelop?

Nov 23, 2010

Is it possible to create flv player's (mainly YouTube Player's) wrapper using AS3 and FlashDevelop only? I am concerned about it because I don't have Flash authoring environment. I have seen many tutorials and in first step (in all of them) are asking to create a .fla file.

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Flash :: Can't Properly Create Motion Tweens Between Two Keyframes In CS4?

Jan 16, 2012

I'm trying to create a flash animation of a wing flapping using three keyframes. The first keyframe is at frame 1. I then created a second keyframe at frame 5 by pressing F6, and then I created another keyframe at frame 10 by pressing F6. At frame 5, I rotated the wing so that it is going up. Frame 10 is the same as frame 1.frame 1: frame 5: frame 10: I right clicked on a frame between frames 5 and 10 and then clicked the first optio , "Create Motion Tween"; I then performed the same action on a frame between frames 1 and 5. When I preview or test the movie, there is no transition between the frames. From frame 1 to 5, there is supposed to be a transition of the wing flapping up. From frame 5 to 10, there is supposed to be a transition of the wing flapping downwards to its initial position. Instead, when I test the movie, the wing remains still until frame 5 and instantly goes to its "wing up state" and when it gets to frame 10, instantly goes to its "wing down state". Here is what the timeline looks like after I've made the changes mentioned above:

I'm using Flash CS4 to make the animation but the tutorial I'm following is using Flash CS3. I know I can use other methods to create the motion tween but I want to know why the method I'm using isn't working.

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Actionscript 3 :: {FlashDevelop} Building IOS With AIR And FlashDevelop

Aug 3, 2011

I'm having trouble using the following tutorial and flashdevelop template to build a flash project for iOS. [URL] Whenever I compile my project (using FlashDevelop 3.3.4) I get an error from adl.exe saying "Error loading initial content". Using the iOS applicationpackager.bat, I get an error saying: application.xml: error 305: Intial window content SWF version 11 exceeds namespace version [URL]I'm using air 2.7 and Flex 4.5.1 on Windows XP.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SetChildIndex Over Movieclips Not Working Properly?

Aug 30, 2010

the code which works over stage, is not working properly over a movieclip..sample, i have many objects to stay at different indexes at flash..with that code block below. I add 300 mc's to stage,

for (var j:Number = 0; j<300; j++) {
var mc2:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
stage.addChildAt(mc2, j);

TO be able to change indexes with different items.. i have random movieclips which have to be placed indexes between 5 and 300.. And everything goes great when i do this directly at stage..But when i do this with a movieclip.. example;

for (var i:Number = 0; i<300; i++) {
var mc3:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
my_mc.addChildAt(mc3, i);

i can't see the movieclips inside.. but i know they are at their right indexes..but somehow they are getting behind those fake movieclips..

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C# :: Properly Create Game Objects?

Dec 30, 2009

I am making sims like game and right now I am trying to figure out how I will structure my objects. right now I am thinking to create a class called GameObject, the psuedo is below

public class GameObject {

This way I could create objects like bushes, trees, and buildings. But then I began to think. what if I wanted to create multiple buildings and trees of the same type ?? I would have to keep making instances of GameObject and giving it a new name and height and width. The properties would have to be the same values in order for me to duplicate one object. That seems a little tedious. Then I figure , maybe that isnt the right way to go. So I was thinking, I would have to extend GameObject like below

public class Tree extends GameObject{
public class Building extends GameObject{


Now this way I can create a class that has a method that loosely accept accepts any type that inherits GameObject.


Depending on what type it is (i.e tree, building, house) I can use a case statement to figure out which type it is and evaluate it accordingly.

I also created a Tile Class that will pass through the loadObject method. It also will be a child of the GameOject class. if the case statement finds that it is type Tile, it will highlight whatever Tile depending on what tile my mouse is over.

My second question is if a class inherits a class that implements a interface, is that class child class considered to be a IGameObject as well. or does it have to implement that interface directly. does all this sound like I am going in the right directions lol, as far as organization is concerned.

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Actionscript :: Create Objects (movieclips) In Execution Time On Flash?

