Actionscript 3 :: Dynamically Reference Embedded Graphics?

Mar 6, 2012

First off, I'm rather n00b at AS3 so I'm sorry if this is a terrible question. I've searched and can't find direct reference/solution to this exact issue. My Problem: I'm trying to embed all my pertinent graphics within a class("") which will have a static method to retrieve these embedded graphics by name.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: 1119: Access Of Possibly Undefined Property Graphics Through A Reference With Static Type Flash.display:Graphics.

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i am trying to receive in my function as a parameter either a shape or a sprite and then access their graphics property, but this gives me an error:

public static function makeRect( obj:DisplayObject, ...
var g:Graphics;
if(obj is Sprite){


//1119: Access of possibly undefined property graphics through a reference with static type flash.display:Graphics.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Value When The Text Is Dynamically Embedded And Correct When Manually Embedded?

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var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoad);
loader.load( new URLRequest("info.xml") );


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Embedded Swf With ExternalInterface Calling

Apr 8, 2012

I have a swf doing some javascript calls. It works fine if the swf object is embeded as part of html. When creating it thru javascript, the code doesn't work. I've tried back &forth for a while, no luck. attached my code snippet below,
/* javascript */
<script language="javascript">var g31=false,g32=false,g33=-1,g1=-1;function f31(p){ alert(p)}
function f34() { g31=true; g33>=0&&(window.clearTimeout(g33),g33=-1);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Embedded Fonts Dynamically?

Jan 28, 2011

I have a movie with multiple languages. Most of the fonts used are embedded. What I've been doing is creating a new MovieClip for each language and in that movie clip assigning a font that can display that language, then depending on the language, load the appropriate MovieClip. I wonder though if there is a way to just change the font dynamically. However, it would be changing from one embedded font to another.

Would it be efficient to just make one generic text MovieClip with a certain font in it, then just title the movie clip by the font, and load that movie clip whenever I want to use that font?

like so:

ActionScript Code:
var title = new Arial;
title.textBox.text = "Page Title";

Also: Then could I change the font size dynamically if I did it the later way?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Embedded Swf, ExternalInterface Call?

Apr 12, 2012

I have tried this for a couple of days. I created a swf object in window.onload (also tried load it directly), call an as function from js. statically embedded swf works for both IE8 and FF, FF also fine for dynamically loading."echo", "as returns " + b); always shows "as returns false".

<script language="javascript">
var containerready=false,flashready=false;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Attach Graphics Instead Of MC Cause A Graphics File Size Is Relatively Small Than That Of A Graphic?

Apr 9, 2005

I was wondering about MC and hey can help to lag a game out. I set up an advanced class system so i don't have to use MC to simulate walls, all i use isthe x,y,width and height. Well anyway since i don't need MC anymore I was wondering if there is a way to attach Graphics instead of MC cause a Graphics file size is relatively small than that of a graphic, I think. If anyone could tell me thats true and show me a way to attach graphics that would be nice. I haven't tried it yet but maybe if I exported the graphic from the library imihgt be able to call its name, but it doesn't have an instance name so im stuck.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Limiting Dynamically Embedded Fonts To Certain Characters?

Apr 21, 2009

Since I only need numbers, can I limit dynamically embedded fonts to only numerals, periods, dashes and special characters copied from the character map? 

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JQuery :: Flash - Dynamically Resizing Embedded Video?

Jan 29, 2010

I've tried a few ways but nothing seems to work. What I'd like to do is have my users post video's with the given embed code (example):

<object id="cnbcplayer" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="400" height="380" codebase="[URL]">
<param name="type" value="application/x-shockwave-flash" />
<param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" />
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />
[Code] .....

But then, I want to resize it to be 300px wide. I've tried updating the attributes with jQuery but that didn't work.

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Actionscript 3 :: Dynamically Select A Static Embedded Image?

Feb 25, 2012

Here's my current situation[code]...

As you can tell, the above codes don't seem to do the trick. I just want to dynamically select which Embedded.* class to select.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Setting AddChild Reference Name?

