Actionscript 3 :: Mathematical Error In Physics Restitution Formula

Aug 14, 2011

I admit it. I'm a mathematical imbecile. should I be attempting this at home? Probably not without serious injury. Anyway. Anyone that has a bit of experience in games and physics who can review this code and provide insight into why there is a built in "loss" in velocity in prototype would be hugely admired.

the concept: the actor falls from the sky, at some point intersects a boundary (trampoline.y) after which gravity (in this example a value of 1.6) stops operating and a restitution factor (in this case a value of -6) takes over.

right now I'm trying to create a zero-sum situation where you have the same velocity coming out of the trampoline "bounce" (hero.y >= trampoline.y) as you did going in. That's just not the case as the traces reveal.


For now I'm hoping to have a solution where the velocity on the tic after the character leaves contact with the trampoline is the same (but negative) of the velocity just prior to going in. Heck I've even tried storing and retrieving the entry position and velocity, but that just looks like a hiccup.

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var loan_amount = (apr + (apr / (Math.pow(trm, (1 + apr)) -1 ))) * loan;

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Collision Detection And Bounce Physics?

Jun 15, 2011

I need help with one of my Flash projects,I'm trying to use gskinners shape based collision detection, but for some reason I cant get it to work, but im pretty new to using classes, so I dont understand the structure too much. Can i get a tutorial on how to use the gskinner class? im using the as2 version.heres the code, bare with me, there's a lot here. in all codes, mc1 is the track outline MC, and mc2 is the car

basicly im making a 2D top down version of WipEout HD Fury, so file structure is something like this (the .fla is called wipeout as3 because i was initialy coding in as3 and never changed the filename).wipeout as3.fla (the flash file containing all the MCs and animations, but only enough coding to import all of the external code files, as well as the VCam and its script)
the code is;

Code: Select all #include"

the is used to determine the Car's control scheme, and refers to a physics code called i found it on the interwebs, all credit to matt carpenter;

Code: Select all// Race control

// Create key listener[code]........

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how to convert it to 0 and also if the number wsa 9, convert it to 1, and if it was 8 it gets converted to 2.. and so on.. where if it was 0 it would then be 10 Is there a formula? The 0 to 10, and 10 to 0 may not be possible but that's ok.

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