Actionscript 3 :: Dynamically Select A Static Embedded Image?

Feb 25, 2012

Here's my current situation[code]...

As you can tell, the above codes don't seem to do the trick. I just want to dynamically select which Embedded.* class to select.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Value When The Text Is Dynamically Embedded And Correct When Manually Embedded?

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Looking at the attached file, why does bottomScrollV give me the wrong value when the text is dynamically embedded and correct when manually embedded?

Here's the code:
ActionScript Code:
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoad);
loader.load( new URLRequest("info.xml") );


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Embedded Fonts And Static Text?

Feb 14, 2007

If I import a font into my library for use with dynamic text fields, but my swf also contains a lot of static text, would I save much in the way of filesize by making all the static text dynamic too. Seems to me if I have imported the font, then publish the file and have flash convert all the static text to outlines, I'm going to be wasting filesize because all the font info is already contained in the swf.

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Professional :: Font Not Embedded In Static Text Fields

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I think the title says it all. I'm building website and I've come half way now just to notice that my clients cant see my font that supposed to be there. What I've learned so far is that in static text fields, flash should embed it itself since I can't reference to it + embedFonts property not working, how can I fix this problem? Anyone had anything similar?hat are common mistakes? I'm pretty new at all of this.

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Flash 10 :: Font Not Embedded In Static Text Fields

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I think the title says it all. I'm building website and I've come half way now just to notice that my clients cant see my font that supposed to be there. What I've learned so far is that in static text fields, flash should embed it itself since I can't reference to it + embedFonts property not working.[code]...

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IDE :: Antialiasing Embedded Fonts In Static Text Fields

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I've been struggling to get some text antialiased in a static text field in CS4. The text field is using an embedded font, with antialiasing set to "Anti-alias for readability".

The field is referring to the font symbol in the library and the symbol does not have bitmap text enabled.

When viewing the field itself, the text looks properly antialiased. The field is inside a graphic symbol. When I navigate out of the graphic symbol, the text loses its antialiasing. It is also not antialiased when published.

It has something to do with the font symbol, as it antialiases properly if I set the font to the actual font on the system. It's not a standard font though, so will need to be embedded.

The three images show the text in the text field, the symbol and the published swf.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Select And Highlight A Specific Row On The Datagrid In An Embedded Swf Everytime The Movie Loads

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Select File From Local Disk Dynamically

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I want to do a stand alone application in wich you can select a mp3 from local disk with Flash MX. I've been searching for a function or a method who allows to open a "browser window" or to have a string with the filenames but I haven't find nothing. I also have searched for an argument for fscommand but nothing. Does someone know if some function exists in javascript to give a string with the filenames of a folder? And in this case, how to integrate it in actionscript? I know that I can use a explorer to do that with javascript, but I need to do it without browsers.

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Dec 9, 2009

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checkbox 1 : label (PS2)
checkbox 2 : label (PS3)
checkbox 3 : label (PSP)

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Console price
row1 PS2 $20,
row2 PS3 $30,
row3 PSP $15,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Created Vs Static Movieclips?

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<mx:DataGrid x="7" y="3" width="347" height="337" dataProvider="{#####}" variableRowHeight="true">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Clicking A Custom Image Component With Embedded Image?

Nov 22, 2010

I have created a component that I want to add to all of my panels that allows It works reasonably well.The last (hopefully) issue that I have is that I want to embed the image in the class. Doing this causes the click event not to fire.If I us"this.source='assets/info.png'" everything works OK. If however, I embed the image as shown below, the image displays, but is not clickable.

public class HelpIcon extends Image{


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Aug 27, 2009

ok.. so i have a static text that says "QUIT TO MENU"..i set it to "no anti-alias" for a crisp look...i put it inside a movieclip so i can dynamically call it from the library..i exported the movieclip for actionscript and gave it a class name of "QuitToMenuButton" i call it from the library using:

ActionScript Code:
var qmb:MovieClip = new QuitToMenuButton();
qmb.x = 400;


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Flash :: Runtime Fonts Not Playing Nice With Fonts Embedded In Static Text?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Randomly Select An Image From The Stage?

Mar 19, 2012

if I want to randomly select an image from the stage, by using an array,  and send it to the location of a box on stage (ranPair1), how could I do that?

var cardArray = new Array();
cardArray[1] = "twoC, twoH";
cardArray[2] = "threeC, threeH";


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Open FLV With Static Image?

Feb 17, 2010

I would like to use an image as a link to play an FLV and have the movie open and play.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Embedded Swf With ExternalInterface Calling

Apr 8, 2012

I have a swf doing some javascript calls. It works fine if the swf object is embeded as part of html. When creating it thru javascript, the code doesn't work. I've tried back &forth for a while, no luck. attached my code snippet below,
/* javascript */
<script language="javascript">var g31=false,g32=false,g33=-1,g1=-1;function f31(p){ alert(p)}
function f34() { g31=true; g33>=0&&(window.clearTimeout(g33),g33=-1);


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Actionscript 3 :: Dynamically Reference Embedded Graphics?

Mar 6, 2012

First off, I'm rather n00b at AS3 so I'm sorry if this is a terrible question. I've searched and can't find direct reference/solution to this exact issue. My Problem: I'm trying to embed all my pertinent graphics within a class("") which will have a static method to retrieve these embedded graphics by name.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Embedded Fonts Dynamically?