Feb 10, 2009

I'm trying to dynamically set the addChild linkage identifier, but am having little luck.

var section:MovieClip = "section"+i
this.addChild(new section);

In AS 2.0 I could simply do this:
attachMovie("section"+i, "section",0)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reference Input Field Dynamically?

Apr 6, 2010

I have 11 text input fields and I want to test if there is any entry in any of them, if so, build an SQL portion. Rather than manually doing it for all 11 fields, I was wondering if I put the field names in an array and looped around, I could test each. However I do not know how to reference them dynamically.

georef_sql = ""
if (_root.tbxgeoref.text.length > 0) {
do_filter = true
georef_sql = " georef_id like '"+_root.tbxgeoref.text+"%' AND "


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Reference Classes Inside Of Another?

Aug 6, 2010

Is there a good way to dynamically reference a class that is created inside of another class?

Say, for instance, I have a main class called "Country", and from that class, I am creating individual "State" classes. So the Country class is creating State classes named "Texas", "Ohio", and "Iowa". And each State class has a value called Capital. [code]...

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MP3 File Loaded Dynamically In Swf Embedded In Html Does Not Play In Firefox

Nov 23, 2009

I have made a presentation with voice over, in which the images and audio files are loaded externelly from the folder where the swf was placed. the voice over files are in MP3 format, loaded with the script follows
mysound = new Sound();
It works well in IE but not in Firefox.

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MP3 File Loaded Dynamically In Swf Embedded In Html Does Not Play In Firefox?

Nov 23, 2009

I have made a presentation with voice over, in which the images and audio files are loaded externelly from the folder where the swf was placed. the voice over files are in MP3 format, loaded with the script follows

mysound = new Sound();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Create Text Fields With Embedded Fonts?

Nov 20, 2009

I have combed through the forums and read every font embedding article I could find and still I don't understand what's going on. I have created a simple test case that I have attached to this post. Hopefully someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong.Here's the situation ...ultimately, my goal is to be able to dynamically create text fields with embedded fonts (I'm using Arial or Arial Unicode) that can display a variety of languages (English and Russian are the primary ones I'm working on right now). In the attached sample, I have added a font to the library and set it to use Arial Unicode.I have 3 text fields on the stage: Field 1 is generated entirely from code using createTextField, Field 2 is a design-time text field that uses the embedded library font, and Field 3 is a design-time text field that uses basic Arial rather than Arial Unicode.For the 2 design-time fields I have embedded the glyphs necessary to display English and Russian as well as some others.I also have a few buttons on the stage to create the 3rd text field (using createtextfield), send english or russian text to all 3 fields, and turn embedding on/off of the generated text field.

Here are the results I've found:With embedding OFF:English shows up fine in all 3 text fields (in the generated one, it uses the system default font instead).Russian shows up in the generated field and in the 3rd field (basic Arial) but NOT in the field that uses the embedded library font.With embedding ON:NOTHING shows up in the generated text field the 2 design time fields function the same as they did before.I REALLY don't understand why the design-time text field doesn't work when it uses the library version of the font. Why should that matter? I also don't get why even ENGLISH doesn't work in the generated field when embedding is on.

//EDIT: I just tried using Arial as the font for the generated text field rather than using the linkage name for the library font and now the embedding works. So I guess my main question is why it doesn't work using the library font....I thought that using the library font .

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Populate An Embedded ComboBox Inside A DataGrid

Feb 4, 2010

URL...In this demo I have a Datagrid populated from a php script.I also have a ComboBox embeded in the datagrid. In this example I am reading the ComboBox data from an array within a ComboBox CellRenderer.The question I am posing is how to dynamically populate the embedded ComboBox's from a php script with data retrieved from a mySQL table.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Reference Instances Inside A Movieclip?

Feb 16, 2009

Here is a simple example of what I need to be able to do:I have a movieclip, "main_movie", in the main frame, which has multiple instances inside of it...for example "mc_1", "mc_2", and "mc_3".I am unable to figure out how to dynamically reference them. Please look at the code below and let me know what I'm doing wrong.

for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
main_movie.mc_[i]._visible = false;

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Flash :: Getting A Reference To A Textbox In Order To Dynamically Change The Font?

