Actionscript 3 :: Find Sequences In Its Array?

Feb 28, 2012

What to do in order to find the number of sequences in an array?[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Finding Sequences In Array

Feb 28, 2012

what to do in order to find the number of sequences in an array? for example: my array is: banana, banana, apple, banana, banana. what shell i do in order to get the numbers: 2,1,2? (2 bananas, 1 apple, 2 bananas).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Audio Probability Sequences?

Jul 7, 2011

I've been given a task to create a program that will run an audio sequence. The goal of this is to press a button and have a audio sequence run where there are 3 different possible audio sequence outcomes. Each of the 3 sequences have a different % of being picked 20%, 50%, 30%. I came up with a break down of what i think i need to have happen:

-Play event
-Random number 1-100

1-20 = audio sequence 1
21-70 = audio sequence 2
71-100 = audio sequence 3

within sequence 1 there are 4 audio clips once the second audio clip is played there is a 50-50 chance to skip the third clip and play the last or to continue and play all four.

sequence 2 has three audio clips

sequence 3 has one clip

I'm assuming i have to setup some kind of If then statements or maybe an array. I have only limited knowledge of action scripting with flash. Is there anyone that could point me in the right direction on how to accomplish this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Importing Animation Sequences?

Oct 8, 2004

I have been rendering large 3D frames as part of an animation for my main menu of my game. (1024*768) Very large.What is the best file format to import into flash as animation sequences, to get the best quality and compression out of flash. I am having trouble keeping file size down.

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Exporting Png Sequences With Alpha For Sprite Sheets?

Jul 24, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: 3D Frames - Importing Animation Sequences

Oct 8, 2004

I have been rendering large 3D frames as part of an animation for my main menu of my game. (1024*768) Very large. What is the best file format to import into flash as animation sequences, to get the best quality and compression out of flash. I am having trouble keeping file size down.

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I was just working on this tutorial: [URL]

It seems to work fine when I uploaded it to my testing site. It loads the correct swf and I can click on my menu link (the only other functional button with the action scripting) to go to another swf and it transitions correctly. Here is the problem:

After clicking on the menu link and trying to click back on the home link (containing the same swf as what initially loads) to redisplay the first swf, nothing happens. Then the menu button is unfunctional after that as well.

I've been pulling my hair out trying to get transitions sequences between externally loading swf's in my flash site.

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I am loading html page(UTF-8) content using UrlLoader. All characters in the result are represented as //x??(where ?? is 1 symbol). How can I get normal string from this?(with actual symbols instead of codes)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Exporting An .mp3 File Created From Looped Sequences?

Aug 24, 2010

I downloaded a flash app the other day. I can't put links since I don't have 50 posts, but if you type Dj Mixer on ActiveDen, it should come up.Basicly, it allows you to put sounds in a folder, add them to an XML file and the flash application acts as a mixer with a timeline. You can select which loop you want at what time and create your own track.There's one thing though, it doesn't allow you to export the sound. I have no experience in that area so I was wondering 2 things:- What would exporting the sound in an .mp3 format from the compiled sound loops involve in terms of complexity? Can this be done in a short time frame or is this something that requires a lot of knowledge and ressources?- Once the exporting to .mp3 part is done, I wanted to able to take that .mp3 and send it to my phone. Do you guys know of any Websites that offer a suitable solution for this?

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Apr 15, 2011

I want to prevent users from using webcam emulators, I have done that in AS2 by using senocular's function, but I can't make it work in AS3,so, here is the old version by senocular , and I would like to do the same in AS3, tried using indexOf but doesn't work, I need to find at least the first 4 characters of the string and compare them to the item inside the array in AS3![code]...

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Jun 18, 2010

Following code removes duplicates from an array. But the problem is, it modifies the original array. Can we create a new array which does not have duplicates and keep the original array intact?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Find The Value Of The An Item In An Array?

Jan 15, 2011

i am tring to check the values imn my array but for some reason the hit is never trace. So is the value o0f cat not found in the array. if not what do i do to find the value cat

ActionScript Code:
var  numbers_array = new Array("cat");
for( i =0; i < numbers_array.length; i++){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find Object In Array?

