Actionscript 3 :: Loading Images In Flex Cause Memory To Go Way Up?

Jun 29, 2009

Loading images into Flex (size < 100kb) causes IE7 memory increase by a megabyte per image. What's going on here? Here is the code I have -- this for each image:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Images Takes Up Too Much Memory?

Jul 1, 2009

I am working on an application, using Flash CS3 + AIR, that involves some heavy content loading. I need to fetch some 140 gif files each around 400x400 in resolution and 50KB in size and display them in a TileList. The code that I am using is pretty standard stuff, (excerpts from the cellrenderer of my TileList):


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Loading External Images Causes Memory Leak?

Aug 8, 2011

I have been working on an Actionscript 2.0 project that basically loads external images.Everytime i load and unload a new image, memory increases to 1 or 2 MBsIf all the images are in cache, then it increased to 4 or 8 KBsIn the unloading of images, I have removed loader and the container of the image.

////////////btn_load.onRelease = function(){ loadImage();}btn_unLoad.onRelease = function(){ unLoadImage();}var mcListener:Object = new Object();var container1:MovieClip;var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader;var loader_reference = this;var n=0;function loadImage(){ var image_arr = ["",""," [code]...

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Actionscript 3 :: How To Reduce Memory Usages While Loading Sprite Sequences Of Images

Jun 7, 2011

I've made a *.swf file of the sprite sequences of 1000 images with (780 x 480) size. After that I embed this with another one class to show but every time it crushes during run time because of insufficient memory (assume that I have 2GB memory space). Which is the best way to implement such big sprite sequences in AS3 by avoiding the memory problem?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Dynamically Loading Images Does Not Allow Images' Id

Oct 20, 2009

I need to load dynamically a few images (4-6) so that by clicking on particular image user would invoke particular action. Embedding images solves the problem but at the expense of file size. If I load them dynamically, they lose their ID.

<comps:ExercisesScroller id="scroller" x="300" y="100"

and so forth this works. But instantiated in CDATA it does not work:

import components.ExercisesSCroller;
private var custScroller:ExercisesScroller;
private function init():void {


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Flex :: Extract A Zip File From A Zip Archive Without Loading The Whole File Into Memory

Mar 10, 2011

Is there a way to extract a single file from a zip file in Adobe AIR?

I'm using NoChumps zip library to extract files from a zip. In this library the entire IDataStream is loaded into memory and after that you can extract file entries easily. In cases where the zip is 5 to 10MB there are no problems. But when the zip is 80MB, which many are, 80MB is loaded into memory. This causes the app to crash and run slow on mobile devices. According to the zip specification,

"A ZIP file is identified by the presence of a central directory located at the end of the file, this allows appending of new files. The directory stores a list of the names of the entries (files or directories) stored in the ZIP file, along with other metadata about the entry, and an offset into the ZIP file, pointing to the actual entry data."

Also, I do not have control of the size of zip files but most average is 60 to 100MB. Files inside are ~4MB.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unloading Images From Memory?

Jan 31, 2011

I want to make this VERY SIMPLE image gallery, and i'm just using this code:

var i =new Loader();
i.load(new URLRequest("imagens/1.jpg"));

I change images just with a button that tells to go to a different keyframe with a new code, like this:

i.load(new URLRequest("imagens/2.jpg"));
i.load(new URLRequest("imagens/3.jpg"));

The problem is... when I check the Task Manager the memory usage of the Flash player keeps going up and up without reducing everytime I click the "Next image" or "Previous Image" buttons. Even when loading the same image.I tryed many things to "unload" the image from the memory but none of them worked...

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Flex :: Flash - Total Memory Usage And TaskManager Memory Usage Are Different?

