Actionscript 3 :: Flash Button Not Reacting At All?

May 14, 2010

I'm making a game in Flash for school. I have a few dialog boxes that work just fine! Now I need a bigger one with more buttons and with the same code, I can't even get a trace reaction...

My code:

On the button itself:


In the AS file:

public function clickMyButton(event:MouseEvent) {

Another question:

How can I close (remove from stage) a child dialog box (movie clip)

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Two Buttons Reacting To Each Other?

Jan 10, 2011

I've got a page where I'm using icons in the middle and a main navigation bar at the bottom. Both have the same links.I hoping to somehow link these two together. So that when you rollover say 'products' icon, the 'products' text in the navigation bar would highlight as well and so on...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movies (as Buttons) Reacting To Each Other?

Feb 20, 2009

Attached is my movie. It will have multiple buttons with rollover states. My question is...

I would like to press "button1", have the mc play (as it is doing). Then press "button 2", and have "button 1's" mc go in reverse OR play out as if it has left the stage. Not just suddenly vanish. There will be multiple buttons, not just the 2.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reacting To Events Efficiently?

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I have 9 movieclips in the stage. When I click a movieclip I load an image to it. The below code does this with one movieclip named o1. I feel stupid to just copypaste the code nine times for o1, o2, o3.. etc. What would be more efficient way of doing this?

import flash.display.MovieClip;


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Flex :: Mouse Move Listener Reacting Outside Of Application?

May 30, 2009

I'm getting an unusual behavior that I can't seem to get to the bottom of. When I run this, if I move in the swf area it traces normally on mouse move. To be expected.

But it's tracing for the move event when I click anywhere on screen. If I click and drag, it traces as if I were moving in the swf area of the browser.

Here's the code. I've simplified to it's barebones. Just put this in in an empty AS3 project in Flex called "Engine" - sans quotes obviously.

package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
[SWF(width='640', height='360', backgroundColor='#888888', frameRate='31')]


As a workaround I've add the MOUSE_MOVE one MOUSE_OVER and remove it on MOUSE_OUT. But the behavior still seems quite unusual and I'd be interest in understanding why it's I can keep the events constrained to the actual stage of the application?

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AS3 :: Flex - Project Mouse Move Listener Reacting Outside Of Application?

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I'm getting an unusual behavior that I can't seem to get to the bottom of. When I run this, if I move in the swf area it traces normally on mouse move. To be expected.But it's tracing for the move event when I click anywhere on screen. If I click and drag, it traces as if I were moving in the swf area of the browser.Here's the code. I've simplified to it's barebones. Just put this in in an empty AS3 project in Flex called "Engine" - sans quotes obviously.

package {
import flash.display.Sprite;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add A Paypal Buy Now Button / View Cart Button To Flash Movie?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FLASH 8 - Toggle Button/released State/pressed Button

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Flash :: Add Button-like Behavior To A Video Player Button Component?

Feb 23, 2011

I'm trying to create a simple "universal" media player which presents the same user interface (or as similar as possible) for video and audio playback. Unfortunately, FLVPlayback seems not to be able to handle audio files as far as I can tell, so I'm using a Sound and SoundChannel.

My video playback is handled using an FLVPlayback component which is "wired" to standard controls on-the-fly when needed. What I want to do is wire them to the Sound / SoundChannel when I'm playing a sound so that the same UI widgets work in both cases. I'd like to avoid building all my components from scratch because the FLVPlayback component does a lot of nice stuff "for free" but it's starting to look tricky.

The standard PlayPauseButton is a MovieClip with two layers, one containing the Play button (and with the instance name play_mc) and the containing the Pause button (pause_mc). Inside one of these is a movie with some code like this:

this.upLinkageID = "PauseButtonNormal";
this.overLinkageID = "PauseButtonOver";
this.downLinkageID = "PauseButtonDown";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Button Scripting For Xml Loaded Swf - Call A Button?

Feb 10, 2011

how to call a button. I have a main file ("AS3Build.fla"), which imports an xml file, and imports different swfs depending on which node in the xml is being referenced. One of the swfs("slide_01_03.swf") I'm importing has a button("btn_01_01") that I'm having trouble accessing. First of should the script for the button be in the swf that holds the button, or the main file that will be importing the swf? I've got it in the swf currently with a trace file to see if it's recognizing the click. So far not luck. So I'm starting to think it should be in the main fla, and be referenced something like: this.loader.addEventListener.btn_01_01. This doesn't seem to work either though.

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Flash :: CS4 Button Navigation - Direct The Button To Different Frames?