Jan 28, 2011

I have a movie with multiple languages. Most of the fonts used are embedded. What I've been doing is creating a new MovieClip for each language and in that movie clip assigning a font that can display that language, then depending on the language, load the appropriate MovieClip. I wonder though if there is a way to just change the font dynamically. However, it would be changing from one embedded font to another.

Would it be efficient to just make one generic text MovieClip with a certain font in it, then just title the movie clip by the font, and load that movie clip whenever I want to use that font?

like so:

ActionScript Code:
var title = new Arial;
title.textBox.text = "Page Title";

Also: Then could I change the font size dynamically if I did it the later way?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Embedded Swf, ExternalInterface Call?

Apr 12, 2012

I have tried this for a couple of days. I created a swf object in window.onload (also tried load it directly), call an as function from js. statically embedded swf works for both IE8 and FF, FF also fine for dynamically loading."echo", "as returns " + b); always shows "as returns false".

<script language="javascript">
var containerready=false,flashready=false;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating An Image Gallery Where The User Can Select From Several Thumbnail Images?

Aug 12, 2009

I am creating an image gallery where the user can select from several thumbnail images. Once selected, the thumbnails will enlarge and load the full sized image. My problem is that while the user is waiting for the full sized image to load, he may decide to close that image and view another image. I am trying to find a way to stop a loader from loading.ere is the code I have used. My problem is that even though the user has clicked on the unloadBtn, the loader continues to load the file. Is there a way to disable that?

import flash.display.Loader;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Select A New Image To Play The Stopped Previous Clip On Stage

Jun 23, 2011

I have a Flash as 3.0 project that has 16 movieclips, each movieclip contains 3 images. The first image is the same for all 16 mc's the second image is different for all and the third image is different for all. I have the fla set up so when it is called it will play the first mc and stop. Buttons on the rightside would be used to move the playhead to the desired framename to play all the others.

My question is, each image fades in each clip like a build then stops. Is there a way to code this so when you select a new image to play the stopped previous clip on stage can play backwards so instead of fading in it would fade out, THEN the playhead would move to the frame name and play the newly called clip? So it would work like this


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Actionscript 3 :: Select The Viewstack Container Id Based On Select Field In ComboBox In Flex?

Jun 23, 2010

I have a comboBox and values like basic and advanced. And viewstack container conatains 2 grids.When i select the base option in Combobox, the first grid has to be selected. select the advanced value in comboBox, the second grid has to be selected.

<mx:ViewStack id="viewstack1" width="95%" height="85%" x="0" y="63" >
<tables:KeyMetricsBasicTable basicArrayDataProvider="{basicArrayResult1}" width="100%" height="100%"/>
<tables:KeyMetricsAdvTable advArrayDataProvider="{advArrayResult1}" width="100%" height="100%"/>

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Limiting Dynamically Embedded Fonts To Certain Characters?

Apr 21, 2009

Since I only need numbers, can I limit dynamically embedded fonts to only numerals, periods, dashes and special characters copied from the character map? 

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JQuery :: Flash - Dynamically Resizing Embedded Video?

Jan 29, 2010

I've tried a few ways but nothing seems to work. What I'd like to do is have my users post video's with the given embed code (example):

<object id="cnbcplayer" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="400" height="380" codebase="[URL]">
<param name="type" value="application/x-shockwave-flash" />
<param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" />
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />
[Code] .....

But then, I want to resize it to be 300px wide. I've tried updating the attributes with jQuery but that didn't work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replace Some Code Which Loaded An External Image And Triggered And Function Once Completed With Code That Uses And Embedded Image?

Jun 10, 2009

I am trying to replace some code which loaded an external image and triggered and function once completed with code that uses and embedded image. The relevant code looks like this.


public function Globe()
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();


The commented out section is where it used to take the loaded image and apply it to a texturemap.I need to replace the lines of code in the first function with something that calls the second function correctly.

I have tried using function imageLoadComplete (e:Event = null)and calling it with imageLoadComplete(); in the first function but although it compile and runs without error, the program does not work properly. I suspect this is to do with the dispatchEvent(); line which I do not understand.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Show Static Image Then Play 2 .flv?

Apr 5, 2009

I want to have a player that shows a static image to begin with and then plays 2 short .flv files, one after the other and then reverts to the static image.I've found this, which works beautifully for the static image and one movie clip but I don't know how to add the second movie clip.

startBtn.onRelease = function() {// make sure your video has an instance name of vid// and it is NOT set to auto;this._alpha = 0;};var listenerObject:Object = new Object();listenerObject.stopped = function(eventObject) {startBtn._alpha =


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Show Static Image And Then Play F4V File?

Jun 22, 2009

I am trying to do this also, only with one static image at the beginning and then the option to play the flv file: Here is where I am at the moment:In the .fla file in Flash CS4 Have the FLVPlayback Component and the FLVPlaybackCaptioning Component (with related .xml file) plus the Caption Button Component inserted, and all work fine.At this point have made the video with controls the bottom layer on the timeline.  The FLVPlayback Component instance name is vid. Next layer is the still image as a graphic symbol.Top layer is the actions layer.On the actions layer I have place the code as shown in the previous answer, before you tweaked for the two videos:I get five compiler errors, which I have attached a screenshot of as a jpg file.  I am very new to AS, understand code, but not AS code.


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Professional :: Random Links On Static Image

Feb 22, 2010

I have created a banner and wanted to randomize the URL that the user goes to. Basically the banner is of a product and it is sold a say 3 places. I wanted to randomize where the customer goes, but one of the three places it is sold. What is the easiest way to implement this? Generate a random number when the page loads and that determines the URL link?

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