Aug 24, 2010

I wrote an application in flash AS3, and when I trace from flash the total memory usage of the total application is only about 9MB, But at the same time Task Manager Shows the memory usage as 110MB. Around 100MB difference.Flash Trace Method System.totalMemory difference of the Trace from the Beginning of the application to end of the application.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Handling External Images In Memory

Nov 7, 2006

I'm using the Flash 9 AS3 Public Alpha IDE. I'm loading a suite of 256 external png images using the Loader class. There are multiple "suites" of these images, but once the .swf starts and a couple of settings are loaded, only one of the suites actually needs to be loaded for that session. Only a small handful of these images are displayed at a time, but this handful changed rapidly. Images are quickly loaded, animated, unloaded, etc. Currently I'm using the Loader class to load the images whenever I need them and then I remove them from memory when I'm done. Because they are used so often, and without much forewarning before they become needed, this solution is no longer effective.

If I place all of these images in the Library and setup their linkage properties individually, everything works fast and efficient loading them with getDefinitionByName, but this is not practical to have to recompile my .swf file everytime the images change (not to mention setting up the linkage for 256 images is very tedious). The other complication is that multiple classes that are not directly connected with each other need access to these images, which means the images need to have some sort of global access (like they with getDefinitionByName). most effecient way to load all 256 images into memory and then give them global access to be *quickly* reproduced, duplicated, multiplied and animated by any class?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Images From Memory In A Loop

Aug 14, 2009

I've made a script which loads in, at intervals, images in a sequence (image1.jpg, image2.jpg ). However I've being doing my nut as to how to remove the preceeding image from memory as looking a the Windows Task Manager, each image gets added again and again, accumulating memory usage. I've tried removeChild, and null; stuff, but to no avail.I want it to go through the 10 images, and with each step to the next image, remove the last one from memory.[code]

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Flex :: Custom Preloader Images Loading?

Jun 22, 2009

I am writing a custom flex preloader which extends the IPreloaderDisplay class. How can I load the images from web in my custom preloader?

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Flex :: Monitoring Progress Of Loading Images?

Dec 23, 2009

I am attempting to monitor the progress of an image scroller I've built and all of the images (thumbs) load separately. What would be the best way of figuring out what the total progress of the images that are loading? I was thinking it would be cool to use a generic loader and apply it to a function such as

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Flex :: Loading External Images From Another Domain?

Jan 19, 2010

Is it possible to load an image(jpg, png, gif) from another domain and manipulate the pixels? I guess when the image is downloaded/copied it is in my domain.

Using the Loader and add the content to an Image component I get an error in my debugger. I guess there are some cross domain polices at work here.

But I need to be more sure how this works before moving on. I guess, if it is not possible to load the image directly I could create a local proxy.

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Flex :: Loading A Large Number Of Images?

Aug 31, 2010

I have this code which works fine when selecting a small number of images.

public var fileReferenceList:FileReferenceList;
public function browseFiles(event:Event = null):void


However, when selecting a large number of images (1000+), the fileList isn't initialized yet when the SELECT event is dispatched. Is there a way to wait for the fileList to be initialized?

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Flash - Memory Leak When Loading SWF?

Jun 13, 2011

I have a loader SWF that runs some code in the background and loads other SWFs. Using this code:

private function loadScreensaver():void {
screensaverSWF = new Loader();
var req:URLRequest;


I load the screensaver and add it to the stage. Using MonsterDebugger I can see that memory steadily rises from around 80mb upwards until the application exits (Im using windows projector). What I can't work out is why, there is no code attached to the screensaver SWF, just some timeline animations of things fading in and out.

EDIT:I've kept testing and found where I have an image that starts of stage then tweens on and off and is removed. When it loops it adds to memory again, as if the first image is still kept. This is all done on the timeline.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Checking Memory When Loading Big Image

Jul 8, 2010

I wrote the following code to check memory when loading a big image (~20Mb). Every time I do mouse click, the application eats up memory, so something doesn't get deleted or cleaned with GC but I can't figure out what exactly.
PHP Code:
package {
import flash.display.Loader;
public class imageLoader {
var fname:String
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External Movies And Memory Leak?

Aug 20, 2009

I have an interface that needs to load in external activity pages - there's quite a few of these. I've been trying to create an external class to take care of movie loads, but it has a bad memory leak. I've been reading about using unload() and unloadAndStop() but haven't gotten these to work (there are no noticeable differences in system memory usage or performance). Everything grinds to a halt once I've used up about 13+ Mb of memory.