Jul 18, 2010

I have a movie clip who is only a square, i need to copy it on the flash stage a number of times (dinamic). How can i do this in execution time, i know AS2, so i prefer a solution in AS2.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create One Image Gallery / Doesn't Work Properly

Jan 12, 2010

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Note:- I am attaching the files and screenshot also.

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Flash :: Can't Embed XML In FlashDevelop?

Feb 9, 2010

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import com.objects.EngineApi;[code]................

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May 24, 2011

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var vid:FLVPlayback = new FLVPlayback();
var ui:UIComponent = new UIComponent();
this.addChild( ui );


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Flash :: Format Actionscript In Flashdevelop?

Jun 16, 2009

is there a way to format/beautify actionscript (as3) in flashdevelop? if not are there easy ways to do this without using the Flash IDE.

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Flash :: Flashdevelop Is Not Finding Png File

Jan 3, 2010

I am trying to load my png file to my application. here is the code

var map:mapLoader = new mapLoader();

Then here is my file that loads it. it throws the error right when it gets to

loader.load(new URLRequest(currentMap));

if I comment it out. then the error goes away. below is the code in its entirety

package {
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.net.URLRequest;


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Jul 22, 2011

How to compile a theme using FD 3 or 4? I have a CSS file with assets and would like to get a SWC file (not SWF) like halo.swc

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Flash :: Tool Similar To FlashDevelop For Ubuntu?

Jun 21, 2010

For developing Flash / ActionScript packages on Windows, there is no better free tool than FlashDevelop.Unfortunately, its reliance on the .Net framework make it ill-suited for AS3 development on Ubuntu. (My attempts to get it working with Mono failed - the installer wouldn't even work.)Is there a similar tool for use with Ubuntu?

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Flash - Making Movie Clips In CS3 For Use Within FlashDevelop

May 24, 2011

I'm making a game in actionscript using the FlashDevelop tool and the FlashPunk game engine. I have a designer making movie clips for me to put into this game using Flash CS3.

My problem is that when I add these movie clips into my game they are playing much quicker than they should. Is there a specific frame rate clips need to be made in within CS3 or any other export options set to enable them to play at the correct speed or is this something that I need to deal with in my code.


Another problem that I'm having is that the command movieClip.stop() doesn't work. Is there anything special that needs doing while exporting or the programming side?


Here is how I'm loading in my swfs:

public var movieClip:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
private var myLoader:Loader;
public function MyMovieClip(location:String)


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Actionscript 3 :: Close Flash Player From FlashDevelop IDE?

Jul 4, 2011

Whenever I compile my project using FlashDevelop in 'Debug' the Flash Player window remains after I have clicked the 'Stop' button in Flash Develop. I have to then switch over to the flash player, click through any error messages and then close the player, which wastes a lot of time in the long run.Any way to make it so Flash Player closes when I click 'Stop' in the Flash Develop debug tools? EDIT: My setup is a fresh install of Windows 7, a new copy of Flash Develop 4 and Flash Player 10.

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Flash :: FlashDevelop Class With Static Method

Aug 6, 2011

When I type a class name without new before, FlashDevelop does not show autocompleate. Is it a way to enable that feature? (do you have the same issue?)

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Actionscript 3 :: Moving From Adobe Flash To FlashDevelop

Mar 30, 2012

I'm developing a website which will need to communicate with an AIR application, I develop with javascript and don't know much about actionscript. I'm at the early stages of this and I'm using a trial of Adobe Flash to create some swf files which can communicate with javascript, the code from the Action window is as follows (most of it is bastardised from web examples):

import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
var myText:String = "Example String";
ExternalInterface.addCallback("sendOutput", sendStaticTextFromAS3);
function sendStaticTextFromAS3():void {
ExternalInterface.call("receiveTextFromAS3", myText);

All this is doing is receiving a call from javascript and sending back a string and calling the function which will deal with it (it will become more complex).

