Actionscript 3 :: Convert A XML Node To A MovieClip?
Jan 19, 2010
I have an xml document that I would like to use to show MovieClips in my .fla:
In my .fla, I created a symbol called TestClip and select Linkage > Export for Actionscript and named it TestClip.
My code in my Document class traces the xml:
var t:*= getDefinitionByName(String(slideItem.linkedMovieClip)) as Class;
var linked:MovieClip = new t();
trace("linked is..."+ linked); // outputs [Object TestClip];
However, I am still getting an error message. When I check the debugger it's from this line:
var t:*= getDefinitionByName(String(slideItem.linkedMovieClip)) as Class;
My goal with this actionscript is to create a new movieclip for each top-level XML node and include in the movieclip two separate textfields, an image, extend the movieclips to two row if necessary, rotate each movieclip differently depending its parity and add a hover event based on the movieclips instance name. I have achieved each goal except for the hover bit. The reason I cant access the instance name outside of the for loop is because the instance name only lasts for duration of the loop. Here is my current code (at pastie address).
I have an AdvancedDataGrid tree with a ArrayCollection as its dataprovider. Now, for instance, i drag a leaf from one node to another node. To catch the event I'm adding a Listener to dragComplete.
My Problem: I want to know the new node where the leaf was dropped. Actually i would have expected that in the event there is a property like dropParent. This is not the case.
Im trying to build a script that attaches and positions an instance of a movieclip for each node of an xml sheet. However, I can't seem to get it to loop properly. The script is simply attaching and positioning the movieclip according to the last node in the xml file. Here is my script:
Code: var myXML:XML = new XML(); myXML.ignoreWhite=true; myXML.load("map.xml");
I thought this was going to be easy! I would like to search an XML file for a particular data set i.e. set of nodes depending on a passed variable. However, storing a subset of my XML file via Code:var gallery = this.firstChild; and then searching 'gallery' as you would an array-using a for()-doesn't work since this.firstChild isn't returning an array
I have a problem where i have an as3 project loading in anAS3 SWF which contains another AS3 SWF containing a videoplayer,and i'm getting the type coercian fail error as above.
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert work_client_overlay@39e9e0b1 to flash.display.MovieClip. at WorkClient/externalLoadComplete()
I have... ~1300 "Drawing Objects" (read: Shape) sitting on the stage that were Paths in Illustrator and were pasted in as part of one cohesive image. I need to be able to access all of them via ActionScript, but as with my post on the AS side of this problem, they are all stuffed into a single Shape and not accessible independently.
basically what I am trying to do is dynamically add graphics using actionscript. So far it has worked but I ran into a problem. I am using addChild to add the pictures and the instance name.addChild(imageLoader). I need to convert the xml parsed data (xmlData.player[0].@position) to a instance name which I believe is data type MovieClip. So I am trying to convert my xml which is a string to a movieclip. Here are snippets of code:
var position:MovieClip = XmlData.player[0].@position; //Doesn't workgives Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert XMLList@1f2d2e09 to flash.display.MovieClip. var position:String = XmlData.player[0].@position; //Does work
im trying to add to a movieclip called "movimiento"a graphic property.[code]Is there a way to convert the movieclip to a graphic object, or other is there other alternative to control mc movimiento with the faceRectContainer variable?[code]
When I add a .png to the library and convert it to a MovieClip, afterwords Im left with 3 instances. A bitmap, a symbol and a MC. Do I need all of these. If I delete either one all the rest become usless. Why? Do I need all 3?
Is there a way to convert a string to a Movieclip. so if i have an item in the library called: A and a text field on the stage with a show button. And say I typed A and clicked the submit button it would show the A mc. I get an error... 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: charUC.
ActionScript Code: submit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, up) function up (e:MouseEvent):void { var char:String=myText.text.charAt(0) var charUC=char.toLocaleUpperCase() trace(charUC) var mc:charUC = new charUC(); addChild(mc); mc.x = currentSpot; currentSpot = currentSpot + 100; }
I am printing around 50(swf) pages in flash AS2.0. In printer we can print the movie clip only. But i need to convert the movie clip in to image and that image needs to be printed instead of movie clip.
var myBitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData (612, 792); myBitmapData.draw(STData_mc); bm = new Bitmap(); bm.bitmapData = myBitmapData; stage.addChild (bm);
these are my code. I have a movieclip named STData_mc, first I want to use var myBitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData (STData_mc.width, STData_mc.height); but it bring me an error. so I changed like this. but this is ok. Finally, when I add "bm" to the stage, there is nothing, just a white space.
I have two movieclips. One on the _root frame and one inside another movieclip. I want to position the one in the _root frame at the same x y coordinates as the one inside another movieclip. How would I do that so the objects overlap?