The document class has lots of code (of course) so I'm just showing the code that relates here:

package {
public class Interface extends MovieClip {
static public var _ui:MovieClip;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Memory Leaks When Loading In External Swfs

Dec 8, 2009

I have a problem in that i have a holder swf which loads in other swf's externally. My problem is that the holder loads all the movies in correctly but the memory usage of the swf just keeps going up and up even though i am trying to remove the movieclip after each has finished it's run.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Memory Usage When Loading External Movies?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a flash application running on some local machines. There are 3 movies the flash loads and plays. Each time a movie is played, it makes the amount of RAM the swf is using increase. This is being ran in a museum and users step through the 3 movies over and over and over, causing the swf to use gigabytes of RAM and eventually locking up the flash player.

Here's where I create the movie playback component.

ActionScript Code:
var flvPlayer:FLVPlayback = new FLVPlayback();

The 3 movies are on 3 different frames in the timeline, for each frame I have this code that loads each movie.

ActionScript Code:
flvPlayer.source = "resources/LADEE_overview.f4v";;
flvPlayer.addEventListener(MetadataEvent.CUE_POINT, cuepointfound);

I use the cuepoints to display some text on screen. I also call a function that does flvPlayer.stop(); each time the user navigates away from a movie frame. So is the RAM usage growing because of the flvPlayer.source = "whatever" being triggered each time the movie is called up?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Memory Leaks In Loading / Unloading Pictures

Nov 15, 2011

I load image from url like this
imageholder = this.attachMovie("imageholder", "image", this.getNextHighestDepth());
loader.loadClip(uri, imageholder.bigImage_mc);
this== root, imageholder is MC that contains empty MC named bigImage_mc, selectMenu needs to be in front of loaded image (2nd line) and loader is MovieClipLoader()

Image is unloaded and removed like this
but when I unload image it doesn't free any memory, and when i load new image it increase memory usage...

I even tried
after removeMovieClip(); as I found this on some website... but with no improvement

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Js Classes Into The Container Browser Memory?

Jul 9, 2008

I have a flv player that seems to only work in IE and not FF?? The player works fine in the flash authoring environment. Since it does work in a browser, that eliminates its being a sandbox problem.

Does anyone know if flash loading js classes into the container browser memory?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Memory Keeps Growing From Loading Unloading A Simple Swf?

Feb 5, 2011

My Problem: I simply want to load a swf in a swf and then unload it. When I do this it works and cleans out "some" memory but after I unload the swf the memory usage grows a little each time. Shouldn't I be able to have this so the memory hits a limit and doesn't keep growing forever?

What I tried: I put in System.gc() for debugging to force garbage clean up, and I am testing it in the debugger in the browser.There are 2 static images in the swf that is loaded and unloaded. I feel like those images are staying in memory maybe? I am assuming that the "unloadAndStop()" should handle that though.I put an enterframe listener which I remove along with the unload button.

My Code: The code is below, my files are larger than the upload limit here, but you can download all the files from this link: http:[url]....

Main swf to load into:

var _swfLoader:Loader;
var _swfContent:MovieClip;[code]............

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading / Unloading External SWF - Prevent Memory Leaks

Sep 19, 2011

Im creating a flash projector which has a holder swf with an empty movieclip. A series of external SWFs are loaded into the empty movieclip on the push of a button. Once the clip has been loaded, other external SWFs can be replaced in the empty movieclip at the push of a button. As memory leaks and garbage collection seem to be an issue, I was wondering the most memory efficient way of loading, unloading and replacing these external swfs so that memory leaks are kept to an absolute minimum.