My problem is that Flash is going to expire soon, and to future proof the project without having to spend a lot on flash I want to move into FlashDevelop. As I don't need any objects on the stage all I need is to edit actionscript, so FlashDevelop is all I need. I create a new AS3 Project in FlashDevelop and I get given this code:

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.Event;


I'm guessing Adobe Flash adds this automatically when compiling the swf so I have no idea where my code is supposed to go, except to add the import flash.external.ExternalInterface; at the top?

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As3 :: Flash - Can't Find The Publish(or Export) Button On FlashDevelop App

Jan 28, 2012

i recently switched from cs5.5 to FlashDevelop and i have trouble publishing my app (as3)how do i publish my app to an swf file?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: What Would Choose For Development - Flash Cs* And Flashdevelop - Flex

Mar 7, 2011

im kinda confuse why people use flash cs5 and some are using flex, flashdevelopl and etc..

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Access Data From A .fla File Using Flex 4 SDK And FlashDevelop?

Jun 27, 2010

Someone sent me a .fla file containing several art assets, with instances all configured to be displayed properly and in the right positions. However, since I'm using FlashDevelop with the Flex 4 SDK, I have no idea how to access these instances in code. Some of the objects are MovieClips that I need to modify the size of, and others are Dynamic Text objects that I need to change the display strings of at runtime.

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FlashDevelop IDE Compiles Smaller Swf Than Flash Builder For Identical Actionscript Project

Feb 15, 2012

Can anyone offer a clue as to why flashdevelop would compile to a smaller swf than Flash Builder?The FD swf is 150k, FB swf is 220k.I'm exporting as a release build in FB.

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Create An Application That Has Three Movieclips?

Jul 1, 2009

I'm trying to create an application that has three movieclips that when rolled over show a movie clip over everything that the user reads then they drag one of three pictures over to the corresponding movieclip. I have the Movieclip alpha down until roll over but i had issues with layer order. If its on top i cant access the drag items beneath it and if its below i cant see it.I tried using swapChild but then it makes it crazy. The DragItem "sticks". It shows up on pages it shouldn't (i have it on one frame but it sticks to everything and i cant get rid of it). It works when im on the current frame so i must be close?

here is what my code is currently:

//This is the graphic that i want them to hover over to call the movie clip to show
msdsHover_mc.addEventListener( MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,


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Create A Scrolling Effect On One Of My MovieClips?

May 17, 2010

I would like to create a scrolling effect on one of my MovieClips. In Javascript I'd simply create two divs, one positioned absolutely in the other, and have the surrounding one have the style 'overflow: none'. Now I want to achieve the same in ActionScript, as shown in the following picture:

When I try to set the size of the surrounding MovieClip the contents just get 'squashed'. I want it to stay the same and the parts outside of the 'rectangle  to be hidden outside of the MovieClip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Movieclips Using A Loop?

Mar 8, 2011

Is there a way I can create these clips and add them to an array in a loop ? It doesn't seem to want to work for me.. ?
                var p1 = new P1;                var p2 = new P2;                var p3 = new P3;                var p4 = new P4;             var p5 = new P5;                var p6 = new P6;                var p7 = new P7;                var p8 = new P8;             var p9 = new P9;                var p10 = new P10;                var p11 = new P11;                var p12 = new P12;            var p13 = new P13;                var p14 = new P14;                var p15 = new P15;                var p16 = new P16;            var p17 = new P17;                var p18 = new P18;                var p19 = new P19;                var p20 = new P20;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Various MovieClips With TextFields?

Oct 18, 2004

I create various movieClips with TextFields in them using the following function.

function AddLabel(Label,L) // create a MovieClip with a Text Field.
obj = this.createEmptyMovieClip("mc" + L,L);[code].....

Lets say that I use the above function with the following statement:

JimMC = AddLabel("JimVision",1);

Then I try to assign a string to the above movieClip with some embedded html like so:

JimMC.txt.htmlText = "This is my test < a href='http://bogus.com'>link</ a>.";

When I try to run the above the results come out blank. When I list my variables I do see that my TextField is being assign the text and html code. What I also notice is that the textWidth and textHeight value become zero.why my results are blank? Why do the textWidth and textHeight values become zero?

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