Nov 4, 2010

I'm using flash for the first time to create my graphic design portfolio and I'm having trouble keeping the file size small, and can reduce it by (hopefully) doing the following:

My resume has a lot of classic tweens with alpha channels (to create fadein/fadeout effects) and as of right now, I need to create a separate layer of fadein, fadeout for each transition. IE: My resume to portfolio page needs one 20-frame transition, my portfolio page to resume needs a 20-frame transition, my 2nd page of my portfolio page to my biography needs a 20-frame transition, etc. It's getting out of hand.

I could easily remedy this by using a lot of separate fadeins fadeouts and then coding buttons to navigate from, say, frames 120-130 (resume fadeout) then go to frame 160-170 (biography fadein), then navigate to a static page. I'm not sure if this is possible, as my buttons would have to change functions each frame.

Another possible way is that currently for each button I have different layers in order to direct the button to different frames, and have placing hem in the same spot. I'm wondering if there's any way to have buttons go to separate frames on different frames, if you get what I mean (on frame 120 it'll go to 130, on frame 150 it'll go to 160 but still be the same button". Right now each button is coded with on release gotoandplay <frame>.

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Actionscript 3 :: Hide A Button After Clicking Another Button In Flash?

May 18, 2011

I am using actionscript 3 to make a point and click game. On frame 1 there are two buttons, button 1 and 2. On frame 3 there are two buttons, button A and B. I want it so that after I click button 1 on frame 1, button A on frame 3 will be hidden or when I click button 2 on frame 1, button B on frame 3 will be hidden. The buttons that are hidden do not do anything when you click them.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Button Inside A Button

May 12, 2010

I have a button containing 2 child buttons. I want to be able to keep the mouse over state active, when I rollover a child button. At present it fires mouse out when i rollover a child button, I suspect this is correct, but not what I want to happen.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Html Button To Flash Button?

Oct 1, 2009

i have this button in html page "start.html" code :

<form method="post">
<input type="submit" value="enter">

contain normal html button , when i press the button i well redirected to the erea beyond that page

i creat flash button in sthe ame page , just need the action script code to make this button have the same function of the normal button

its mean the variable transfer from the html to swf and the revers , or if you have another simple solution

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Nav Button States - Button To Stay In It's Active State Until Another Button Is Clicked

Dec 17, 2004

I have a menu with five nav buttons (atcually MovieClips). Each has three frame labels: "on", "stay", and "off". The rollover and rollout animations play flawlessly, but I'm at a loss as to how to give each button a sticky "active" state. I'd like the button to stay in it's active state until another button is clicked, then I would like it to play it's "off" animation. Each MC has this code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Take A Static Text Field, Convert It Into A Button, And Use It As A Button,but Button Not Working ?

Mar 7, 2010

I want to take a static text field, convert it into a button, and use it as a button. I need it static, because I changed orientation, and I do not know how to do that otherwise. The problem is, even though I converted it to a Button symbol, it does not work when I test the movie. It works fine with "Enable simple buttons", but when I test it, the button is not there, no change in mouse cursor, no reaction at all.So this is what I did:

Made text. // static, not selectable, Orientation: vertical left to right, / //rotated; Two filters: Drop Shadow and Glow;

Converted text field to Button - Symbol (scrollBT)

Editing the Button,I put the same content (the static text field) in all four frames: No luck, not working. without the Hit frame filled (which I think doesn't really make a difference): No luck, not working.Tried again, converting the static text field in the button into a Graphic Symbol: No luck, not working.Tried again, and put some differences in the frames for "ON" and "OVER" etc.: No luck, not working.Tried again, duplicating a similar, working button, edited it, and: No luck, not working.

To the button itself and the AS: The button will be a scroll-button for a text field, with different scroll speeds on rollover and press, but nothing else. The code for that I have (I think). It's something like (and please excuse my incorrect syntax here, but I'm typing from memory; still, I use the Script-Assistant and my syntax is apparently correct; it's also working with other buttons):

on {rollOver} {
function (scroll) {
textfieldtxt.scroll - = 1;}[code]....

I'm at the end of my wits. The only difference I can tell from other (working) buttons I did the same way, is that the scrollBt does not do anything except scrolling, while all of the others have frame actions (gotoAndplay etc.) associated with them.

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As3 :: Deselect All Radio Button In Radio ButtonGroup On Button Click In Flash?

May 11, 2011

how to deselect all Radio Button in Radio Button Group on button click in flash as3?

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Flash :: Change The Text Of A Button Instance Without Affect The Other Button Text?

Feb 20, 2012

How can I change the text of a button instance without affect the other button text? I belive an AS aproach would solve it but I don't know how to do it.

