Actionscript 3 :: Loaders Silently Fail On Error Prone Connections?

Jul 30, 2010

Our Flash app has to load 50 or so files from a remote destination. Under normal network conditions, this is no problem. However some of our users started to report that the application "stopped working" during the loading phase. After some tests where we decreased the network quality to a point where 1 out of 3 packets were dropped in bursts, we managed to reproduce the error reports. Looking at firebug, it appears as if a few of the files (1 to 3 out of the 50) begin loading but never complete. No errors are raised in ActionScript and there is no apparent pattern in which files fail to complete.

Has anybody run into situation before and found a cause and or fix to deal with these situations ?It's not too hard to write something that manually verifies if loaders stop loading and restart the loading process, but I was wondering if we're simply not listening to the right error events (right now we listen to progress, complete, and IOErrors) or if there are other solutions ?

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Oct 19, 2011

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I tested with Firefox and Chrome, I load 4 images 2.5M, 2M, 1M, and 6K, then I just get 2 or 3 COMPLETE events, sometimes the 4 are fired with Chrome. Did not find any workaround. I tried to listen ProgressEvent and call the completeHandler when bytesLoaded == bytesTotal but the loaderInfo.content is null (and bytesAvailable =0) so I can't get the Bitmap.
1) Is there a known limitation in the number of simultaneous loaders, from flash player or browsers ? Does Adobe recommend to have queued loaders instead of simultaneous ?

2) Is there a way to get the loaded Bitmap when COMPLETE is not fired ?

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- I don't want to use iframe outside of the flash like getURL("http://myurl","htmlframe");

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I just want the url loads silently in the flash.

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< cross-domain-policy >
< allow-access-from domain="*" secure="false" / >
< /cross-domain-policy >

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Media Server :: Phantom Connections In Console?

Jun 29, 2010

The attached image shows 17 client connections.  Unfortunately there are not 17 clients connected to that app.  In fact, I add users to a userlist shared object in application.onConnect(), and that shared object only reports 6 connections.  That is the accurate number of connected users.
Why the phantom connections?  Even if I unload and reload the app, the 17 client connections return.
How can my userlist shared object and the client connection number be out of sync? This situation seems to be related in some way to an FMS memory problem that is cropping up all of a sudden.  When I have larger numbers of connected clients - say 300, the client connections reported in the FMS console are ten times that - like 3,000 or more.  Then the application is unloaded by FMS for being a memory hog.
The app itself is simple.  It just stores each user in a user array and passes chat communication to and from these users.  The last time this main.asc code was changed was 2/8/2010.  No problems with it in the countless times we've used it since then.  Why the sudden phantom FMS connections, memory hog behavior, and constant unloading of the app?

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Jun 20, 2011

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Media Server :: FMS Connections Doesnt Disconnect

Aug 14, 2011

URL...I am running application instance that implements publisher/subscriber on video streams. Application code is very thin and can be removed completetly if required. In a specific time, randomly, disconnect messages stopped happening which causes the folowing:

1. Streaming service shows decrease of bw per second

2. Users count is increasing linearly.

3. No disconnect messages apears on access.0x.log

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Media Server :: Sudden Drop In Connections?

Sep 7, 2011

I have FMS 4 and a videochat app (one-to-one), everything runs smoothly until about 750 users (it means about 1500 connections to fms), then I get a sudden drop in users connected to 300-400, no errors in the fms log and the cpu/memory usage is at about 25% just before this. I'm running Windows 2008 R2 Web (x64) and I've red somewhere that maybe this version of windows has some connection limit that could be the cause, but I've no idea of what could be happening.

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Media Server :: Set The Maximum Number Of Connections Of FMS On The Same IP?

Apr 10, 2012

How to set the maximum number of connections of FMS on the same IP?

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Flex :: Play MP3's From Socket Connections In Flash AS3?

Mar 7, 2010

How to play mp3's from socket connections in Flash AS3?

I have some simple programm which is listening to some port (TCP).

I connect to it using as3 sockets and it starts sending me mp3 data

How to play that data?

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Create UDP And TCP Connections In A Browser-based Game?

Nov 13, 2010

I'm working on a game and want the freedom to choose between UDP and TCP connections in the future when I decide to add multiplayer. I'm not sure how something like this would work in the browser with security.

There are two scenarios I can think of for multiplayer. The first is that a player becomes the host of the game (in the browser) and thus would need to communicate with other players directly via TCP or UDP. This would save me on bandwidth costs.

The second scenario would be to have the web server host the game and pass messages back and forth to the clients again via TCP or UDP.

Do Flash or Java applets let me do something like this? If not is there an alternative I can use for the browser or am I stuck with moving to providing a game download and installation?

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Aug 23, 2011

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Sep 26, 2011

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Description Resource Path Location Type
1172: Definition could not be found.
EyeVision1.mxml /EyeVision1/src line 28 Flex Problem

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reason To Set Max Simultaneous Loader Connections?

Jun 26, 2010

I'm learning on how to make que loader system. I'm loading in 30 images at once when the swf loads onto stage that contains moderate tween animations. I was wondering would I get better performance if I only allowed to load 5 images at once then next set 5 ect ect. rather than to load 30 images at once? I can't tell because my computer is very good so I can't hardly tell. Is this common practice?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load A URL "silently"?

Jun 7, 2011

I said that it doesn't works cause I forgot to start apache, but it works so fine!

ps. I can't fine a buttom to close the topic, but my problem is solved! If is necessary to close the topic.

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