Apr 29, 2011

I have an array of objects, I separately have a reference to one of the objects in this array (in particular, the object dispatched an event and its reference is the event target, which is what I have). How do I find this object in the array and remove it from the array?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find Stringpattern In Array

Nov 21, 2011

I have a big array which contains words and sentences. I want to find certain specific words to replace with other words. I know about the string replace(), but from what I can understand, that only works with strings. I'm looking for something similar to the str_replace function in PHP where you can search both arrays and strings, and change words in them. Does something like that exist in actionscript 3, or do I have to build some kind of loop myself, to loop through the entire array, and use the string repace() on every single string in the array?

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So if the value of myVar = 50;..and the array holds the values 25, 100, 150, etc.I want to write a function that will be able to find the array element that's closest to myVar, which would be the first element in the array (myArray[0]), since 25 would be the closest value to 50.

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way to find the highest number in an array? umbersArr(314,2613,221,103,77);is there a way to loop though this, compare all the numbers to each other and find the highest value while keeping the array in order?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find Var Position In Array?

May 3, 2009

Is it possible to call a function to tell me if a var string is in my array. And if so, what position it is in?I pictured it to look something a little like this:

var pages:Array=['index','services','about','testimonials','contact'];
var pageName:String;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find Certain Values In A Array?

Aug 23, 2009

I want to push into someFonts ONLY fonts which start with certain letter(s) (if they are any)possible?

var systemFonts:Array = new Array();
var someFonts:Array = new Array();


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IDE :: Find Consecutive Array Elements?

Nov 6, 2009

What's the most effective way to find a number of consecutive elements in an array?

To keep this really basic, if I had something like:

var array:Array = [0,1,0,1,1,1,0];

What would be the best way to detect the three consecutive 1s?

I have been playing arround with array.some() but it ain't really working out

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Jun 7, 2011

I've made a *.swf file of the sprite sequences of 1000 images with (780 x 480) size. After that I embed this with another one class to show but every time it crushes during run time because of insufficient memory (assume that I have 2GB memory space). Which is the best way to implement such big sprite sequences in AS3 by avoiding the memory problem?

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lv2.onLoad = function(success){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Find Item In Multi-Array?

Apr 19, 2011

I'm trying to determine if an object exists in a multidimensional array.I found this code:

contains = function (input, arrayData) {
for (i=0; i < arrayData.length; i++) {


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Actionscript 3 :: Find The Matching Items Given In An Array?

Apr 7, 2012

i don't understand arrays in functions, but how do you find the matching items given in an array? for example:

var fruit:Array = ["apples", "oranges", "grapes", "oranges", "apples", "grapes"];

how can i get it to show only the number of apples in the array?

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As3 :: Flash - Find An Object's Index In An Array?

Feb 23, 2011

how do you find an object's index / position within an array in flash actionscript 3? I am trying to set a conditional up in a loop where, if an object's id is equal to the current_item variable, I can return its position within the array.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Find The ._x Of All Movie Clips In An Array?

May 22, 2010

in my program the user can create multible movie clips so i stored them in an array. now the problem is i need to find the ._x of all of them. so i have tried to create a for loop that will go through at a certain amount of times (pending on the number of created movie clips)


it doesn't work?

the array is storing the string of the movie clip
(like; _root.moive1, _root.mave2,etc)

but when i try to access it, it doesn't work? what am i doign wrong and/or what should i do?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Find Object/Item In Array?

Apr 19, 2011

I'm trying to determine if an object exists in a multidimensional array.I found this code:

contains = function (input, arrayData) {
for (i=0; i < arrayData.length; i++) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Find The Length Of An Associative Array?

Sep 14, 2004

How do you find the length of an Associative Array? The standard "arrayName.length" returns 0.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Find The Middle Letter Of The Array

Jan 22, 2007

If I have an array like: Code: var newArray:Array = ["a","r","r","a","y"]; how can I loop through it so that if I were to make a typer effect it would find the middle letter of the array, and then added the letters to the right then left of the middle letter one after another until the entire array is typed out?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Find Unique Items In Array

Aug 9, 2007

I'm working on a project where I have an array of coordinate points (4 of them) and a menu system that, when clicked, rearranges the boxes so that they all move around. The problem is that the values I pull out of the array are not always unique so some of the items end up not moving (or sometimes it ends up moving two to the same spot because the last one didn't move and one of them moved to a spot that is already occupied).

Here is the code I was using which for the most part works, except as mentioned, sometimes the check for the last one in the loop sees that the conditional is not equal so it doesn't do anything because there is no other values to loop through and it just leaves it in that spot.

private function checkCoordinates($item:MenuItem, $coords:Array):Void
var numItems:Number = $coords.length;


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