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Php ::HTML Form -> Flash Submit Button -> Set A PHP Variable In Flash Button -> Submit Form?

May 8, 2010

I have an HTML form that I want to upload to MySQL with PHP. That part's easy, but the thing is I want the submit button to be a Flash object. Somehow I need the Flash button to submit the form, but I think I can figure that out. The tricky part is that I need it to set another PHP variable before submitting the form. The variable will be determined by a bunch of stuff, but I can code that in actionscript later. I just need to figure out how to pass the variable back to the webpage. A $_POST variable would probably be fine.

edit: What if the flash object returned some javascript and set a variable that way? making it submit the form as well while still catching a variable?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Back Button In Flash Like A Browser Back Button?

Oct 30, 2006

basically this code will work like a browser back button its very simple but "could end up very long" basically it will act "similiar to the browser back button"


on (release) {
if(page1 = _currentframe){
} else if (page0 = _currentframe){


it works when the (page1 = _currentframe){ is rotated with the first if statement...because for somereason it seems to not recognise the "else if's"

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Flash 9 :: Button Within A Button?

Oct 12, 2008

I have a bar in a flash file that I want to change colour when a user hovers over it - so, it will be a 'button' symbol (correct?) - and on this same bar, I need to place two additional button symbols that appear when the bar is in it's 'over' state - they will both be text, and in their respective over states, the text will become bold (to show that they're highlighted). So, they both need to be 'buttons' as well (I believe)...When I do this and export however, whenever I hover over the bar, it goes to its over state fine, but when I try highlight either of the text buttons that I've placed inside that bar, the whole bar flickers like mad, and the links don't work

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Create A Button In Flash That When Clicked The Flash Interface Extends To Fit Fullbrowser

Jan 29, 2010

it possible to create a button in flash that when clicked the flash interface extends to fit fullbrowser?

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Flash:: Button (Creating A Menu Page With Flash Buttons To Open SWF Files)?

May 17, 2011

Good day to everyone. I'm here today to seek help about Flash CS4 and ActionScript 3.0. The story starts when one day, my boss asked me to make a flash presentation about their upcoming user training for a newly developed software. I was enthusiastic and excited about it because it's been a long time that I did not use Flash (note that I don't have any experience in ActionScript 3.0). At first, everything was a bit rough as I need to recall how to properly use the frames to create a successful animation. As I was about to finish the project, my boss approached me again and asked if I could insert a menu page in front so that the users won't have to replay the whole thing again just to look for a little something on that part of the movie. So yea, at first I was abit hesitant to accept. I said that it will work with Powerpoint. But she's a total pusher and I was forced to say yes. Now I'm having this problem about how to make a flash button load a swf movie.I've tried searching all over the net for tutorials but most of the times the "getUrl" and other stuff are said to be outdated.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash Link(button) - Get A Adobe Flash Popup Error/msg?

Sep 6, 2011

when i run a swf file from HTML/Outside(i mean to say from folder) and click on the button (button calling xml file which has link in it), i get a adobe flash popup error/msg. As shown codes are as follows

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Vs Powerpoint - Move To Next Ppt Slide If Click A Button In Flash

Oct 6, 2010

We are creating custom flash animation and import it into powerpoint using articulate, I want to move to next ppt slide if I click a button in flash

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Flash Based Popup Window When A Button Is Pressed Within The Flash Movie

Oct 28, 2009

I'm looking to create a flash based popup window when a button is pressed within the flash movie. Not a javascript based html window or html browser window, but a window that is in the flash movie that is entirely flash based. I looked all over the internet and can't seem to find anything on this, and can't find anything on this board either. I am new to flash and actionscripting in general. I would also like to use the Tweener external class, or the flash tween class would work too.

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Close The Flash Player Window From A Button In The Flash Movie?

Feb 19, 2007

is there a code to close the flash player window from a button in the flash movie? i want to run a movie full screen then have a button in the flash movie close the window when the people are done viewing it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking Flash Button To Flash Page?

Nov 21, 2011

I created a flash page which I'm having problems linking the buttons.I have 3 pages in scene 1("home page frame2", "music page frame3", "contact page frame4"), which all are set to movie symbols. I set buttons inside the home page and want one of the buttons inside the page to link to my music page (frame3) in scene 1

actionscript code "on (release){

and all it does is reload the home page as if it can't find it's way out of the home page back to scene1. I realize I created buttons inside the home page and not in the main scene1.

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Flex :: Use Flash Pro Button In Flash Builder?

Mar 4, 2012

I just create a button in Flash Pro and I want to use that button in Flash Builder? How to add the Flash Pro's button into that FB's View?

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