Jul 4, 2011

I am unfamiliar with Flash and actionscript and I need help to dynamically change the font of a textbox based on the value of a flashvar. I have a flash template whose content I can edit through XML. The flashvar value specifies the language and points to a different XML file. This works without problems, and I have found online a way to change the font via actionscript. However I need help on how to get a reference to that textbox.

There are two files an .fla and file. Within the fla file there is a single Scene and when the textbox is selected the properties display "thisLogo" as its name and "Dynamic Text" in the combo box below. Within the file I have attempted to add the following code:


1119: Access of possibly undefined property thisLogo through a reference with static type Main.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Divinding Vector Graphics Into Vector Graphics

Jul 28, 2009

I have a large vector drawing (imagine 5000x5000) that i want to break up into separate pieces. I know that I can convert this vector drawing into a bitmap and then use the copyPixels method to create many separate bitmaps of the different regions of the original vector drawing, but is there any way to subdivide it into movieclips that just contain vector graphics instead of a bitmap?The reason im dividing a big chunk of vector graphics into smaller pieces is for performance reasons, so flash would only render a small part of this big chunk at a time (only certain regions/voxels/subdivisions are rendered at a time). But bitmaps apparently take up a lot of memory and the system im using would take much less memory if these subdivisions could be preserved in their original vector graphics form.

I imagine I could use masks somehow to achieve this effect (for each subdivision, duplicate the huge image and mask only the region that the subdivision represents), but I dont know the performance costs of masking or if this will create other problems.So is there anyway to split up a movieclip of vector graphics into smaller movieclips of vector graphics the same way copyPixels can with bitmaps?

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Javascript :: Gain Access To An Embedded Flash Video's Parameters That Is Embedded On A Site You Don't Own Via A Browser Extension?

Jan 2, 2011

I'd like to gain read only access to the following parameters of embedded Flash videos located on sites that I do not own through my own custom browser extension/add-on:

Time location of playback head (so I can display the current time in the browser extension via HTML5/JavaScript) Frames (so I can make capture them to an image file, save it and display image in browser extension) Original Dimensions in pixels (so I can display the original video dimensions via JS/HTML5 in browser extension)

Is this possible by using Javascript and HTML5 from a browser extension?

Would I have to use something like the SWFObject Javascript API [URL]

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Flash Won't Load When Embedded But It Works On The Published Embedded Html?

Nov 11, 2009

I made a flash mp3 player and it works fine in any other test pages. but when i embed it onto my site it just shows blank. what do i do? my site is [URL] and the flash player i tested here [URL] and it plays. What im i doing wrong? i tryed everything. right now i just got it in a iframe but i dont want that iframe.

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Actionscript 3 :: Remove The Word Button From The Reference To Reference The Actual Item

Apr 11, 2012

I need to remove the word Button from the reference to reference the actual item that will be tinted.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Compiler Is Throwing That 1000: Ambiguous Reference Error For Any Reference ?

Sep 3, 2007

I'm having this frustrating error showing up and I have no idea why. Let me show you my classes and see if you can spot anything wrong.
First, here's my ILode interface:

ActionScript Code:
package com.schelterstudios.lodeSystem.flash.lodescode].....

So the problem I'm having is the compiler is throwing that 1000: Ambiguous reference error for any reference to instance.priority or instance.label. Why??? Instance is typed to IFlexLodeInstance, and IFlexLodeInstance lists method signatures of priority and label getters, and it inherits ILode, which lists method signatures for priority and label setters. What can I do to get the compiler to stop complaining?

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Flash :: Reference The Default `this` Reference In Actionscript3 From An External Package?

Jul 7, 2011

My code is an external .as file. Google provides this code on their demo, which contains the this keyword:


Notice that I have 4 calls to console.log. The first 3 fire, but after the new GATracker statement, the 4th does not fire. I have a feeling that I'm overriding the entire package with the object created from new GATracker when I should be passing a different context. I believe the correct context I should pass is whatever this defaults to when not inside of a package/external file, I assume it references the main stage object.

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Flex :: Create Weak Reference And Strong Reference?

May 6, 2010

import flash.utils.Dictionary;
* Class to create a weak reference to an object. A weak reference


In this Class, how they denote one as Weak Reference and one as Strong reference.

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