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C# :: Loading A Flash Movie From A Memory Stream Or Byte Array

Dec 9, 2009

I want to load an SWF object from a Memory Stream or a byte array instead of a file on disk.AxShockwaveFlash class provides methods and properties to load an SWF providing its path to disk as a string but I haven't seen another way of doing it. There is an InlineData property but generally the class is undocumented and I don't know what this property does. Can it be done at all?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: YAY Action - Loading Images With XML Loader Resizes And Displays Images When Users Click On Nav

Dec 9, 2005

Explaination: MX 04' Pro Thumbnail Nav. loading images with XML Loader resizes and displays images when users click on Nav. reading XML Problem: Users click Thumbnail Nav. first image gets loaded and loader resizes to image. However the next choice by user on thumbnail click, the second image doesnt get resized in the loader. It goes beyond holder. Here is my code for Thumbnail and Loader:


Now the first image loads fine and the loader sizes to file from XML. However, when users click second choice from Thumbail the loader doesnt resize to new image size. It only gets resized on the first selction or if users click the next or prev. buttons then the images fade correctly but nothing fades back in. Now if they do hit next or prev and then hit a thumbnail option it loads and resizes.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple Images - Make Sure The Program Will Start Once All Images Have Dispatched A Complete Event?

Jan 26, 2009

im loading multiple images but how do I make sure the program will start once all images have dispatched a complete event. like make a universal loader for all the other "small loaders" if you understand.

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Actionscript 3 :: Greensock LoaderMax Memory - Clean The Memory Which Been Occupied By The Previous Queue

Jan 31, 2012

I have a bit trouble with LoaderMax memory occupy, i have a queue, and i am keep loading images depend on user's action. if they click load more and it keep load, but i would like to clean the memory which been occupied by the previous queue (i have remove all the children been added by the loading previously). is there a way i can do it? the behavior like this.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Memory Monitor That Allows To See The Memory Leaked And Find Its Location?

Sep 26, 2010

I have an FPS monitor running and notice that I am getting choppiness here and there, bringing my game from 40 to 27 fps and back and forth at certain stages. I have an idea of where it is happening, but do not know for sure. I looked up quite a few memory monitors but haven't found anything decent yet. Is there a memory monitor that allows you to see the memory leaked and find its location? If not, how about just he memory leaked?

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Flex :: Removing Flex DisplayObjects From View AND Memory Pool

Feb 15, 2011

There is a Flex app with 7 main views. And there is a memory issue when navigating between views.All these views were in a ViewStack, but due to some involving 3D objects I assumed it was too much to have it all in the display list. I'm now clearing all children from the stack and adding/removing them when needed. This gave a small performance increase, but still becomes unresponsive with use. The strange thing is, with this and the original method, the CPU climbs with use but eventually levels out somewhere. Now I'm creating new instances of each screen when they are navigated to and setting the previous variable to null. Now it looks like CPU is spiking when the view is created, but leveling out to something much much lower than it was. This felt like progress, but now the available memory keeps climbing where it wasn't before....

My understanding was calling remove child or remove all children would mark the object for deletion when the garbage collector next ran. I can't see any other references to the instance. My code is along the lines of [code]I have a function for each button to add a new instance like the above.The only thing I can see and feel silly asking but need confirmation, is each view extends a class called "Screen", this class contains a singleton reference to some core components.[code]Would this trick the garbage collector into thinking it was still needed? General advice on clearing Objects from the memory pool would awesome!!! I've never needed to analyze the Flash Player in such depth.I think it's an error with sound drivers, removing all sound and shes purring like a kitten. Works on my machine fine with windows XP, but not on the touch pad the application is crashing on with windows 7 (unsure of the drivers looking into them now) Now I'm thinking its not the drivers, tried 3 different versions, all with no improvement. I did discover the sound was fading in and out with the TweenLite lib. Doesn't look like there are any memory leaks in TweenLite as it works fine on other machines. Just the use of volumeEasingFunction seems to consume increasing amounts of CPU until it freaks out. It is crappy hardware running windows 7, which doesn't help.

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Flex - Can't Find Huge Memory Leak In A Flex 4.6 Web Application?

Mar 16, 2012

I have a Flex 4.6 web game which displays 2 Lists with virtual layouts with 2 custom item renderers. The renderers consist mainly of BitmapImages displaying user avatars + few Labels.

The Lists are being updated often over TCP socket with gzipped JSON data. I merge that data into 2 ArrayCollections serving as dataProviders for the Lists. This seems to work well, the Lists do not flicker and are updated correctly (I've monitored debug traces a lot to get it right).


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